Checking in daily to maintain focus #33

Definately in the same boat, but no anxious cleaning. It is so frustrating to be doing well with alcohol, but see the patterns play out somewhere else.

@Littlehummingbird24 Welcome!

@JB.5280 Congratulations!


Exciting Friday night emergency-defrosting the freezer. Wild and crazy times at icebearā€™s house :crazy_face: And 91 days sober af so I got that goin for me.


Big congrats, John!




Omg yes!! :heart::heart::heart:

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Congrats on your 300 days!!!


Iā€™ve kinda past 400 daysā€¦
Brought a new phone so hadnā€™t put my clean time on the new mobile phone appā€¦ As not gonna deny this phone has bamboozled me lā€¦ I feel kind of out of my comfort zone with the new techā€¦ I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve admitted that!!!

Still not had a cigarette going strongā€¦ Wonā€™t lie this week alone has been challengingā€¦ I had enough money to get lunas food and a few cans of beans and soups and pastaā€¦
Lesson learnt and sorted what I needed to doā€¦ I have to accept the damage Iā€™ve caused and the wreckage I leftā€¦

Im so glad for here!

Have been getting lost in artā€¦
Practicing lettering and graffitiā€¦
Iā€™ve started to design my sobriety tattooā€¦
And nearly finished @Olivia drawing.

Im thankful x
Oh @Its_me_Stella loving you also!


Cute drawing! How fun! :hugs:

I use to love drawing with good fine tip pens, I would get lost in a drawing for hours and hours and be marvelled at what Iā€™d created without even thinking about what I was doing.

It really puts you in a good zone :pray:

  1. Coffee. Having a hard time waking up this morning but not nearly as hard as when I still drank on a Saturday morning in a working weekend. Still so grateful I donā€™t donā€™t do that no more. Never again.
    I was at a concert in the middle of town last night. Long time ago that I biked home though a crowd of people going out. Felt strange. Didnā€™t really like it too much TBH. I guess Iā€™m getting old. Anyways. Have a good weekend all. Love from Amsterdam. Pic is from my hike Thursday. Loved the quiet.

Frustrating but also a challenge. Iā€™d say thatā€™s a pretty good definition of what recovery is Flo. Itā€™s work. Heaps of it. But now weā€™re sober at least weā€™ve given ourselves the possibility to work on it. ODAAT.


Welcome! Congratulations on day 3!


Congratulations on a week!


@JB.5280 & @Charlie_C Yeah for 300 gents! Huge congrats!
@anon27760155 Makes me glad to see you here and working on yourself making this beautiful stuff Danni. :heart:
@Littlehummingbird24 Welcome here and welcome to your sobriety! Seems to me you got some good motivation together to make this sobriety thing work. Hoping to see you more around here, for me coming here has been the biggest tool in working my sobriety one day at a time.
@CATMANCAM Big big hugs Tyler. Youā€™re not alone.
@everybody Congrats to all of you for fighting another day. Surviving. Working your recoveries. Keep going. Itā€™s so much better as the alternative. ODAAT. Love.


Nice share PC and congratulations on day 8 AF. Great job.

Iā€™m a little concerned about you quitting the antidepressants cold turkey. But you did say itā€™s been a few days. Does your doctor know? Please tell your doctor. Maybe your one of the lucky ones, but itā€™s not a good idea to come off meds cold turkey like that. My daughter did that. It was pretty fucking scary. I wonā€™t go into details. But please at least let your doctor know what you did. If you havenā€™t already.

I love your meme at the end.
Iā€™m glad your here. And I pray your ok.
Be careful.


Hey :wave: look at you popping in for a quickie!
Congratulations John on your 300 days of freedom.


Synchronicity with Love :heartpulse: :pray: :heartpulse:


Congratulations on your 1 month of freedom Dona.
Very well done sir. Very well done.


Day 31/421 pills/booze

My first natural sleep in a very long time. Not even an over-the-counter sleeping tablet or melatonin etc. Away for a couple of days. The friends I am with donā€™t know the whole story but know enough to have put some alcohol free beers in the fridge for me. :heart: One thing Iā€™m learning is that rather than hiding behind a facade of being perfect, if you open up even just a little bit, most people are there to help and support.


This was the first thing I saw this morning. Made my heart smile :heartbeat::purple_heart: I love that you keep coming back, I know youā€™ve got some serious shit happen recently. That resilience is something I look up to in you. Such lovely artwork!!! Canā€™t wait to see mine :star_struck:


Had a nice day at the beach today! Feeling like a drink but wonā€™t. I have a friend I havenā€™t seen in months coming for dinner. I told her Iā€™m not drinking but she is welcome to and she replied she hasnā€™t drank in months so sheā€™s good! This made me happy to hear for her, me and our friendship :butterfly:


That would make a beautiful tattoo :cherry_blossom: