Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Yes!!! I beat it​:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


Thank you so much​:sparkling_heart::pray: I made it. Yay. Can’t wait to have a good sleep and wake up feeling proud of myself!


Congratulations on your one month chip

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Awesome Kaci, congrats on your first month.



Congratulations!!! :partying_face::star2::heartpulse:


Thank you Cat! It’s been going well except waking up at 5am is killing me LOL! I’m used to going to bed at 2am-4am so my body adjusting is going to take some time but we are getting there :slight_smile:


Congrats !!! :heart:

Checking in Day 10. As you all know I started my new job and my shift has changed this 5am wake up is killing me lol. Are any of you early risers for work if so do you have any routines to wind down the night before so you get adequate rest?


Day 163

Today was a great day! I spent it at the beach and cruising down PCH. Had some awesome greek food and even went to a casino. I’m not a huge fan of gambling at all but it was still fun.
The world seemed to smile at me alot.
Didn’t have much time stuck in my head and now that I’m laying down, I feel way too exhausted to even let my thoughts keep me awake.
Praying that I don’t have nightmares tonight.

I hope everyone had a great day!


#Day 1261 :seedling:

My 2 oldest children have Covid. The oldest one discovered it when on holiday in Hungary with a friend. My daughter 2 days ago. They live on their own so we can easily keep our distance. Visit her yesterday to put some food and stuff on her doorstep. The oldest one is heading home today.
Today is a day off for me. Have to see the dentist and treat myself with a visit to a triftshop.
Tonight I have dinner with a good friend to share the pictures from the wedding.
7 nights to go before touch up tattoo :pray:

Picture from yesterday walk to my daughters house. Spring is there! :tulip:
Make this day a day to be proud of, that is my intention too!! :facepunch:


Wishing you a good day and a happy spring @SoberWalker ! Beautiful pic! get well to your children!


Day 163 checking in odaat


@Butterflymoonwoman thank you :blue_heart: I feel like a totally different person! :upside_down_face: I hope you found some moments of peace in your day :pray:t2:
@SadMemeQueen sorry to hear this :blue_heart: please believe you can start again :pray:t2:
@Peace welcome back :slightly_smiling_face: congrats on 3 days :tada:
@Hazy congrats on 60 days :tada: and a sponsor who is there for you :pray:t2:
@Mno thank you :blue_heart: and thank you for sharing the photo of that moving piece of Art :cry::broken_heart:
@Lotusflower thank you so much :blue_heart: I’m proud of you too :relaxed:
@ryanjames022819 congrats on 50 days :tada:
@anon42928441 congrats on double digits :tada:
@zzz congrats on your week :tada:
@Bomdhil congrats on double digits :tada:


@Brookiemonster618 congrats on almost 3.5 years :tada::star2::star2::star2:
@DryIn785 glad it went well :blush:
@SadMemeQueen I can relate a lot to how you feel, because I relapaed on day 460, and that relapse has left me with a mystery health issue that may be permanent. I hope we can both heal in this next stage of our recovery. :pray:t2: Sending Love, Strength, and Hope :blue_heart:
@Kacialyn congrats on your month :tada: I’m proud of you too :blue_heart:
@StarK31 congrats on double digits :tada: I wake early too, between 3-4am most days, I find if I start my settling down routine around 7pm, I am usually asleep by 9/9:30pm, but with now doing meetings til 9/9:30pm, then my check-in here, I’ve been going to bed much later and it is hard to adjust and I’m tired in the mornings now. Hopefully you will adjust if this is your shift going forwards :pray:t2:
@SoberWalker that is such a lovely photo of those beautiful flowers :heart_eyes: You’ve got through a week, you can do it again :pray:t2: Enjoy the meet-up with your friend :blush: sending well wishes for your children with Covid :pray:t2:

569 days no alcohol.
34 days no cocaine.
11 days no binge-eating.

My internet was down so I was unable to finish this check-in for yesterday, but here it is…

Did my daily prayers and meditated twice for the first time since I relapsed in mid-December, it felt so good. :raised_hands:t2:

I called some newcomers, I am so filled with joy that we all seem to share the same hope and enthusiasm for the program. :grinning:

Some guys further along their path have started calling me to see how I’m doing, and they share how speaking to me keeps lighting them up. We keep it by giving it away . :pray:t2:

Attended a Hybrid meeting last night, via Zoom, it was a great share.

I feel like a completely different person, I keep wondering if I’m still sane :upside_down_face::thinking:

I’m a little in my head this morning, but coming here helps, and once it’s mid morning I can phone the newcomers’ numbers I got from the meeting last night, and I’m sure I’ll feel energized again after those calls, then I can call my sponsor at 11:30am.

Hope, Faith, Courage; I’m grateful to be experiencing all of it. :raised_hands:t2:

  1. Coffee. The sun is out. Might ride my bike to therapy. I had maybe my dreamiest night ever. I remember five different ones. And even though the content wasn’t all nice, the images in 'm were beautiful. I feel pretty good. Despite the mess in the world. I do my best. Sober and clean. One day at a time.
    Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love from The Netherlands where yesterday obviously it was take-a-picture-of-a-crocus day, right Claudia? @SoberWalker :sunglasses:
    :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:

    @SadMemeQueen Glad you’re here. You’re not giving up. Hugs.
    @CATMANCAM Nice to see you in the morning for a chance friend. And even better seeing you do so well.
    @Kacialyn A full month yay Kaci! Big congrats lady.

Thank you, you are always such a kind person up here :heavy_heart_exclamation: Good luck with the phone calls and may they help massive! :pray:


Ha ha, yes it was Menno! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: Love yours too with the :honeybee: in it.
I made loads of pictures of them, it made me happy! I hate wintertime, so bring on the warmth!

And another spam crocus :nerd_face:


Checking in Sober and Hangover free.

I am feeling much better today then the last couple of days. The enormous anxiety is gone for now. I am not sure where it came from, since I didn’t have those anxiety attacks for weeks. I don’t now how to relate them or how to express myself about it. What I do now is that I am sober and I feel good about that.
I have one day of work left and then my holiday starts. I will go by train to Luxembourg and have a one week hiking trip with my close friend. Packing will definitely give me some stress, because I have to carry everything in my backpack . But I can handle that kind of stress.

Have a nice sober day my friends!

:pray: :blue_heart:

@Callie99 a belated congrats on your :five: months of sobriety. You are doing so great. :pray: :star_struck:

@ShesGotMoxie and for you aswell, little late… congratulations on your :two: :zero: :zero: days.
I am so proud of you huge inspiration to me! :muscle: :pray:

@Lotusflower Tripple digits! Amazing milestone! Keep it up.
Congratulations on your :one: :zero: :zero: days :partying_face: :+1:

@Hazy Congrats on your :six: :zero: days as well Great milestone :muscle: :wink:

@anon42928441 You are doing very well. congrats on your double digits. :one: :zero: :muscle: :partying_face:

@zzz :seven: days! Very well done! keep up the good work Congrats :v: :muscle:


Hahaha… Too right! Crisps is harder I think!