Checking in daily to maintain focus #37

Your welcome. :purple_heart: I do zoom meetings daily and find them very helpful.:pray:t5:

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You have NO idea how proud I am of you.

Thank you for inspiring me.

You have just made my day even brighter and happier.


Congratulations on your week, @Cherry_Kisses.
Have you read This Naked Mind, by Annie Grace? It strikes me that you are in the target audience. Iā€™m reading it again for the umpteenth time this week, and it is straightening me up, as it always does.


Awesome work on getting to day 7! Keep being inspirational!

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Well done getting through those hard days! :tada::raised_hands:t3::hibiscus:
I love most of the shares in AA, but especially from either those in their early days as itā€™s a timely reminder of where we came from AND the ā€˜old timersā€™ those with significant years under their belt. Their humor, wisdom and experiences really engage me.
Well done in doing what you need to do to protect your sobriety :star2:


Checking in for today. Sober and hangover free.

I had a short night of sleep, but keeping in mind that I have 5 days off coming up I am not really bothered.
I have plenty of time to catch up some sleep the coming days.
The most important thing is that I am not drinking and stay sober.

Today I started my 10 day running challenge, and I am pretty excited about it.
You can follow me if you like My 10 Day Running Challenge 5K šŸƒ

For now i wish you all a amazing day. On day at a time! We got this!

:pray::muscle: :blue_heart:

@SoberWalker I love your walking/hiking photoā€™s. Walking is healing, such a great and simple therapy :blue_heart:

@Butterflymoonwoman Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you :grin:. And most of all really proud!
7 days is amzazing! :blue_heart: :partying_face: :pray:

@SC-ptsd and @Cherry_Kisses verry well done Congratulations :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

@kat261 :five:months :star_struck: What an awesome achievement. Congratulation :muscle: :blue_heart:


I agree Tony, this was my turning point reading this book, and rereading myself at the momentā€¦


@Cherry_Kisses @Butterflymoonwoman Congrats on one week! Cherry, good for you for joining the zoom AA meeting. Itā€™s great and a major part of my recovery as well.
@Ravikamor Such exciting news. You will be a fantastic grandma. So excited for you and @Dazercat and those future grand babies are going to love you both!
@SoberWalker ā€œmoderating your countersā€ made me chuckle. Love your pics and check-ins.

Donā€™t know what day Iā€™m on, but not drinking today and probably not drinking tomorrow!


Day 260.

Tonight Iā€™m feeding my soul with a joan didion documentary. She is a brilliant human :heart:

And Ben and jerry are keeping me company :rofl:


I ate a pint of ice cream last night while watching ā€œHackedā€. Great show. Will check out that documentary!


Good girl! :relaxed: I always intend on only eating a few spoonfuls because itā€™s so rich, but of course that never happens LOL :laughing:

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Thank you for your kind comments @becsta


Thank you! Iā€™m ok I guess. Actually it was me who initiated this, he is not the kind of person who would easily make difficult steps, so I was better prepared for that. We wonā€™t separate, we will stay together as friends. But itā€™s a big change, and a really tough one considering that we really love and care about each other.


What a double feeling that must be. Break up is hard :pensive: Take care of yourself. Itā€™s needed.

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Good morning! Last night marked 1 full week alcohol free! Still in some pain from surgery but thankfully recovery is going well. My focus has been on that, so seems easy not to drink. I worry a bit about how Iā€™ll cope once my sister leaves. Sheā€™s been a huge help both in terms of my physical health and mental health.


How exciting @Ravikamor!! You must be ecstatic. Thatā€™s going to be one spoiled baby but thatā€™s what grandmas do. Congratulations!! :baby_bottle::baby:

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Day 5 checking in. Yesterday I started a new per diem job and it went pretty well!


Congratulations! My little granddaughter is also an August baby!

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I got a late start, but Iā€™m loving it, too! :heart::nerd_face:

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Hey all, checking in on day 570. I hope everybody has a good one today!