Checking in daily to maintain focus #37

Its the holidays! Go easy on your self :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: we all do the same thing no doubt :laughing: I know I did these past few days lol! :heart:

  1. Coffee. I had a using dream. Long time since the previous one. They donā€™t hold much power over me. Iā€™m sober and clean. Itā€™s not strange there is stuff from the past running around in my head but thatā€™s all it is. The past. Never again. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It helps lots. Love from Noord Holland.


@Soberoclock welcome, day one, the first step in reclaiming control over your life has been taken.

Youā€™ll find loads of support and great people here. Temptation and battles are going to become part of your daily life, simple things like popping to the shop will now challenge you in ways you never even imagined.

Youā€™ll find many relate to your experiences and youā€™ll read things that make you think you could have them yourself, thatā€™s the beauty of this place, we have all walked some or all of those steps too.

Keep going and battle through. One minute, one hour, one day at a time!

I like many others are here if you need us.


@Mno love the positivity, your past is your past and youā€™ve owned it rather than letting it own you! Smashing those 934 days! :heart::pray::hugs::muscle:t3::facepunch:t3:


@LabLover222, just keep showing up, if it was easy nobody would be here and nobody would have addictions to beat!


Today marks 500 Days

Thank you very much to everyone in this forum. I am grateful to all the TS family who gave me hope with their stories and helped me not lose my way with their advice.Much Love :revolving_hearts:


One of my sister in law came to celebrate Christmas with a great present for all of us: the COVID
Almost my whole family got the present, great, so Iā€™m isolated with one of my daughter, canā€™t see the other one, and i had to cancel new yearā€™s eve. What a blast ! :man_facepalming:t2:


Sorry for that Pat. It will pass. Just like New Yearā€™s eveā€¦ At least you have a daughter with you right.


Thatā€™s awesome Sunny!!! Welcome to the club & Huge congrats!


Day 98 checking in keep moving forward odaat :pray:t2:


Congratulations on 500 days, @Sunny11!


@Twizzlers missed your 90 day check in post, just seen it going back through older posts. Smashing it :star_struck::star_struck:

@Sunny11 Congratulations on the 500 club membership, keep being inspirational :tada::partying_face::clap:t3::star_struck::star_struck:.

@Dmcg1987 98 not out! Awesome news. :star_struck::muscle:t3:



Congratulations on your 500 days!


Hey all, checking in on day 562. I hope everybody has a good one today!

Huge congrats to @Sunny11 on 500 days!! Awesome work :muscle:


Day 41 Today

Back to work, had a nice 4 day weekend, which was great. I see @Sunny11 Hit 500 days, that is special. To be honest, iā€™ve already started planning what i will do when i hit 365 days, i have a long way to go, but iā€™m planning it cause i will get there. Iā€™ll probably just call a few buddys who have also overcome the addiction and have a good cry, more of a cry of relief and happiness. You want something bad enough, make those dreams a reality.

Everyone keep smiling, keep fighting, and keep it positive. Stay Sober my friends!

  1. @Mno @Olivia Thank you both for your kind kind words they really mean so much to me. My New Years resolution will be to take some time for me. I am doing the best I know how for these sweet little babes. They light up my life along with my children. I love them all so dearly.

Good morning! Checking in for the day begins. Feeling so so today the busy is calming down and in turn making me find stuff to fill my time, the illusion of everything is fine is gone. I hope everyone has the most amazing day today! Thank you all for just being you :heart:


Checking in Daily helps so much, i often find myself several times throughout the day, checking this chat. Itā€™s like a constant reminder of everyone fighting the same fight, the same goals, trying to be the best version of yourself. Keep up the good work and keep that positive attitude!


Welcome @Soberoclock and welcome back @LabLover222! Super glad you are here, this place has been amazing for me, the people are wise, kind and with experience, I hope you get all the support you need to do this!


Day 38! A rare day to have nothing or not much on my to do list. Kids are with friends for sleepovers. Learning to ask for help from friends/family must now become parmount in my self care /recovery plan. Using my resources and supports. Exerciseā€¦Day Treatment some step work and chill. Good day all!:purple_heart::pray:t5: Yes a virtual MTG laterā€¦32/90