Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

@hopeful777 thank you :blue_heart:
@siand I hope you get some answers re your tiredness soon :pray:t2:
@Sobrietyadventurer congrats on triple digits :100::tada:
@Rockstar24777 congrats on 20 months :tada:
@Heyelley congrats on double digits :tada:
@Jesile have a wonderful holiday :blush:

Here’s a :yellow_heart: for all the posts I can’t put one on :blush:

552 days no alcohol.
17 days no cocaine.
14 days no binge-eating.

Read around on here this morning, I’m enjoying checking out new threads, that’s why all my :yellow_heart: keep getting used up.

My mood started out quite low because the sky was grey and it has been been raining,

I watched the final of my favourite singing program at lunchtime, it’s so much fun.

I managed to get myself out for a slow 25 min walk just after dark. I really enjoyed it, no pain in my left foot, manageable pain in my right foot, and no chest pains! :raised_hands:t2: I felt a bit light-headed towards the end and was very purple when I got home, but I really enjoyed it. Now that I know I’m capable of it, I plan to do it every day.

I also managed to have a bath and shower this evening, and cleaned and flossed my teeth. These things always make me feel so good, my brain just won’t let me do them, but I reached out to my online friend about it, and he helped me with supportive prompts.

Prince has been to me 7 times for strokes and belly rubs, so I’m feeling much better.

Today has been a very good day. :blush:

I hope you’ve all had lovely sober weekends. :blue_heart:


Checking in day 146

Sober superbowl gathering is at full speed.
Been busy all day cleaning and prepping, been cooking and staying occupied. Trying my hardest not to be in my head, not afraid of relapse, afraid of being stricken with an overwhelming depressive episode.
But so far so good, I’m doing my best to stay okay!

Food is almost done, lots of junk food, cooler is full of energy drinks, sparkling water, and sodas.
Ready for the rest of the day!

I hope everyone has a great and sober day


Day 19 ending. Living a very good momentum after very difficult days binging and relapsing


Day 569!
The sky is BLUE guys! It is 70degrees and feels like spring. Funny how when the depression lifts all my problems are still there, they just aren’t on the forefront of my mind. I’m no longer obsessing over them. Sure, me and my partner haven’t slept in the same bed for going on 4 years now but whatever! …
The sky is blue. :joy:
My daughter had soccer today. We spent the morning making valentines since the store was sold out. They turned out great! I have a mom friend now at soccer. She is the real deal. She even offered to watch my daughter when I had a doctors appointment because I couldn’t take her. Funny how when I decide to move is when I start getting close with someone. Ah, life.
@CATMANCAM I think your post yesterday was my favorite post of all time in the history of this thread! It’s such a joy watching you succeed. Glad kitty is okay.
@Rockstar24777 Happy 20 months to you my dear friend! :tada::tada: I’m celebrating you today! :raised_hands:


Thank you @CATMANCAM! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thank you @Clarity! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Hi everybody I don’t think I checked in yet today, day 193.

Things are good just at an NA in-person meeting waiting for it to start!

I can do this and you can too

Love Kat


Damn this almost made me want to hit the casino!!!

Life is ok today.

I am not trying to escape the shitty way I feel by using substances. I am just taking the advice of people that have come before me when they say to be of service so that I stay out of my own head. It works…
I am managing to get through my third week in a row of a flare up without much of a dip in my mood which is nice. Staying out of self pity and being grateful for all that is good in my life is where I want my thinking to stay.

Congrats everyone in your recovery.



Lucky number! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Nice catch! My favorite number!




That’s an amazing number there!


Well I did these to tonight my design. They were happy, but all I see are my flaws, fucked up part of her line. And just was having trouble with the forearm, and finding a good spot without my arm rest. His will get color at a later date but he wanted to drink instead. Idk I wish I could be more gentle on myself, no this isn’t phenomenal work, but still for who I was and where I fucking started it’s not bad either.


Great catch super twin :hugs:


Checking in sober and hang-over free.
I had an amazing weekend and I am feeling great today. Ready to go to work!
Have a great sober day my friends
:v::muscle: :blue_heart:


Amazing Stella! Great number you got there :star_struck: :muscle:

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6 7/8 M AF Checking in Sunday night sober.
Working on a healthy routine lately. Had a good weekend staying active. Did have a near beer on Friday but the other near beer was left in the fridge, I’ll take it as a success.
Have a great week all, stay strong.
:heart: Owen


I don’t think there would ever be a ‘perfect’ tattoo. You need to let go of that. If they are happy it is ok.


I know I promise I try. It’s like the way I obsess over wanting to be a good dad. Hopefully I can control this mind set some day. But at the same time I feel it will help me become a better artist, someone told me never think your good enough and it kind of stuck… Addicts are hard on them selves lol


Checking in.
2years 6 weeks 3 Super Bowls Alcohol Free AF
6 months of no extra added sugar.
Lots of big stuff, God Willing, going to be happening this year for me. I’m just going to try and take it all one day at a time. And deal with life sober. I’m not sure there’s any other way to do it.
After decades of numbing myself, sobriety meant actually feeling again. When I start to feel embarrassed about how erratic & up & down I was in those first few months I try and remind myself it was part of the process. I couldn’t get here without going there first.
Let’s get another day shall we!