Checking in daily to maintain focus #34

I have the opposite problem, Eric. My wife has effectively given up drinking because she refuses to drink alone - but she resents it, and I am concerned that it is driving us apart. I think it’s difficult either way. I find myself wishing that she would just drink, if that’s what makes her happy. As you say, it’s just a something we have to deal with. I suspect it is uncommon for two people to be at precisely the same point in their relationship with alcohol at exactly the same time. If she has tried to tell me to give it up before I was ready, I would have found it tough.


Checking in, 350 days no alcohol, 100 days no smoke. I try to be happy for these numbers, though it’s not easy at the moment. Spouse picked up smoking a few months ago and sometimes it makes it more difficult to stay away from cigarettes which became easily available. I sniff him occasionally to get some nostalgic feeling, that’s enough for the time being.
Still no sign from my doctor… I’m getting more and more irritable and morose these days. Probably it has something to do also with meeting my parents back in Hungary a few days ago at the funeral. There wasn’t any fight, but I know how they think and feel and it can hurt even if they are silent.


Those triple numbers of freedom from smoking are still worth celebrating Tomek. Big congrats on them! Even more impressive with your spouse smoking. Be proud. It ain’t easy, and all the more so with all these triggers all around for you. Something’s still going right right? Keep going friend. ODAAT and all that. Yes there seems to be no progress at times. I’m sorry for the hard times with doctors, parents, spouses and all. Love.


1171 days alcohol free


Thank you! The doctor discovered a large gallstone so I have to say goodbye to my gallbladder :see_no_evil: Monday I can phone my doctor and discuss the following path.


Day 497 clean and sober today. Have been having very lucid, violent and sad nightmares for the last 3 days. Waking up feeling so out of sorts, super sad and wanting to get wasted as a result of all of the emotion that’s being brought up at night. I hate it. Love and strength would be really appreciated today, love you guys :disappointed::metal:t2:


Day 8. Man I woke up happy this morning, autumn doesn’t have school so I called Addie’s school and kept her home so we could all have a fun day… now Addie’s teacher is snobby and rude towards me, she always ask if anything is going on at home because Addie has normal kid days where she just isn’t having it. Well turned out my mom called the school too, and said we were having a bad night. So I just nicely said mom why would you say that knowing how the teacher is, simply saying I’m keeping Addie home is all she needs…well my mom flipped this on me somehow and she thought she could tell I was using drugs last night and now today she is sure :hugs:… I’m glad I know how to just pick my stuff up and say have a good day. Hope you all have a good day to much love


Celebrated 20 months yesterday. Didn’t do anything special, just an ordinary day. Today my roommate was on the phone at 5:00 am talking too loud and woke me up and I have been up since then. I am still kind of upset at her for being so inconsiderate. I usually sleep in until 8 am so yeah I have a small resentment towards her at the moment which I am not happy about because I rarely get angry… anyway I am doing ok other than that. I literally don’t have anything going on until Wednesday. So I am going to watch Locke and Key season 2 on Netflix in my little room with my space heater and my best friend Birdie which is my cat. Gonna make some more coffee and get on with my day and let that shit go Take it easy you guys and have a good day :v:


I take my daughter to the library sometimes. That might be a good place to take the girls. You can sit and work on tattoos and the girls can play! Ours has a kids play area and all sorts of fun events and story times too. Just an idea for you to get out of the house sometimes so you don’t have to be around the negativity. That was my plan when I lived with my fiancé’s parents to get away from the constant fighting. It was gym… library… park! Luckily we have like 5 parks here.
Have fun today!! You are a great dad. :slight_smile:


Hope you find all the love and strength you need brother, it’s good to have you here man! :v:

You do realise you’ll reach the 500 mark in 3 days, what a legend! :muscle: Life is 100% what you make of it, and you’re on a bright track as far as sobriety and personal growth are concerned buddy… Take it easy on yourself, acknowledge just how far you’ve actually come, and how infinitely lucky we all are to even be alive when it comes down to it!

I can relate to crazy dreams sometimes having the potential to really mess with the mind… It can suck. But remember that they’re just that: immaterial dreams or thoughts… The earlier you learn to dismiss them upon starting your day, the less they can manifest in your mind!


Back to day 1 of not using alcohol & Cocaine.

I am a damaged person & will take every day as it is.

I can’t go back to my old life.

Will check in daily.


Day 3!
Feeling physically blah today. Has everything to do with my meds that I started taking again last night. Felt ill all night :frowning: didn’t sleep well. Will probably see the dr about how to get myself back on my proper dose cuz I hate these side effects.
Other then that I’m okay. Feeling good about my recovery. In the past, day 3 would be the day I usually had extreme cravings. But im not feeling that at all! But I dont want to get complacent. Even though I feel crappy, I still did my high five challenge and affirmation, and now I will do my 5 min guided meditation. Then take a pre-workout at 1045 and workout. Will check in abit later :slight_smile: hope everyone is doing well today ☆


Welcome to the forum! This place is an amazing group people. Look forward to seeing your future check ins! You got this!


Wow. Now that is something I never ever thought of at all. Wow. That is definitely food for thought.
Well you know. When my kids got clean and or sober I never drank in front of them. Neither did my wife. They said I could but I never did. Then after about, I don’t know 3 or 4 years, I finally had a drink in front of them at a special occasion. It didn’t feel right to me to do that. I didn’t enjoy it. But now I’m the sober one and it doesn’t bother me if someone has a drink. So now I got both sides of the coin after all. Very interesting. Thanks for popping in and sharing. I hope you’re having a nice weekend over there.


Sorry things haven’t been ideal or even close to what you want lately Tomek. But congrats on the 100 days of no smoking and 350 days no booze. You’re killing it!


@SoberWalker I am glad you have answers. Let us know what’s next.
@Rockstar24777 Rob, maybe some light-hearted, feel-good meditation or bedtime story before sleep? I do send love, of which I have a lot, and strength, of which I will send what I can spare.
@Bruce1 Welcome to the forum. I hope you’ll stick around.


Day 145. Meh, I do feel really isolated of late and my wife has told me today, for christ sake live a little. Go out and meet your friends and be social!

Okay… If I could drink or act responsibly with alcohol, don’t you think I would of done that a million times already?


Checking in…
Substance free 663 days
Super sugar free 20 days!!!

Sugar is going well, once I got it out of my head that I was allow substitutes such as dried fruit et all, I have been craving free. The extent of my black or white thinking is extreme… no pun intended. :wink: Oh well, I am not going to judge how I got here I am just going to be grateful that the constant obsessing about sugar has gone.

This last week was a week of mixed feelings. Lots of celebrating around food which is super hard for me. Anyways, I survived as per usual but to be honest I am looking forward to the day where just “surviving” isn’t my goal. I would love to feel peace around food instead of having to check out emotionally, having to make excuses for why I am not ordering and so on. I know the day will come so in the meantime I learn patience, self compassion and acceptance.



Thanks for noticing @Dolse71 …I am having a catch up with my sponsor next week, she’s been massively busy too but when things start getting a bit overwhelming I gotta get back to here or in touch with sponsor innit :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Makes a difference to me :slightly_smiling_face:
The race is long. And in the end, it really only is with yourself.