Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Welcome back…

I realized too that I’m not strong enough to do it on my own, that’s why I reached out to the alcohol and drug center in my local town.

Awaiting to start work with a social worker and attend meetings. Also will attend online AA meetings.


Checking in, 333 days no alcohol, 83 days no smoke. Feeling a bit better, went for a hike with friends at the weekend, it lifted my mood a bit. I started to bake more often, it helps to do something useful even if my day is not so productive. Spouse had been working from home since the first lockdown, but this week he has to go to the office, so I spend most of my days home alone for the first time in 1,5 years. It makes procrastination much more tempting, but otherwise I really love being alone. I’m so not good at being together for such a long time.


Good to see you two @Soundlab @EarnIt Matt and Jené. Glad to hear you’re still/back at it.


Glad to see you guys both back, @EarnIt and @Soundlab!


Day 8 and blessed with a migraine. I had hoped week 2 would be smoother. Oh well. I have an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow, it’ll be interesting to see the inside of my head. Hopefully I’m just goofy. Have a wonderful day everyone.


Ugh the worst. I had an almost three day one last week. Hope your neurologist appt gives you some info to work with. Good for you for working through all the difficulties and staying sober!


Woo hoo!!! :partying_face::tada: The first week was my hardest. I’m so happy you’re here. :kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Congratulations on your 8 days! :partying_face: And so sorry about the migraine. I hope it eases up soon. :heart:

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I definitely went through that, waking up and wondering how much I’d drank and how much of my day I was gonna lose. It always feels awesome after the fog lifts and I remember that I don’t drink anymore. :wink:

Congratulations on 16 days! :partying_face::blush:


Wow, sometimes it just hits us all at once. :cry: I’m sorry you’ve been going through such a rough patch. Seeing you’re on day 416 proves that you’re resilient, and your strength will get you through this, too. We’re here for you. :blush::heart:


@Mich80 sending strength :blue_heart:
@Hazy it’s really great that your relationship with your children has improved with your sobriety :raised_hands:t2: the kitten part made me laugh, I love cats :smiley:
@Rockergirl92 proud of you, for feeling your feelings and not using old ways to cope, sending strength :blue_heart:
@050Nl strength sent to you too :blue_heart: I really hope your hearing goes well for you, and for now I hope you can sleep. :pray:t2:
@VisionaryKay welcome :slightly_smiling_face: and congrats on day one :tada: we all start there, stay with us!
@Callie99 congrats on your week :tada:
@Silver welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 9 days :tada:
@icebear sorry to hear you’re struggling, I hope this passes :pray:t2: sending strength. :blue_heart:
@anon53116147 the drawing looks really realistic :star_struck:
@TripnMN congrats on double digits off the cigs :tada: love the artwork :star_struck:


@crystalclear congrats on 2+ years, the sober holiday, and the new job​:tada: It’s great that your daughter is engaging with services too :pray:t2:
@Ewa congrats on 90 days+ :tada:
@laurarcastaneda congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Misokatsu you deserve the contract, good luck with it :pray:t2::four_leaf_clover: and congrats on your week with no binge-eating :tada:
@Will3 congrats on 500 days :tada:
@Dmcg1987 congrats on 2 weeks :tada:
@Bomdhil feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Wasabi79 congrats on your year :tada::star2::trophy:
@Liberara I hope you feel better soon :pray:t2:
@Dansig congrats on 150 days :tada:


@Rockstar24777 I’m so pleased your shifts are sorted :raised_hands:t2:
@RecoveringJP congrats on double digits :tada:
@Sunny11 bless you and your son, I am sending prayers and well wishes :pray:t2:
@Soundlab welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
@EarnIt welcome back :slightly_smiling_face:
@MaggieDoe sorry about the migraine, hope your appointment goes well :pray:t2:

421 days no alcohol.
389 days no cocaine.
27 days no binge-eating.

Wow, a lot of action on this thread in the last 24hrs :smiley:

I had my dentist appointment today, she said the filling was a little high so she filed it down. She said it can take 2-3 weeks for the sensitivity to go away so I’ve just got to hope that it does, it’s very unpleasant and I’ve never known anything like this after previous fillings before. Nevermind.

Support group on Zoom in the morning, not as anxious as I was before the first session last week.


I think it is a nice milestone! :muscle::wink:


Thank you Carolyn :pray::revolving_hearts::raising_hand_woman:


I have pain, headeachs, muscle pains, tired and full anxiety for everything BUT!! :


There you are!!!
I was waiting for this!!!
Congrats on your 1 full year of sobriety!!!


Tyler I had this with a tooth I had filled also. I was told that I needed to wait for the nerves to shrink back and to avoid chewing on that side. The more I chewed the more irritated and inflamed the nerve would become under the filling. It took quite a few months for me to loose discomfort, I hope yours goes away faster.

I also wonder if it has something to do with fibro…

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Thank you Taylor :revolving_hearts:

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@Soundlab @EarnIt

Matt, Jené I am so happy you both are back!!!

Sending lots of love.