Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

@Dazercat yes they do!!! I’m glad you’re feeling better Eric :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you.
It’s hard to be self aware while in the moments of being frustrated and upset. But after doing my gratitude list this morning, was when I realized, I was kinda blaming or taking it out on the wife and the poor me attitude. But in actuality everything that happened to me happened to us yesterday. I’m grateful I figured that out.
Glad your here.
I bet you have a lot of good stuff to share when your ready to help us all.


201st day sober and in bed, had a wierd week, lost momentum with my studying. 4th week of second year at uni almost done. I did think about drinking, in the way that I knew that the feelings I had this week would of led me to drink and stick my head in the sand… I am grateful I didn’t drink today or yesterday or the day before because I’ve made small steps forward…I remember there’s a NA reading somewhere that says … “sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly…”… totally experienced the slowly this week…

I wasn’t even close to picking up but it was like my second personality talking to itself :face_with_monocle:


@Dazercat. Whether your pity party was “warranted” or not - I think under the circumstances it was your right to have one! I can only imagine the multitude of emotions that go along with having an alcoholic spouse. Everything from anger/aggravation to pity to concern back to anger . . . You are SUCH a valuable asset to this forum and give so much to so many. I think it is just fine to occasionally question whether being sober is worth it. I think those thoughts are pretty common. As long as you come back to reason and see that it totally is. Which, after sleeping like a baby it seems that is exactly what you did. I’m in your corner my ol’ MA friend. Can you believe “they” call us Massholes? How 'bout them Sox? :persevere: :scream:


Tell me you’re a grandparent without telling me you’re a grandparent… :rofl:


@CATMANCAM @Alisa thank you very much, your words mean a lot to me really.
I’m very grateful for this community where I can be seen as I am, your support helps immensely.


Full of covid, reminds me of some of the hangovers I used to get, thinking back it had to be an exceptional amount of alcohol to get a hangover I noticed, it was normal waking up still drunk in random places or dragging my oh so tired arse to work. I only called it a hangover if I had a headache. Best thing for a headache - lie to your boss, don’t go to work, have 1 glass of water if you can stomach it just for rehydration and get back on the booze. I prefer covid :grin:

posted wrong day :hushed:


Take care, mate.


feels like ages since I’ve seen you about, Might not be coincidence you had those thoughts. Stick with the winners my friend, none of us have to do this alone. Congrats on your sober days BTW :+1:


Thanks MB. Appreciate your encouraging words. Once a Masshole always a Masshole :rofl:

Sometimes when I feel like don’t have anyone to talk to about sobriety. Because, irl, I do not. I forget I should come on here and express my feelings. It seems like I come and go in waves onhere. I find it more fun to be supportive rather than need to be supported. But that’s probably a normal feeling. I’ve always had to take care of myself.

Being sober is definitely worth it. It’s just seems like we’re the ones that got to do all the work. I’ve always been proud of my work ethic. And I’ll continue to be proud of the work I’m doing for my sober life. I know I’m worth it. No fucken way I’m gonna let you guys down. More importantly I’m not going to let myself down.
Instead of asking my God, “please make the alcoholic stop drinking!” - I need to learn a better way to ask for help. Today I will meditate for a few minutes on what I need, and then I will ask my God to help me with it.
Paraphrased from Courage To Change.


Nice planning. Good for you.
Just wondering if you’ve read this thread. Maybe you have. But if your willing you could always book mark it for later. Or maybe some else needs to see it.
Advice for new comers and constant relapsers

See you soon.


Check in time ok kind of day still clean at 4 months and 15 days


Eric my man, how are you today? You’ve always been there for me, and I’ll gladly be there for you anytime too buddy…! :vulcan_salute: How much more depressing would it be to accept defeat and consciously distract yourself from it to numb your way through life? How could life’s beauty and potential possibly be enjoyed in such a limited time? The little things, enjoy them as much as you can man… The sunrise and sunset, cold morning dew, the stars and moon, the blue sky and high up clouds passing by, cute/curious/interesting life enjoying itself outside, candle light, a refreshing swim, music, a lovely forest, preparing that food you haven’t yet mastered or tried, simply enjoying someone’s presence… Everything… How lucky are we to be alive? How much of this world is still just waiting to be explored and discovered by us?! How many like-minded people waiting to be found? Maybe there are things you haven’t done, tried, seen yet or in a while and you feel a little cornered? Being the mindful one isn’t a bad trait when it comes down to it, you don’t know the gem you have and are brother…! :heart:


Day 13. Thankful for today.


Checking in near the end of day 2
Still clean! Still sober! Caught myself in a resentment today. Processed it and let it go. Busy day so I’m tired. Didn’t exactly stick to my eating but I’m not going to complain bcuz today was better than yesterday. Progress not perfection :ok_hand: Had some very minor thoughts of using. But im reminding myself that my mind lies to me when it comes to addiction. Playing the tape to the end and keeping busy for now is helping. Needing to do some self care tonight n get some rest. I’m getting back on my meds tonight. I can’t start at my usual dose bcuz the side effects are too crazy. Have to build myself up again to what I am supposed to be at. But I know once I get back on them it’ll help with my recovery. It always has in the past. Anyway, great to be back and see everyone. It feels good!


Hi!!! And no I haven’t seen this thread. I’d like to check it out actually. My God, I used to be a chronic relapser :frowning: not anymore (and I’m not even going to hope that I don’t relapse)… im just not going to. Im honestly abut scared… but im trying so hard to retire my brain and my thinking. Looking at things differently ya know? Thank u for ongoing support :slight_smile:


Checking into my third day.

Plan for today:

  • Shower cold
  • Shave
  • Go for a nice jog
  • Eat something healthy
  • Work on & print new resumes; search for new potential jobs
  • Whole bunch of things to be honest, let’s just see… :grin:

You are worthy, deserving, wise, conscious, mindful, clear-minded, focussed, determined, free, perfect, unique, strong, adaptable, committed, persistent, lucky, trustworthy, honest, beautiful, happy, grateful, loving, aspiring, caring, curious, complete, understanding, bright, better… What else lies in you…? :innocent::pray:


Sounds like a great productive day! :+1:



Checking in Day 81 without alcohol. I’m feeling pretty content this week, which is a good place to be. My energy levels are good…so I’m just appreciating that. Sometimes we don’t acknowledge when things are going along ok, so I am trying to remember to take a minute and recognize that feeling! It’s not as dramatic as a high or a low, but it is definitely a good place to be :slight_smile: