Checking in daily to maintain focus #37

Day 8! It is going to be a long day, and I have an interview so a bit stressed. But will walk the doggies as a way to get my nerves under control.


Thanks for sharing this. At first glance … very interesting…Re-wiring my addicted brain…If this is possible… Thats great news! I will start reading further into this :pray: :blue_heart:

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Thank you sooo much!!!

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Thanks so much Claudia!! I had a good sleep after seeing my timer hit 1 week :slight_smile: love ur picture. I love nature so much! It’s just so perfect! Hope u have a fabulous day :smiley: good job on cutting back the caffeine :+1:

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Omg girl… ur gonna make me tear up lol that means ALOT! Thank u for ur love and support :slight_smile: it really means alot! Hope ur day is as amazing as u are… hugs
Do u have a week sober?! I read a post about u having 1 week also! I haven’t caught up to everyone checkins yet lol

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Day 51 checking in…
Woot woot.
Feel good. Feeling the love from this community.
God has been drawing me to be courageous and more open about HIM , as a main topic of my life, my heart and everything else. I put so many other things and people on the throne of my heart and I feel that Creator is asking me to ride or die The Great I AM.

It’s difficult, to be honest. I’ve found that when I talk about life in recovery and God or Jesus in the same sentence people tend to judge me as being the judge-er.
Ive also found good , cool people backing away from me because they think I’m too freaky or “religious” for them. (I am NOT religious. Jesus and religion are on the opposite ends of the spectrum. In fact, Jesus called religious people whores)
All these fears I must lay down and warrior on through them.
I have come to realize that only God can fix what’s broken in me. If…if is key…if I let Him.
So today I will face my fears and shout about The Great I AM and how His love for me, for you , for each one of us is free, available and not such a bad thing after-all.

I started a post on here Higher Power encouragement for today

Today, I’ll take another 24, face my fears head-on, tell of all my God has done for me and love my enemies, friends and family.

Love y’all :heart::pray:


Thank you so much Roland :slight_smile: and good luck on ur run! Bet u are going to feel amazing afterwards!

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Omg how beautiful is this!!! I’m so proud of you :smiley: another wonderful reason to continue on with sobriety :slight_smile: really happy for you and ur future grandbaby!

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I feel like I can look my stress in the eye without the poison coursing through my veins and gnawing at my nervous system. You can too. :boom::muscle:t2:


Hello wonderful people. Checking in daily to maintain focus. I will not drink today. Day 5


I just want to thank everyone so much for your love and support on my 1 week clean post!
I think I figured it out how to add everyone’s name into 1 post instead of doing them all separately and then clogging up the thread lol i thanked some people already in separate posts but like i said I wanted to try to make 1 post… so here it goes:
Thank you SO MUCH to @Jasty2, @Dazercat, @Hopeful777, @Newlife5, @Misokatsu, @SC-ptsd and a huge congratulations on your 1 week also!!! We got this :), @anon52066378, @Singtone, @TigerMatriarch, and @LeeHawk
I really appreciate the love! It keeps me motivated to keep going! Love everyone on here! It’s cool also to see so many 1 week clean and sober posts today. Snd congratulations to those celebrating other huge milestones aswell :slight_smile:


I absolutely love this cake :slight_smile: thank u for sharing that!!

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Checking in day 12
Gonna watch some football today
Enjoy your night guys
@Butterflymoonwoman congrats on your first week. Just keep going


Thank you so much!! Enjoy the game :slight_smile:


Checking in at one year, ten months, fourteen days wow so much has happened just within the last week … even day for me spiritually… I keep feeling like I have been battling something I cannot see and it has caused me a lot of fear but God has answered my prayers and fought it with me/for me. There have been nights where I have had to sleep with my light on, there have been days where I am scared of the thoughts that are in my head but I will never give up because I know God has got my back. I have grown so much mentally, physically and spiritually… as I am writing this I am looking at the ring on my finger that says the serenity prayer. I went through a rough last couple of days but I am at peace because I handed it over to my Higher Power. He is removing all of the hurt from my past (as long as I give it to Him), exposing all of the lies that I believed for so long, and kicking “negative energy” or as I like to say… the enemy out. I am coming up on 2 years sober and I kept feeling like my addiction or something dark was just mentally and spiritually attacking me so I prayed a lot, read the Bible and didn’t PICK UP or go back to old behaviors. I kept on keeping on. I love you guys and this platform
And I really keep faltering away from it for some reason especially when I need support from another recovering addict. That’s how we help one another and that’s what works is one addict helping another
And I keep forgetting that part of this and thinking I can do it on my own when I need people in my recovery. My addiction has been saying I don’t need NA because I have to say Higher Power and not Jesus… I know… ridiculous how insidious the disease of addiction is but I just need to get it out before it takes me down. I kept drinking caffeine when I KNOW I have a caffeine addiction and my allergy to it is I get negative thoughts and anxiety really badly and get scared after I consume it
But I keep doing it so today I threw out all of my coffee, coffee creamer and pop… some people
May be able to do it but for this recovering addict… I know in my heart that I can’t do it. So yeah, I am doing a lot of inner work at times and at times
I feel crazy but I know I am on the right path because I have faith and I am glad to be back. I want to get back into the groove of checking in everyday again. Have a good day you guys!


Day 572 clean and sober today. Getting started on exercising these last few days has helped my mental health sooooo much. I hope everyone has a beautiful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hello checking in Day 154 thank you for all the encouragement òn here for getting 5 months! On to 6 months and my NA Blue Keytag with the help of my Higher Power, God, one day at a time!

Some brief thoughts last night about wouldn’t using be fun but Hell No it would not and I damn well know it. I really desire deep in my heart to be clean and sober for myself because I am starting to love myself as God loves me. :heart:

Well should get going on cleaning and tidying and maybe a walk although there is a wind warning today. Wish all of you a clean and safe 24 hrs!



Awe it’s only a pleasure munchkin.

Yep a week, wow. Go us!

My day really has been good. I’ve got the most amazing sponsor, she sends me links, material, pdfs, tips etc regularly through whattsapp.

Saw her for the first time last night in my very first online AA meeting. I’m building up a really good toolbox as well as a network of similar ilk.

Not being in this battle alone but part of a strong army (force) is so mentally and emotionally empowering… Yeahhhh. No more lonely struggles🙏

I hope your day is going well. 21h30 over here so will be zzz in the next hour or so. Need to be refreshed for gym in the am.

Have a good evening and stay strong.

You are doing SO well. :clap::clap::clap:


Hey Rob …nice numbers glad the exercise is helping. Wanted to chime in on that as Exercise is one ofy greatest tools for good mental health and mood boosting. Keep at it.,:muscle:


Day 14 . I don’t know why but I have a lot of cravings.