Checking in daily to maintain focus #35

Well said bro :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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I just wanna sayā€¦ that itā€™s really nice to see the people with alot of sobriety continue to stay on here and help those who are in early recovery. Itā€™s nice to see that those with years of clean time still around and have not taken off. I love seeing these high numbers :smiley: very inspiring! And itā€™s nice to see everyone, new or ā€œoldā€ in sobriety helping each other out. We all have something to offer :heart:


Six months today clean from meth. Have a great day all you straight lacers out there x


Congrats on 6 months!! Thatā€™s awesome :muscle:

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Congratulations! :muscle::+1:

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itā€™s usually a bad 5 minutes but we like to drag it out and make it last the day :grin:


Great to read this :+1:

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Congratulations on your 6 months clean Rich.


Likewise buddy

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Feeling very grateful today bc sometimes you need to stop and take a look at your new sober life and appreciate how far you have come. I wonā€™t go into detail but Iā€™ve had quite a bit going on lately that normally would be solved with drugs and alcohol or some other health stuff going on where I wouldnā€™t ( more like shouldnā€™t) be able to drink and I would be freaking out inside and a right miserable arse hole on the outside but today I realised just how peaceful my head is. Everything that has or is happening has all been took in my stride, no panicking or anxiety and not having to even think about how wasted I need to get to make it all stop for a little while is the serenity that Iā€™ve always heard so much about.

Have a good day everyone :+1:


Checking in, day 65

I went back home to see my partner, the love of my life.
I got my response from them, and it wasnt good but thatā€™s ok.
I feel like I was killed and reborn all in a matter of days.
Im happy that they are doing whatever makes them happy, ultimately, thatā€™s all I wanted in life, their happiness. With or without me.
My heart will always belong to them.
I will always love you.

Iā€™m happy and focusing on myself 1000% now.


Thank you Paul! I always appreciate your ongoing support :slight_smile:

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Few hours away from day 5 of being sober. Today was a bit harder, I expected it to be.
Pay day.
But I made it through!
Usually by now Iā€™m at the pub, but instead tonight I went to my first meeting, met some great people, had some great conversation and now Iā€™m about to kick back and play a video game.

One day at a time


I feel for you paper_boats, it hurts just thinking about it. Stay strongā€¦ Sounds like you are. Maybe your partner will turn things around, my heart is with you. And you know using will just make things worse. Keep posting and keep your sobriety. Bigs hugs :hugs:


Evening check in
Today has been good overall. Really struggling with my med side effects tho. Its been 3 days. Needed to reach out for some advice. My family dr has been on mat leave and doesnā€™t return until Jan. Iā€™ve been on this med ever since I was diagnosed many years ago and havenā€™t had any follow ups since other than the support I received through my DBT course. My meds back then worked wonders and I had no side effects at all. Anywayā€¦ I spoke to my aunty who lives in the USA. Both her and my uncle are doctors (psychiatrists) for the prison in their state. Iā€™m very close to may aunt and she knows most of my history. Asked her questions about the side effects Iā€™m experiencing and whatnot. She knows about this medication and is concerned about these effects and the fact that they shouldnā€™t be occurring at this low of a dose. She asked me a few questions and even though she canā€™t obviously be my psychiatrist or prescribe me medication due to a conflict of interest, she did recommend a diff medication for me to ask my family Dr about in Jan. Less side effects, mood stabilizing, and doesnā€™t tend to put on weight. So I will be discontinuing my current med. Itā€™s getting to the point where itā€™s almost unsafe with the shakiness and daily headaches, nausea, dizziness and the foggy state of mind. I canā€™t be like this. I was going to tough it out but physically it feels like my body is rejecting it. Anyway, I will see how I feel over the next few days without it. Iā€™ll call the Dr tmrw to see when she comes back exactly so I can see her. Going to hopefully get up for the gym in the morning also :smiley: happy to be at Day 4 in 1 hour!!!


100%! If I donā€™t fully focus on what sobriety offers me - what I gain from it, rather than what I am missing out on, I am done. Relapse is right around the corner, at least for me.

@anon86198612 I donā€™t know how old you are. I let that Life-Will-Be-Boring Voice keep me alcohol-bound for 30 years. I walked into my first meeting then and have been fighting it ever since. It doesnā€™t get any easier to make that choice. I am rooting for you!


OMG, Mel! That made me laugh out loud!


Checked into my other recovery app where I log feelings, thoughts, triggers etc. Iā€™ve been keeping track of my clean time. Really excited to see that I actually have more clean days over the past month than using days. My longest streak was the time prior to my last relapse. And now Iā€™m going to make it past that! I feel it! Yay!!!


