Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

27 days sober today :smiley: lacking in energy again! Seems to be up and down. Spa on sunday so looking forward to that!


Thank you! :grin:

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Day 138.

From the book Iā€™m currently readingā€¦

Its a good day. That is all :rofl::heart::pray:


Dally check in been out all day food shopping getting things out of doing ok other then a headache still sober/clean :+1:


Congratulations on 300 days @Charlie_C! Congratulations on half a year @LeeHawk! You all are awesome. Keep it up!

@C_8 yikes sounds painful :dizzy_face: I hope the procedure goes/went well!


So sorry to hear whatā€™s happened to you. Iā€™m 52kg and Iā€™ve been called names for being skinning my whole life. Such as not a ā€˜realā€™ woman which pained the most. I just saw them as jealous! I always try and gain some weight coz when Iā€™m sick I lose it sooo easily. When I was pregnant I lost 7kg. I also got teased for being flat chested and it gave me a complex and I nearly got implants to compensate but decided to accept them instead and buy a padded bra haha
I know none of this compares to whatā€™s happened to you.
One thing my therapist asks me when Iā€™m down on somethingā€¦isā€¦what would you say to your daughter (as Iā€™m female)? What would be the best thing for her in this situation? Immediately I know the answer.

I wonder what could happen if you changed your pattern from reacting with hurt and pain to seeing the reality of the situation such as a bunch of intimidated men with low self worth, little compassion and minimal understanding. I wonder if you asked them to help you lose the weight or shared your story with them?
Just thoughts. I hope this is not imposing on you. You sharing your story reminds me to be compassionate and loving of others instead of judging and dehumanising. Thank you :pray:


Just coasting along on day 57


Saturday here and first day of no lockdown. Heading to the beach for a bike ride, swim and a fish. Happy days!
Aiming for my 12th sober days straight!

Have a great day everyone.


Congratulations! Wonderful achievement!

Realizing that I have always associated beer with the good time. Out tonight with my partner and realized itā€™s not the drinking that makes it fun, itā€™s just bring with my partner. Talking, walking eating hangin out.

Simple realization but big one. Having fun is whatā€™s fun, the booze only takes away. palmface


Day 413
Oh man my friend is struggling so bad. She had a drunk break down today. Her mom is flying here tomorrow and is taking her to rehab. She tried to drive drunk to the liquor but I had hid her keys. I took her to my mother in lawā€™s pool instead.
I feel guilty like I should have said something sooner. I donā€™t fucking know. Gonna hit a meeting tonight though. :+1:
At the same time my daughters dad was feigning for weed so bad. He disappeared to go buy weed. Addiction is nuts.

Glad to be sober.


Stop feeling guilty. Youā€™re not responsible for anyone elseā€™s addiction but your own. I know itā€™s easier said than done when it comes to those we love. Look at the positiveā€¦ sheā€™s alive and getting help. Youā€™re an awesome role model for her and all those seeds you planted will now have a chance to flourish. Sending you a big hug and hoping your meeting helps (share about it). :heart::hugs:


Day 11 and Friday night. Work was okay, and I got up and worked out in the morning, so Iā€™m proud of that. Iā€™m also proud that I came home and made a healthy meal, Iā€™ve been eating like crap all week and I can feel it. Gonna go to bed early, my kid has early soccer games all weekend, so such a great reason to stay sober and wake up clear headed. :heart:


Day 396
In a ā€˜last supperā€™ thinking trap - so today I will binge, be lazy, etc, and tomorrow will be a fresh start. How many times did I do this when drinking? And in my head I know that the way we live TODAY is how we live our life. But it is not translating into action. Of course, I am grateful to be sober, and having kids means there is a minimum of things I have to do, which I am doing.


Checking in Day 40 Alcohol Free / Day 286 Cannabis Free

Watching a movie with a seltz in hand on a Friday night. For those following my relationship drama, weā€™re doing ok at the moment. Iā€™m not ready to throw in the towel yetā€¦there are some glimpses of light through the difficult conversations. Iā€™m going to keep trying. Thanks for the support on here as I think we all know that these are the things in life that really test our sobriety. But Iā€™m here, not drinking :blush:


408 Days Sober
ED is getting nowhere. I canā€™t go more than 1-2 days before my eating falls back to its patterns of fasting/binging but worse lately and I am hyper aware of it now while itā€™s happening.

Iā€™ve been feeling pretty numb this past week. Trying to have conversations I donā€™t have the words or the want to participate and have blown off responding to messages from friends. Iā€™ve done a lot of anxious cleaning while avoiding all other things and leaving my phone lost in a corner until late evening.

It kind of feels like something in my brain is broken or maybe just a loose wireā€¦.


Well today is my 2nd sober day going on 3rd day in a hour. Iā€™ve had a bit of a stressful day. Yet not a bad one. Today would be a normal day where Iā€™d grab a bottle of wine after work to enjoy at home. Not tonight. This time around I am committing to myself Iā€™m tired of drinking and starting over. I miss quality sleep, I miss waking up refreshed and motivated. My goal is to deal with my reality , my thoughts and triggers. Without feeling the need to surpress them with alcohol. So tonight Iā€™m relaxing itā€™s time for a new normal.


Checking in sober and very ready for relaxation and sleep. It is incredibly uplifting to see everyoneā€™s check-inā€™s and day counts and successes throughout the day. Itā€™s also valuable and appreciated to see the struggles and challenges. We all have them amd we will all continue to have them and I am just glad we have a place to go 24/7 to share, read, relate, support l, laugh and cry with one another.

@Charlie_C congrats on your days. I hope this and every one of those days has been very special.


Just doing a second check in. Had a good day, little bits of grouch. I watched a movie called four good days and it really shed alot of light on me, there is a huge message in the movie and the producers nailed it, itā€™s about a girl in addiction with heroin, but the message is for all addicts definitely recommend checking it out


Still with you cc! Have a great weekend everyone. Go out and get after it.

Bye for nowā€¦