Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Checking in, day 148.

Valentines is done and gone. (Good riddance)
I spent the day eating good food and chocolates with my daughter, took her to one of those “kid gyms” thats huge and even parents can play with them, its like 3 stories.(half a year ago, my heart would not have allowed me to be up there with her and it felt so amazing to take it all in on how far I’ve come)
Then we went to a movie that got cut short cause the little one wasn’t feeling it, so instead we came home and played minecraft before her bedtime. As i was getting ready for gym, I get a call from my mom crying, she injured her sciatic nerve and wanted to go to see a doctor. While with her at the doctor, I get a call from my cousin saying his moms cancer is back and has spread much further than before. It was just bad news after bad news.
I’m currently taking care of my mom and I have been praying for my aunt.
Just doing my best to keep breathing, but overall, I surprisingly feel okay.

One day at a time, life will be what life will be.
It is also what we make of it

Hope all is well with everyone.
The weather has been mighty gloomy here in socal today.


:boom: :tada: :partying_face: Congratulations!!! 30 days is amazing !!!:partying_face: :tada: :boom:

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:tada: :boom: :partying_face: 30 days!! 1 month!!! CONGRATS!!! :partying_face: :boom: :tada:

@anon86198612 :partying_face: :tada: :boom: 30 is the number of the day!!! Congratulations!!!:boom: :tada: :partying_face:


The woulda, coulda, shoulda faze is not fun but it’s very necessary. I’m still hitting it on and off. Sometimes it whacks me outta the blue about something from years ago. Sometimes it’s more obvious but simmers under the surface for a bit. UGH! We can’t change the past. Do overs only happen in the movies. We can only do today better than we did yesterday. ODAAT


@CATMANCAM thank you for writing this my addict used to tell me I needed stimulants to do even very simple things and alcohol to cope with the kids. Lying bastards, our addicts! Well done on recognizing that.

I do admit to still having those thoughts about caffeine these days…


Kat here checking in on Day 195 excited to get close to 200!

Had a decent day, gym, then slept after my night shift, then went to an in-person meeting this evening. We read from the Living Clean book which I need to get back from my friend to whom I lent it.

Night off here, then 4 night shifts coming up.

Hope you all have a clean and sober night/ day wherever in the world you are

@Mno that is a particularly beautiful picture of Amsterdam thank you for sharing those!

Love Kat


Evening check in
Has been a busy day. 2 meditations, prayer and devotional, grocery shopping, medication pickup, phone calls and emails and paperwork signing for stuff that needed taking care of. Took care of some bills which I am really proud of myself for. Paid off our cell phone and cable bill completely once again to $0, and even started the process of paying off my credit card… my bank is helping me by lowering the interest rate on my card to 5.99% instead of the 20 something % that it was originally. So that will help me pay it off faster (hopefully). My finances are honestly a disaster. Using crack cocaine which is disgustingly expensive and pointless in many ways has destroyed my finances. I hate thinking about where I’d be today if I spent or saved money properly. But I am doing my best! No urges to use today even tho I was overwhelmed. I’m trying to find balance in my recovery. Trying to make sure my HP comes 1st bcuz when that happens, everything falls into place in my life. Grateful to be ending this day clean and sober! Congratulations to everyone celebrating milestones today! Proud of everyone here :heart:



Welcome to the 300 club!!!


We already had a plan remember???


Hello sober warriors. Checking in on day 249. Up since 4am and Tuesdays are exhausting so off to bed. Have a good day or night wherever you find yourself. :orange_heart:






What happened to you watching that show often happens to me when I watch This is US. It always brings up a childhood issue that I didn’t come to grips with and brings me to tears. Can definitely affect your mood. Great job not acting out after that




Sorry to hear about your husband I can imagine how scary that was, wishing him a speedy and full recovery… in times like this our sobriety is key :yellow_heart:


416 days

I applied for another job, working in Housing/homeless sector, I have got another one to complete, so focusing on doing my best applications. I don’t have years of experience but I have empthaty and passion, and reading my supporting statement it comes through. Will just see what happens. I am in work, so it takes the pressure off.

@Sunny11 Congratulations on 18 months :clap: amazing
@Dansig well done on receiving your 9 month chip and best of luck with your interviews :+1:
@SelfLove_42 Congratulations on 90 days fabulous :medal_sports:
@Jonachav123 good to see you back
@anon86198612 yes 1 whole month, you can do this :green_heart:
@CleanJean Congratulations in your 1 months and yes you can :innocent:
@SadMemeQueen firstly well done on 300 days that’s huge :clap: have you tried the doctors regarding sleep, it’s so delibating when you can’t sleep, I do hope you can get some help :100:
@Nowenbrace well done on your super 7 months milestone
@SoberGuyUSA wow !

Have a strong 24 hrs all :green_heart:


I keep my fingers crossed that it’ll work out.


Thank you :blush:


Day 42 AF
Bought myself a couple of books today as a bit of a reward.


Good morning all!

Checking in on day 4. Determent to stay sober this time. No matter what it takes. I had a good conversation about it with my girlfriend last night.
I got her full support. She’s the best!

Anyway. Taking it step by step again. Day by day.
To hell with ‘moderate drinking’ and telling myself I can do that… I clearly can’t. So there’s no inbetween.
I’m not one of those moderate drinking folks.

Be strong! Have a great sober day!