Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Good for you on the gym visit! I have a rowing machine at home, it’s the only piece of equipment that I like.
I’m up early with my little dog, my bff

Unfortunately the reason I’m back in hell with my husband. I moved from CT to CO for a year but Chaplin was attacked by a pack of dogs and I spent my life savings on surgeries to keep him alive. It was worth it.
Have a stellar day sober peeps :dog:


It was so hard at first! I was filled with heaps of self hatred, remorse and regret… I felt like a fraud standing infront of the mirror saying these things to myself, I didn’t believe in them at all. But every time I passed the mirror I’d force myself to stop, look at myself and repeat just a few of them. It slowly got easier and helped turn my thinking and self belief around x


6 months today! Still kickin! Hope everyone is doing great!!!


Great job @MolotovMoxie! Day 183 so right alongside ya! Keep your head up and hope to keep seeing you around.


Morning all,
Checking in on day 183. It’s already a day.


Hapy sober Saturday! We had massive winds here overnight in the Chicago area. Things seem to have calmed down. Busy day ahead as usual so I’m feeling grateful that I’m not hung over and shaking.

Have an awesome day my friends!


Happy day to all of you!
I’m checking in at day 113. I’m so pleased with how I feel and how I sleep. My stress and anxiety levels are so much better than when I was in the constant cycle of trying to manage my addiction to alcohol. I truly feel free!

Last night my husband and I walked to the local pizza place and bar to start celebrating his birthday weekend. The pizza was excellent and my Shirley temple was a treat! And since I’ve been shifting my identity to be a non drinker, the hubby has cut way back as well. I was just fine sitting at that bar and not having alcohol. I was really quite amazed.

I’m pretty sure I’m feeling this way because I’ve really embraced the freedom that sobriety has brought to me. I have embraced the cognitive process of changing my thinking about alcohol and learning how it really works it’s destructive powers on my brain. It was an effort to change my thinking and take care of myself, but I’m really grateful I did. The learning had to happen before I could change and my misery had to be enough to push me to learn.

I continue to read and learn so that I don’t slip back into it. I think that will be important for quite a while. I feel so fortunate to be going through this process at a time when the information I need is easily available and so many supports can be in place if I want them. How very difficult and unsuccessful this would have been for me before the internet and so much good writing about addiction was available.

So while I have not been checking in here daily, I do check in on the topic of my learning and growth every day.

I wish you all peace!


Hey all, checking in on day 615. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thanks! TS has made all the difference.


Awww… Doggie is adorable and sorry to hear he was attacked. I , too, live in CO.
God bless you on your life’s journey


Woot woot! 199 is AMAZING!!! GOD BLESS :pray:


What a beautiful place you get to reside in. Gosh, how I’d love to bike to a dairy farm for some small essentials.
Congrats on all the time under your belt. It’s such a gift from Creator to experience life as our better selves.
Thank you for your share.
God bless :pray:


Congratulations Kat! Looks like your sobriety plan is working well!!


Early morning checkin
Day 5
Woke up not well mentally. I woke up sooo disoriented and experiencing awful feelings (which I can’t name bcuz I can’t pin point what they are), almost like I had done something wrong. Which I haven’t. I literally went to bed last night at like 11pm after a long shower and slept like a baby. The weather right now is messing with my head. I cant be the only one where weather triggers thoughts of my past or at times thoughts of using (using thits aren’t happening now. Just weird thots of my past when using meth for some odd reason). Its like an eery warm wind in the middle of winter. Super calm and the aura is soo off right now. A man is screaming by the park near me (not like a help me scream just like a “I hate my life” scream). Im on my way to work. Need to just ground myself right now so that I’m staying “where my hands are” (in the present moment). Gonna put my headphones in and listen to my Bible passage and stuff, pray, and then do the next right thing. Anyway, here is a cool photo of the moon this morning:


My cousin has been messaging about the storm you guys had :flushed: and says there is another expected to hit on Sunday and Monday? Keep safe my sober triplet :heartpulse:


Day 96.
I’m kinda lulled this last week. Spent too much time with same individual and not enough time focused on my recover, my outreach plans nor many meetings.
I can feel the difference when I don’t get myself fed on the shares and love from others who struggle just like me.
I love the multi-facets of each of us and I get to see more of Source/Creators character when I meet, hear and share with humanity that is seeking to better themselves and dive deep for renewing changes.
Yesterday started off so lovely and I was able to help motivate a friend to handle a driver’s licence issue plus plus. He was thankful to me as I tend to be a 'Get it done ’ type of person and he had been procrastinating on such things for over 5 years. So that was nice to be useful to a friend. Especially when they are grateful and remind me that I’m doing good at being a real authentic friend.
(Pause and Reflect)
It’s been so long since someone has stopped to appreciate me… Even now as I wrote this my eyes well with tears of gratitude.
The simple things ya know. (Deep breath in…)
I planned on going to my first +❤️(Heart math) class last night but got an SOS call from a sister in recovery. She made all the right statements for me to jump without hesitation as I raced across town during rush-hour traffic to nab her up before she got drunk or high. My best friend was with me and he and I worked well together as we considered all perspectives of my sister in crises motives. We pulled over quickly to remove any weapon like things in the back of car. We sprayed car to smell fresh and pretty for her and we prayed for guidance, confidence and courage. As I pulled up to the Liquor Store where she was at, after a 50 minute drive, and after I JUST gotten my third call from her literally 5 minutes beforehand… She was not there. She left right after she hung up the phone with me the last time.

I walked one other place for her then quickly got out of the area as I knew all too well what goes on there and there is evil and darkness looming to snatch us up around each corner.
I didn’t take it personal. I certainly wouldn’t do it again for her unless I’d ask a series of questions. It was a good learning curve for myself and my bff for reflection and a better, more precise and planned outreach.

Last thing… I’ve had a fire :fire: in my belly and heart for street ministry/outreach/hustle love type non-profit way of living. And yet I never felt qualified enough to just do it.
I know all too well what it’s like to have it all and what’s it like to have nothing. (Literally nothing)
And I suppose I haven’t been giving myself enough credit nor The Great I AM enough thanks as I realize that even though I’m not officially in the States registry as a non-profit… I AM, however, helping, loving, giving and being called upon for help to those around me.
A simple smile. A water. Offer of food. (NEVER CASH) A drive to one place. Even helping get people signed up for certain resources. A pray or words of encouragement. Those have all been helping and loving others in need. So I suppose… I have been doing good work and service for others.
I am bummed I missed HeartMath last night for a no show /faux pas SOS call , however, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I go HARD for my people! :pray::heart::fire::100:

God bless family
I’ll take another 24


Yes, that would be the third one in five days, crazy stuff. Yesterday’s one was a real big one, and it isn’t expected to get that bad again. I was out just now on my bike, many trees down, always a sad sight. I’ll be safe my sober triplet, we got ourselves some milestones to celebrate soon, wouldn’t miss those :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: :heartpulse:!


I can relate to your feelings and not being able to name them.
What a great pic!

I felt like my spirit simply needed to grieve many facets from my past and rather than stuff it or name it or hide it… I accept my tears, one by one, and allowed myself to sob.
It literally got to a point of 6 straight days of bawling myself to sleep that I thought I’d need to get medicated. And then it broke off.
It went away after I allowed myself to grieve, and feel the uncomfortable emotions and not hide, not try to make sense of them… I just let them come and let them go. I stayed IN them and allowed them to go.

I feel like perhaps I used to either stop what my spirit needs to naturally do or go around them uncomfortable feelings and thus my needing more and more help, therapy or drugs to stop feeling them again.

Keep up the good work. Honestly, transparency and healing is key to a successful sobriety and life.

Love you sis :heart:


Got through last night safe, clean, and sober. Only bad thing is I didn’t sleep at all.

Today is Saturday which means family day. Which are always terrible and exhausting. I’m just gonna have to push through. I’ll check in at the end of the day

Update: ate a full lunch with my mom and Grandpa and then went home. I was just too tired to handle my whole family and I started to get a migraine. I’m gonna try not to nap today in hopes I sleep through tonight.


Congrats on your 6 months!!:tada: Incroyable!! I am EXACTLY one month behind you 👯‍♀

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