Checking in daily to maintain focus #38

So impressive Rob ! :tada::tada::pray::pray:


So awesome ! Congratulations ! :dizzy::slightly_smiling_face: Thank you for ALL you do !


Love that @AyBee congratulations!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you @Laraellelarissa! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 3 here folks! Needing to motivate for another long work day. Headaches and night sweats have been relentless last three days. My job is demanding and physical. Sometimes I forget to eat. Definitely can’t be helping the headache situation. But I’m checking in. Finding a bit of motivation. Gonna try to tackle the day with a positive frame of mind. And gratitude.


Checking in - after a fun weekend celebrating my 40th birthday (sober!), I’m currently struggling with migraine and now stomach issues and feeling a bit defeated. I saw this thing on IG and might join in - each day in February, practice radical permission and write myself a permission slip for the day. I’m stealing this guy’s because I really liked what he said, “Today I give myself permission to rely on what I know, sense and feel rather than the experience of others.” For me, this gets at a lot of self doubt I often have swirling in my brain and practicing trusting myself. No small feat, and I think he is right by including all three and paying attention to, for example, how I feel can be in tune with what I’m sensing but maybe not what I know. What I know is that this will pass and I will have less pain. Eventually!

Sober on, amigos.



Lord of the numbers AyBee.
Great job.


Happy birthday to your son Des. And a sober one for you. Way to rock the sober birthday for your son.
I know you’re both worth it.
Congrats on 73 days :hugs:


Hey guys.
Checking in day 9.
There is actually a troprical passing near my country. Its very windy. Everyone in the country stays at home when there is a class 3 warning.
Hope you guys are safe.


Better late, again :pensive:, than never.
Happy 20 months fellow Yank.
You. Are. Awesome.


Another batch of cookies for my meeting this evening


Checking in
Finally got my double digits back! Feels good! Experiencing the evil green eyed monster lately. Don’t like it. I have an issue with comparing myself to others or comparing my relationship to others. I spoke on another thread about the jealousy I have of a friend of mine. She’s an incredible woman. We became friends thru my workplace. But I am jealous of what she has. She has worked hard for it and I am so very happy for her. I would never let my jealousy get in the way of our friendship. Anyway, I am experiencing jealousy which is new to me… unless comparing myself is the same thing (which in that case I guess I do more often than not). I am also struggling abit finding purpose in my life. I realized this morning in prayer that I am scared of not living my life to the fullest. I’m scared of not finding my passion. I want to be fulfilled. I used to be scared of success and scared of the unknown when it came to addiction. Drugs have been apart of my life as long as I can really remember so initially I was scared of being clean and dealing with my emotions and trauma. Since I had 25 days clean before my last relapse, I saw that recovery was possible for me, that living clean and sober is actually doable! That I CAN manage whatever comes my way. Feeling emotion, no matter what it is, is an opportunity to grow and learn. But now that I am not afraid of having success, I am now afraid of not fulfilling my life’s purpose. I don’t wanna be laying in bed somewhere, old, looking at death in the face… looking at my life wondering “Why?”… why didn’t I workout or eat healthy when I had the time? Why didn’t I tell people I love them more? Why didn’t I travel and experience new foods? Why didn’t I take that chance at a new job or career? Or go back to school to be a personal trainer or nutritionist? Why didnt I just enjoy the journey and be grateful for what I DO have? Ultimately I am clean and sober now and THAT is what matters. Being clean opens the doors to MANY things! But the jealousy of things I don’t have needs to stop cuz of this right here :point_down:


Absolutely incredible!!! I have NO words!! Proud of you :slight_smile:


Belated Happy Birthday Rosa!

Very cool number!!! Proud of Charlie :slight_smile:

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586 days of sobriety. Boss was pleased with my work today, and he was happy when I talked about my struggles and he has been so good at supporting me in a way that I need. Our work place is really flexible and there is a lot of trust in our group that everyone can do things on their own pace. While that is good for me in the way that I have difficulties waking up early in the morning, i have difficulties to get started and to hold my own deadlines. I told my boss that I need him to lead me and give me external pressure, which has helped quite a bit - stress of dissappointment is greater than my stupid brain. Still difficult, but a few percent easier.

Thoght that I was gonna only be tired and have a sore arm because of vaccine. i was wrong, fever is rising now :upside_down_face: anyyyyways


Life is crazy eh? Like, just everything about it. I’m sorry ur struggling abit today Matt :frowning: I have been in weird up n down moods lately too. I’ve been trying to sort of just observe my emotions when they pop up. Not judging them or trying to fix them but seeing what I can learn from them. I get soo caught up in my negative emotions and sometimes get “stuck” and I find literally stopping and breathing and doing a gratitude list is so helpful. Hope ur day improves :slight_smile:


Thank you for checking in. Last couple days have been hard. I just finished my therapy appointment and am feeling a little better. I guess the “pink cloud” phase of recovery is over.

I’m feeling overwhelmed with the move, recovery, and just life in general. I just need to find a way to get through this sober. I can’t numb everything with alcohol and I don’t feel the euphoria of recovery anymore. I can get through this but it will be hard.

I really appreciate all the support on here. And thank you @SadMemeQueen @CATMANCAM @Cherry_Kisses @TigerMatriarch for your messages as well.

Day 44 and still sober


Day 286 of no self harm. Just wanted to update that I managed to get through last night without any relapse. I’ll check in at the end of the day as usual. I’m so proud of all of you


And I’m proud of you Megan!

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