Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Hello checking in late on Day 194 just attending my Healthcare Professionals meeting on Zoom then gotta go to work for a night shift.

Had a lazy day not good but felt I needed the sleep.

Love Kat


Day 289 of no self harm.

Took a break from hanging out with my new friend group because I’m exhausted. I planned to go to the library today and do some school, but I can’t think clearly at all today. I’ll do that tomorrow. Gonna hang out with my best friend tonight. He helps me calm down a lottt so I’m hoping I’ll be able to fall asleep afterwards.

I’m okay today I guess. Tired as usual.


image…for your messages and gifs. They really meant a lot!


Checking in another day sober. 30 days so far !:+1:


:tada::clap::partying_face: Congratulations!!! 30 days!!! :partying_face::clap::tada:


I’m 2 days cigarette free so understand the feelings all too well. Feel free to join some of us on the below thread. There’s some helpful info there and a great place to vent away! Keep at it and take it 1minute, 1 hour, 1 day at a time :sunglasses:


Day 992 Sober
Day 002 Non Smoker

Congratulations to those that have hit milestones today :partying_face::star2::partying_face::star2:

May it be 1 week, double digits, 1 month, 1 year or simply chalking up another day sober, every day sober is a huge win, those milestones just make the victory taste that little bit sweeter :heartpulse:

Have been handing alot over to my HP lately, trusting that what is meant to be will be and letting go of emotions and thoughts that hold me back. Came across this beautiful little saying and it resonated deeply, maybe it will with someone else too :relieved:


About to go to sleep and just seen this. Thank you :grin:, Thank you for reminding me of the joy and gratitude of being sober for yet another day. Proud beyond words.


Anyone can stay sober for 5 or 10 years but how any of us do the first week I’ll never know. Congratulations on your courage :+1:



Wow!!! Congratulations :rose:

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Fantastic!! Congratulations on a full year of sobriety @Laraellelarissa! :partying_face: :tada:

yay baby


Congratulations @apes2020 on 300 days! And @Laraellelarissa on a whole year! And @Rockstar24777 on 20 months. Some amazing milestones!


Checking in on day 248. Hope everyone is having a great start to the week.


Thank you @icebear! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Checking in. Only day 3 but I feel okay. Having cravings but fighting them. Having a bit of anxiety tonight but drinking tea to calm me down and distracting myself. My man is gone at work for the week so I’m alone, except my fur babies, we travel for work so I’m away from my family and friends. It’s hard for me to be alone, but I’m dealing with it. Wishing nothing but the best for everyone on here❤️


Congrats on your 1st week!!!

Early morning check. Sober and hang-over free., I love it!
I just finished my 30 day push-up challenge, the last 3 days where difficult, but I managed to complete the challenge. I love challenges, they keep me going and they focus my mind on something positive instead of drinking. Looking for a new challenge not sure what to do yet. Any tips are welcome.
Today I will stay sober, whatever happens a drink will not solve this problem, it will make it worse.
Have a nice sober day my friends!
:pray: :blue_heart:

@Becsta So true! Thank you for reminding me this. :pray:
@Rockstar24777 I mist out on your epic milestone. Congratulations! you are such an example of how it can be done. :partying_face: :muscle: :pray:


Your are doing a great job! 3 days is awesome! You are in early recovery like me, so every day not drinking is a great victory.
Going for a long walk always helps me to distract myself. It’s great craving therapy!
Wish you all the best! :muscle: :blue_heart:


Congratulations! Wonderful achievement!

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