Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Thank you Olivia big hugs :hugs::hugs:

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Day 416 Hello

I have been in hospitals since May this year. I had neck hernia surgery in June. I had a difficult recovery. I went to physical therapy all the time. Just when I said itā€™s over, I went to the hospital as an emergency 10 days ago, I got diverticulitis :tired_face:. I was in the hospital for 4 days, now Iā€™m better. Today, the teacher from my sonā€™s school called and said that the handball goal had fallen on my sonā€™s head. I rushed to the emergency hospital. His nose is broken. Stitched out. I donā€™t know whatā€™s going on, has luck gone away from me :thinking: My soul is a little tired. By the way, Iā€™m managing a big project and the work is also very busy and stressfull. I need to breathe easyly ā€¦


I am back again, too. Day 1. I fell pretty hard after my oldest moved into college.

I had stopped doing the work, stopped visiting here, stopped meditating, stopped attending RD meetings. I just stopped - until I started. I dug right back into the rut, 8 beers a day, every day, starting earlier and earlier in the day. Avoidance, isolation, rise and repeat.

I will never stop aiming for sobriety.


Hey JenƩ. Good to have you back.


I can relate Iā€™ve taken today off work. Back to bed slept until 1pm.

Unfortunately Iā€™m immune suppressed due to my arthritis meds so when I went out on Friday already with a cold and slipped after 3 yearsā€¦that was a bad idea for multiple reasons :joy::man_shrugging:t3::man_facepalming:t3:

Itā€™s a laugh or cry deal I know itā€™s not funny. But Iā€™m happy Iā€™m not letting myself slip into depressed state over it. Just looking forward to connecting with my sobriety again


Hey @EarnIt and @Soundlab!

Glad you two are back. Jene, I think we are both Midwest girls. This journey can definitely be challenging. Glad you are going to a meeting, Matt. Community and breaking the isolation was huge for me.


Looking good JP. Way to go!!
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Congratulations on your ten days of freedom.


:pleading_face: Aww sorry you having a trying timeā€¦ Hope you feel better soonā€¦ Good days are around the cornerā€¦


Way to go Luke!!
Congratulations on your 365 ODAATā€™s
Fantastic :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:
Must have cake!



Checking in day 16 alcohol free!

Does anyone ever get into a mental funk even after a really good day? That happened to me yesterday. Not like I wanted to drink or anythingā€¦just tired and feeling anxious at the same time. I tried meditation and prayer and ended up falling asleep early (8pm! :older_woman: ) and waking up at 1am just like I used to do when I would drink. I think itā€™s just my body adjusting to actually getting good sleep for once, but I woke up automatically feeling like shit, even though I wasnā€™t hungover. Like I had to remind my brain that I didnā€™t drink last night. Then my brain fog clearedā€¦now Iā€™m feeling a bit better. I have my appointment with my therapist later so Iā€™m grateful :heart:


Welcome backā€¦

I realized too that Iā€™m not strong enough to do it on my own, thatā€™s why I reached out to the alcohol and drug center in my local town.

Awaiting to start work with a social worker and attend meetings. Also will attend online AA meetings.


Checking in, 333 days no alcohol, 83 days no smoke. Feeling a bit better, went for a hike with friends at the weekend, it lifted my mood a bit. I started to bake more often, it helps to do something useful even if my day is not so productive. Spouse had been working from home since the first lockdown, but this week he has to go to the office, so I spend most of my days home alone for the first time in 1,5 years. It makes procrastination much more tempting, but otherwise I really love being alone. Iā€™m so not good at being together for such a long time.


Good to see you two @Soundlab @EarnIt Matt and JenĆ©. Glad to hear youā€™re still/back at it.


Glad to see you guys both back, @EarnIt and @Soundlab!


Day 8 and blessed with a migraine. I had hoped week 2 would be smoother. Oh well. I have an appointment with the neurologist tomorrow, itā€™ll be interesting to see the inside of my head. Hopefully Iā€™m just goofy. Have a wonderful day everyone.


Ugh the worst. I had an almost three day one last week. Hope your neurologist appt gives you some info to work with. Good for you for working through all the difficulties and staying sober!


Woo hoo!!! :partying_face::tada: The first week was my hardest. Iā€™m so happy youā€™re here. :kissing_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Congratulations on your 8 days! :partying_face: And so sorry about the migraine. I hope it eases up soon. :heart:

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I definitely went through that, waking up and wondering how much Iā€™d drank and how much of my day I was gonna lose. It always feels awesome after the fog lifts and I remember that I donā€™t drink anymore. :wink:

Congratulations on 16 days! :partying_face::blush:


Wow, sometimes it just hits us all at once. :cry: Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve been going through such a rough patch. Seeing youā€™re on day 416 proves that youā€™re resilient, and your strength will get you through this, too. Weā€™re here for you. :blush::heart: