Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

Thank you so much. I know the next couple of days will be the hardest. But I know I can do it. Thank you all!! :heart:


Checking in on day 150. Not an official milestone but pretty cool nonetheless. Woke up early. Had coffee. Enjoying some quiet time before the kids get up. This is much better than hangovers every day.


@VisionaryKay One Day is amazing! The people with the one year + were going to be the one to help you get through your rough days! Even with years of sobriety it can be hard we all work everyday to stay sober. One day at a time is all we got! You’ve got this and we’re here to support you every step of the way! I’m proud of you for making it the first 24 it takes so much courage and strength and that my friend is the choice you made!


Awwwww thanks lil sis you amaze me too!!


Day 480 clean and sober today. The big boss changed the schedule and is keeping me on day shift! Some of the people I work with will barely even talk to me now and it makes it very uncomfortable at work but f**k them, I need the money. Had a really bad dream that I got fired because of other employees complaining about me. I was sooooo mad in my dream! The one thing I took away from it was that the people at work are not my “friends” and that I need to watch what I say and stay in my own lane. Have a wonderful day today everyone, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations @Wasabi79 thats fantastic!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hey Rob! I’m glad to hear your shifts were fixed! What a bummer that your colleagues aren’t understanding :frowning: I hope it’ll get better on that regard, too. You have a good attitude towards it tho!
If you have a date with @Fury this week tell him I said hello, LOL :wink:


I will for sure! Thank you @Olivia!!



That’s really exciting, Flo! Fingers crossed for you, I’m sure you’ll be a shoe-in.


Checking in on Tuesday morning. Grateful and happy to be alive and sober.

  1. I’m exhausted the twinkies were up all night just about. They’re not use to being on a schedule and as we approach the 1 month mark of them being in my care I thought we were making some improvements and I can’t say we’re not they’re getting so much better and now know what manners are, sharing, not fighting or screaming and so much more…lol! It really breaks my heart because I now see what neglect they’ve dealt with in their little lives and it’s heartbreaking. I’m so tired this morning and on top of that I have kidney stones :sob:! I’m trying to take it easy but with 3 toddlers all in quarantine it hasn’t been easy. They’re 6 yr old sister was the one who cared for them at home and it’s been difficult trying to break that from her she mothers them all the time and I constantly remind her I am right here and she just needs to play. Anyways, I started work so I need to get busy. I hope you all have a wonderful day TS fam :purple_heart:

Congrats @Wasabi79! F yes! Enjoy that TV!

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Not sure if I’m posting correctly but so grateful to be 10 days alcohol free and working the AA Programme ODAAT.


This profoundly touching Patty. I’m at tears. You have such a big heart. I can’t help but think that yes, it must be hard and yet you’re giving these kids their life back. I would give you the greatest hug, girl!!!
I’m sorry about the kidney stones. Ugh.
Speak to yourself kindly, you need it too :heart::heart::heart:


Checking in - yesterday was a wonderful day. I feel the benefits of the work I’ve done recently to work on a mindset reset and it’s motivating me to keep doing what I am doing. In addition to the recovery work I’ve been doing for a while I’m doing more self-exploration and getting more out of therapy and time on activities I enjoy as opposed to being stuck in some idea that I’m simply a wife, housewife, “kept” woman, whatever you want to call it. I know this perception is closely related to my sense of self-worth. The thing is, working on my recovery opened my eyes to a lot, but I didn’t exactly know what to do with that information, and not all of it was pretty. The fog cleared, and my mind started cracking on, the numbing I had done was gone and I physically felt better but I was left with a lot of shit to work through. I’ve gone back and forth with feeling really accomplished by staying sober, by doing other things that I had avoided for so long, but then taking a hard look at myself and not liking what I saw was a hard pill to swallow. Anyway, through therapy, through conversations with beloved friends and family, tough conversations with my partner, etc. I can say I feel like I am making progress. I crave finding meaning in life, meaningful things to be a part of, and so that’s my main focus. I find meaning in growing things, in caring for others, and engaging on TS is definitely a meaningful thing to me. So I am starting to take a closer look at what that looks like for me - finding meaning in my life. We are trying to get pregnant and if and when that happens it will be a game changer, for sure, but I don’t want to be putting expectations on that process, either, or stress about it. Uf! I’ve done a Rosa Ramble this morning, please forgive me, and thanks for reading if you got through it. Sending love and sober strength, amigos. :heartpulse:


Day 47. My emotional state is still iffy but I’m stil going. Have a session with a therapist on Thursday. Hoping that will help.


Checking in on day 29, looking forward to the big 30 milestone tomorrow. Feeling good, been hitting the gym almost daily.
Hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday.


Congratulations! Amazing story and inspiring :raised_hands:

All the best on your continued journey :tada:

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Fam - Day 2

I’m not sure how I feel today. I got offered a drink today, I wanted it but refused it. Still sober.

I’ve not told any close friends and family about my alcoholism and deciding to quit. I don’t think I’m ready to deal with all that yet.

Sending hugs all round :hugs: