Amen to that Charlie…Safety first…spending money on something that matters.
Good Morning Mno
I love what you said love for self and for the world. Right on… getting there.
And it is an early Tuesday morning in December for this schoolteacher. Yay for getting past Monday. Sober Monday mornings are better than hungover Monday mornings, but they are still part of Monday. Somehow getting back in the workweek by Tuesday isn’t so bad.
Teaching in December is an entire extra layer of challenge. If you have friends who work in schools, send them peaceful thoughts and extra patience! I’ve worked in public schools for 35 years and December is my hardest time.
I am feeling better than past Decembers and that is because I’m living free from the constant navigation and manipulation of the relationship with the bottle. I broke that off and I’m doing great!
Checking in here daily and writing about this journey is part of my morning routine. I wish you all a day of peace. I wish myself a day of kind patience with the youngsters.
Day 25. Good Morning TS crew. Happy Sober Tuesday. Awoke early by relapse dreams…wow…they felt so real …I looked so Crazy…looking at myself in active addiction yikes…I know the relapse dreams are common? Is their a theread on this…it’s seems to common to be not for purpose ??
Good day all . One day at a time.
Still feel like crap, but a sober crap.
I hope for a brighter future. I hang on sobriety as I can’t seem to hang on anything else but my two daughters. Anyway. Have a good day, people
Hey all, checking in at 1.5 years sober
I hope everybody has a great one today!
Day 27 today. What’s tough right now is the anxiety keeping me from sleeping, having panic attacks that keep me from falling asleep, so that’s no fun. It’s Crazy, i try to go to sleep, i get that crazy feel that jolts me awake, like everytime! I try to take magnesium before going to be but lately that’s not helping. My kids are babies and there sleeping schedule is weird. Getting 4 hours of sleep while overcoming anxiety/my addiction. But hey, ONWARD! A positive attitude doesn’t come about by chance, it takes effort and a vigorous approach
Good Morning @SelfLove_42 I’m Des. Way to go on your 27 days I’m 2 days behind you…I know about the lack of sleeping and anixety…had it for the first two weeks. Feeling a bit better Magnesium/Calm powder helps me as well as sleeping with a weighted blanket. I love it. I helps a lot with anxiety and restlessness. Also find grace your babies are younger I have 3…16, 14 and 9. Keep up the good work. One day at a time.,
Good morning all Day 71 and I’m sober. Weird dreams last night have me wondering WTH my subconscious is trying to process and why David Bowie?
@CATMANCAM Nice catch on the 456.78 Hang in there! You are an amazing caring person.
@Kareness 5 years!! Holy Moly!!
@Desire2ChangeToday 870 days is awesome!!!
@Nordique @Rockstar24777 Congrats on 1.5 years!!!
@Things_are_lookingup Congratulations on 3 months!!!
@RosaCanDo 75 days!! You ROCK!!!
@KarenKW It warms my heart to see you trying so hard . Just focus on making it through today. Your 2 days is a huge victory
@4lilcinny It surely is hard when a partner is drinking. Love and hugs Be sure to give yourself lots of self care so you can be extra patient with him.
I’m jealous!
Wow! I’m just gonna go ahead and celebrate YOU today!
Thank you!!
I’m glad you’re going for lunch. Being social (not “more” social, because I’m not at all) is something I need to work on. It began as believing I had nothing to offer… that stems from and was deeply ingrained in me during my first marriage. I bounced back after that, but only for a short time. I know I need that connection, and as I watch you grow, it inspires me.
Day 61. Much love to all take care
Will do! My babies are 1 and almost 3. It’s been rough the last few weeks, but specifically my body is really struggling trying to fall asleep at night. What’s crazy is i have the ability any other time (cause i’m so sleep deprived) to fall asleep in seconds. At lunch i am knocked out for 45 minutes, instantly falling asleep. I’ll have to talk to my wife about a weighted blanket! Appreciate the advice!
Felt saddened earlier. Decided that the only way is to keep moving forward. I’m still in the tunnel, but if I keep going, I will eventually make it out
Typed up some thoughts and feelings just to get them out of my head
Listened to part of an Alan Watts lecture
Since I am taking it easy today, I am going to try to sleep to keep my stress levels down, then when i wake up, lift some weights again
Thought about composing some new music, but the inspiration hasn’t struck yet. Really want to make a song about getting clean…haven’t really decided how it should sound or what instruments to use yet. Still thinking it over in my head
Feeling better about the direction I am going in. I’m actually starting to feel more uplifted and remembering what it was like before I took pills that don’t benefit me.
Anytime. Sleep when you can…I got my weighted blanket on Amazon. Good Sober Day. Enjoy your littles …sober they grow fast
Checking in on day 23. Had a great day yesterday. Finally found a new to me car that i love and bought. Was out all day and most of the evening going to pick it up. Woke up with some serious tummy pains last night and not sure why as i thought i was through that pary. Well off to work and hopefully things ease the day day wear on.
Have a great sober day everyone.
Checking in Day 132 actually got up at a fairly decent time today! Enjoying the sun shining through the windows.
Got a lot of apartment-cleaning work to do today as well my 8-year-old is with me all day tomorrow gotta get things ready for him.
A little bummed because Covid is rising here and some cities have already started limiting gatherings to 5 people = no in-person meetings. Ah well, Zoom NA is good too.
Love and sobriety,