Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Thanks! Wasted a bunch of time waiting on it :rofl:


:rofl: I didnā€™t like to ask if you had, but know I would. I have refused to leave the car before until the clock says 12:34 :woman_facepalming:

I enjoyed seeing it so thank you for sharing.

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I canā€™t tell you how many times Iā€™ve seen 12:34 on a clock and thought it was special


Valentines day dinner with Emily and the kids!


Only managed just over five hours sleep last night on first restart sober sleep, but woke feeling much brighter and hopeful today. Full day at work with a much better outlook despite tiredness. Cooked OH a nice meal too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good catch! I set a personal milestone on the app at 1098 days and then an alarm so I could get 1098.76. No regrets :laughing:


As the day goes on the worse its getting. Not the way I wanted valentines day to go. Edit Iā€™m still strong on my goals!!


Haha I love the 50% chocolate sales after valentines day!


WOW!!! Nice meal u have going there!!

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Congratulations on 1 year! Thatā€™s wonderful!!! :partying_face::purple_heart:



Checking in
Still clean and sober! Has been a slightly stressful day due to errands needing to be done but I am doing my best to put God in the forefront of all my activities. Kitchen sink is plugged (Grrrr) until hubby can fix it when he gets home from work. But I managed to do dishes in another way :slight_smile: doing up laundry and other household chores. Made tons of phone calls and emails today to get things done and taken care of. Fed the fishy :fish: And idk what else to do. Just doing my best to stay busy and productive. Am hoping yo get my butt to the gym in the am tmrw. I want to get back on that again. Being sick screwed everything over! My whole routine! My eating, my exercise, not having enough energy to do my recovery stuff, and I couldnā€™t even meditate cuz I couldnā€™t breathe thru my nose haha anywayā€¦ grateful for feeling better! :pray:


Day 147, valentines day.

You know I actually had a good time yesterday and it wasnt my first sober superbowl. There was a time where I decided to go restaurant hopping with my partner and shopping and doing stuff she enjoyed instead of being selfish. But now that I think about it, she never took interest into anything that interested me unless it was a mutual interest.

Anyways, yesterday was pretty okay. Watched superbowl, ignored my calorie intake, played games, further ignored my calorie intake. Today, I woke up DYING. Stomach on fire, felt as if my stomach was yelling at me for putting so much junk inside of it with little to no moderation. (I doubt moderation exists where there is 7 plates of nachosšŸ˜…)
But although I felt my stomach angry at me from the food, i would prefer it be angry at me from food over alcohol any day.

The times Iā€™ve spent wondering about valentines has given me an excessive amount of anxiety more often than not but now that its here, I greet it with apathy.
You canā€™t do worse to me than Iā€™ve already done to my own life. Today I will spend spoiling my daughter as my valentine. And tonight, I will be taking my cheese puff devouring ass back to the gym.

Just going to add that its a stupid holiday in my opinion. There shouldnā€™t be one out of two times a year when you show affection or appreciation of one another. What about the other 360+ days? You should show love/appreciation of each other just because, not just because society tells you to via holiday.

Stupid holiday or not, I miss you.


Hello checking in late on Day 194 just attending my Healthcare Professionals meeting on Zoom then gotta go to work for a night shift.

Had a lazy day not good but felt I needed the sleep.

Love Kat


Day 289 of no self harm.

Took a break from hanging out with my new friend group because Iā€™m exhausted. I planned to go to the library today and do some school, but I canā€™t think clearly at all today. Iā€™ll do that tomorrow. Gonna hang out with my best friend tonight. He helps me calm down a lottt so Iā€™m hoping Iā€™ll be able to fall asleep afterwards.

Iā€™m okay today I guess. Tired as usual.


imageā€¦for your messages and gifs. They really meant a lot!


Checking in another day sober. 30 days so far !:+1:


:tada::clap::partying_face: Congratulations!!! 30 days!!! :partying_face::clap::tada:


Iā€™m 2 days cigarette free so understand the feelings all too well. Feel free to join some of us on the below thread. Thereā€™s some helpful info there and a great place to vent away! Keep at it and take it 1minute, 1 hour, 1 day at a time :sunglasses:


Day 992 Sober
Day 002 Non Smoker

Congratulations to those that have hit milestones today :partying_face::star2::partying_face::star2:

May it be 1 week, double digits, 1 month, 1 year or simply chalking up another day sober, every day sober is a huge win, those milestones just make the victory taste that little bit sweeter :heartpulse:

Have been handing alot over to my HP lately, trusting that what is meant to be will be and letting go of emotions and thoughts that hold me back. Came across this beautiful little saying and it resonated deeply, maybe it will with someone else too :relieved:


About to go to sleep and just seen this. Thank you :grin:, Thank you for reminding me of the joy and gratitude of being sober for yet another day. Proud beyond words.