Checking in daily to maintain focus #37

@Sunny11 congratulations on 500 days!
Amazing and inspiring. Keep going.:purple_heart::pray:t5:


Huge congratulations on 500 days!!! :partying_face::tada: Thatā€™s so inspiring to see. :purple_heart::blush:


@Mno @Lotusflower @ShesGotMoxie @SelfLove_42 @Nordique @Charlie_C @anon52066378 @icebear

Thank you all of you :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:


Gā€™morning Ami :sunny::yellow_heart: These feelings will come and go. I always have that so-so feeling after Christmas. We moms do so much to make it perfect and then, BAM! Itā€™s over. :upside_down_face: Take this free time to do some things for you. You deserve it! :kissing_heart: I hope the kiddos are better. :heart:


Thank you so much Carolyn!! :heart: I appreciate you so so much and I need the support right now, super happy to hear itā€™s normal though :grin:


Good morning friends, day 409! Just checking in, but nothing else to report. Doing fine. Sometimes itā€™s just a day.

Have an awesome day! Iā€™m going to do mine sober!


Welcome to the 500 club @Sunny11



Oh no!! Thatā€™s awful! Take care of yourself and your fam Pat :orange_heart: :hugs: :orange_heart:


Checking in this morning.
Really struggling with all the loss in my life.
I wake up every morning thinking about it. Sometimes I wake up at 3am then my mind races all over the place. Itā€™s a mixture of what itā€™s and whyā€™s. Why did I receive the abuse and mistreatment at work and in my marriage. Why didnā€™t I get the help I needed when I reached out to soamy different places. Why was I always so kind, generous and giving to others while slowly losing everything. How do I crawl out of this dark hole Iā€™m in.
I sometimes think, whatā€™s the point in living another day. Iā€™ve lost my house my career my friends. I struggled with the abuse from my ex wife and workplace daily. At work I struggled alongside my coworkers in an extremely toxic work environment. High stress high paying job that afforded me a comfortable life. Thatā€™s been lost, and now I barely have enough to scrape by. Why did I care for my exwife so much, support her career, take paternity leave, support her family while they leached off of us. Why was I so nice to everyone while being treated so poorly.
Why did I fall into addiction, why wasnā€™t I smart enough to see the light. I struggle with forgiving myself for these thing and putting the past behind me. Being neurodiverse makes ruminating much more difficult to stop. Why didnā€™t my doctor listen to me when I told him the meds I was on were making me more impulsive, hypersexual, causing more anxiety. Why did he ignore my referal requests to see a psychiatrist.

Iā€™m almost 5 months sober from sex, unhealthy relationships and cannabis but itā€™s the darkest and scariest place Iā€™ve ever been. Some days I just donā€™t feel like living anymore. Somedays I just want to give up. Iā€™ve read a dozen books on mindfulness, meditation, forgiveness, addiction but sticking to any sort of program is so difficult when you have ADHD. Staying sober seems easy to me, dealing with the pain of sobriety and past mistakes and losses is the most painful thing Iā€™ve ever experienced. I have no friends and spend all of my time alone or with my two young children. Iā€™m desperate for change, to see the light, to make new friends, to let go of the past and move forward.

I sit on my couch while my kids are still asleep wondering how Iā€™m going to be present today how Iā€™m going to shut off my mind and enjoy this day with them without thinking about the loss and the past. Take a deep breath, think about what Iā€™m grateful for, and try and get through another day alone.


:pray::pray::pray: Thank you Kevin :revolving_hearts:

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Day 85 AF Another cold dark, dreary, grey day. Iā€™m trying to not let that get to me. But no matter what I ainā€™t drinking today.

@Sunny11 :partying_face: :sparkling_heart: :tada: Holy Cow!! :sparkles: 500days!! :sparkles: Congratulations!!! :tada: :sparkling_heart: :partying_face:
@anon52066378 :boom: :tada: :sparkles: 30 days!! Congrats Richard!! :sparkles: :tada: :boom:
@LabLover222 :hugs: :orange_heart: Welcome back :orange_heart: :hugs:
@Soberoclock :purple_heart: Welcome! Spend some time bopping around on the various convos on here and learn as much as you can to equip you for your battle. Thereā€™s a lot of kind support in this community and I hope youā€™ll find it as helpful as I have :purple_heart:


@seekingsolace After so many losses it is really hard to see the light at the end of it all. Patients my friend. I know youā€™re probably tired of hearing that but I too was once in the same place the only difference was it was losing my loved ones. Then spiraling out of control in my addiction and losing everything because my disease took full control. You ask yourself several times a day how much more can I take? Then something else happens and if feels like your drowning. I encourage you to find one small task that you enjoy and do that at least once a week if not more. Also, I wrote everything down the things I had control over and the things I didnā€™t. What could I change to help smooth things over. Sometimes itā€™s out of your control. But, thereā€™s always the option of how you handle it and let it affect you. Please know youā€™re in the right place and everyone here is more then willing to talk and helpā€¦just ask. Wishing you well.


Merci beaucoup for your kind words :blush::v:t2:


Wow ā€˜greatā€™ present indeedā€¦ Itā€™s so shitty in isolation, i was asking for meals on whatsapp, people would put a plate outside my door :neutral_face:. Hope no one gets heavy symptoms, all the best!


Day 2 just checking in.


Checking in day 4
Have a good night guys


Itā€™s holding on to that pain of past mistakes and resentment towards ourselves and others that keeps us from moving forward. I have a lot of forgiveness to show myself, and Iā€™m working really hard on that. In the beginning, when weā€™re early in sobriety, the emotions come as a flood. But I promise you, they do become easier to manage. I also understand being neurodiverse. I have close family members who are on the spectrum, some with severe ADHD. I know some people will tell you that you can get by without medication, but I know firsthand that when itā€™s a chemical imbalance youā€™re dealing with, there are times when nothing else works. Talk with your doctor honestly about this (find a new doctor if yours refuses to listen). Use the tools youā€™ve been given, pour yourself into yours and your childrenā€™s well-being, continue with your wonderful talent of wood-working, come here often and tell us how youā€™re feeling, what youā€™re struggling with, and gradually you realize that you can do this and you donā€™t have to do it alone. Sending you as much strength as I can muster. :heart:


Patty girlā€¦I applaud you. You are a bad ass strong women. 4 years soberā€¦raising your kids and your nieces and nephews Your breaking the cycle by showing up everyday and showing it can be done. So proud and inspired by you. God has)will bless you ten fold. Echoing other members thoughtsā€¦make sure you getting your self care in daily. Bless you and the children.Hugsā€‹:purple_heart::pray:t5:


Day 7. Easy peasy. Itā€™s day 13 and 14 I always struggle with. Very fatigued today. Was gonna work but too tired and too many digestive issues. I think years of lanzoprazole use has diminished my Magnesium. Gave up wheat today as I know Iā€™m sensitive to gluten. Gives me reflux but took me a decade to find out. Giving up milk tomorrow hopefully no more back end issues once dairy is out my system. I donā€™t produce lactase so cannot break down lactose and other sugars. Meat and veg diet. No more pizza and kebabs



Welcome to the 500 club!!!