Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Oh, oh… I have a little to add to that.

“Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and some stink!”

Sorry couldn’t stay quiet.

Hahhaha :sweat_smile:


Hahaha absolutely true!!! I’ve never heard that before! How are you this morning? How was ur mtg?


@CATMANCAM you are kidding me right, your group doesn’t consider taking mental health meds as being sober? That’s ridiculous in my opinion.

I have been on antidepressants all my adult life and they absolutely do not make me high they help me function in my day to day life. Please do not stop taking your mental health meds prescribed by a Dr because of this group.


It was great, FOUR people took multiple years!!! Awesome meeting filled my soul. Ty for asking. :kissing_heart:

Have a strong day.


Absolutely… when I was coming off meth many years ago. I was put on a medication cocktail if some pretty crazy meds so that I could literally “function” and “cope” being clean off meth. Some people gave me such grief over it saying I should reset my clean date and all that! The fact that others in certain rooms even chose to butt their noses into my business and take my inventory and tell me these things, it almost made me quit taking my meds (and I’m sure I would’ve relapsed on it shortly after if I did). Thankfully my sponsor told me that no one in 12 step mtgs is a Dr. This is MY journey of recovery and if I need my meds, I need them! Recovery for me is healing all parts of me. Not just the physical but mental and emotional and absolutely spiritual.


Wow how amazing!!! Perfect way to the end the night I’m sure! U doing ok?

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Day 494.

Thougt id check in again! Its been a while since i last did so. Sober life is treating me really well.

I do have my ups and downs ofcourse but my fellows at the NA keep reminding me that there is no ups without downs so i hold on to that.

I still do my weekly NA meetings and there has been a new CA meeting in my village that started recently. Feels pretty good to now visit a meeting in the place where it all started for me, the madness and all that.

I hope all of you are doing well!

Thanks for the support and i wish you the best.

Stay sober! Your worth it!




Hi Kat here checking in on day 203 doing well

Went to my homegroup last night in-person it was great. There was talk of hugs returning to the rooms and coffee which have both been banned due to Covid.

Work is going good have been able to hit the gym two days in a row after work and plan on it again.
Laundry and apartment cleaning need doing lol. Also have to go for a urine tox screen today for my addiction Dr. Happy it will be clean as can be!

Hope you all have a great sober day!



Yes I am good, thanks for asking. :sparkling_heart:


Day 24 sober AF

Haven’t posted in a couple days, have Been trying to deal with all these unresolved feelings from the past , especially from my previous relationship.

I have had so much regret in how things were handled and how things ended, and I have been missing our family and my ex (my sons’ father)

Since I became sober, his attitude towards me has changed for the better and we were talking daily , sending family pictures to one another , he was just being there for me, and I guess my feeling got ahead of myself. I have been dating a really great guy , who’s amazing to me and my kids, but I find myself distant at times not knowing what I should do or if I should be in a relationship. I know they say you shouldn’t date for about a year or so after being sober but we had started before I took my journey , he does not drink so it’s been a big help.

Talking to my ex was bringing up old feelings , feelings of regret. Yesterday he messaged me and basically told me in the nicest way possible that he is here for me during this time , and can offer me a friendship but we have both gone past the boundaries we had set with one another and told me that the past is the past and unfortunately I can’t fix what we went through and he’s happy how is life is going.

I should be happy to hear that , but it also broke my heart knowing that I will never be able to get that life back that I once loved.

Maybe I needed to hear that to fully get the closure and deal with the hurt that I should have dealt with last year when things ended. I spend most the day crying and getting my emotions out yesterday , which I think was needed , but my heart still hurts.

I was suppose to attend my first AA meeting last night but they were closed so going tonight. Hoping that these meetings and steps can help me get through all these emotions and feelings I’m going through, because it’s fucking hard and all I want to do is drink and use and forget the pain but I know that doesn’t help anything except set me back to the beginning where everything fell apart and I’m not ready to ruin my progress.

Sorry if my post is all over the place , that’s how my head and hear feels today , all over .

Hope you all have another wonderful day of sobriety fighting these inner demons :muscle::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:


Relationship stuff is honestly the hardest stuff to work thru imo. It just consumes alot of time and energy thinking about it. I’m glad to hear tho that things are decent friendship wise and communication wise with ur ex. That’s good!
Honestly we don’t know what the future holds for any of us. As long as we take the next right action and continue on with our recoveries, anything is possible. I often tell myself that I have no control over the outcome. My HP has the control over that. The only thing I have control over is by taking the next right action (by me turning my thinking and acting over to my HP). Sometimes things work in my favor annnnnd sometimes they don’t. But my HP always knows what’s best :slight_smile:
I hope ur first AA mtg goes well today! Excited for u :slight_smile: Really proud of you girl xo You’re working thru some really hard emotionally stuff. Feel free to msg me if u ever just want to vent or chat or say hi!


Day 621 clean and sober today. I hope everyone has a beautiful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Thought I’d be wasting another day by staying indoors, but it’s 5 degrees outside. :cold_face: I guess rewatching some old movies wouldn’t be so bad. The day’s high was 76 the day before yesterday, because F’ing Kansas, that’s why.

Going to miss a medical appointment today that I’ve been waiting for almost 2 months because I have no way of getting to Kansas City. Was going to rent a car, but I lost my job some time in the last two weeks. I was laid off for some reason, and they decided to “upgrade” me from “laid off” to “unemployed”. And I only found out I was fired because I needed the boss to sign some paperwork for my housing assistance. :unamused:

All in all, I really felt like drinking last night. But I didn’t.

Okay, this is good: right before I hit “send” on all of the above, I got a job interview from a company I actually want to work for! Yay! :grin:


I can early appreciate everything you have said here and I believe it is normal for most of us to reflect back to what we lost with some sadness. I sabotaged two relationships, one with my daughters father and then one with a man who loved me so much he stayed with me through my whole relapse.

Sitting with that sadness without letting it poison me is a skill that I am learning as I move through my recovery. I have come to understand that regret has no place in my life because I have made no “mistakes”. I have only done things right or things that I learned from. I am grateful for all of it. Without all of those experiences I would still be getting taught those lessons and I want to move forward now…Life is just a constant learning experience the trick is not to get stuck.

I hope you enjoy your meeting tonight, can’t wait to hear how it went.



Thanks girl. That means so much​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart:

I’m learning to not let it consume me , which it has been doing for the past few days , but today is a new day and my head is a little clearer.

I’m a firm believer in fate and what is meant to be will be , so I’m letting go of it and just taking my days day by day , and what ever the future holds I’m ready for it :pray::heart:


Thanks love I really appreciate your words and support :heart::heart:

I feel that’s what I’m doing in my current relationship , some days are really good and happy and other days I wonder why I’m stringing him along , when I know he deserves better than I give him at times. The love he shows for me is unlike anything I have ever experienced, it’s true and genuine, however at times he gets upset when I express my feelings , like he doesn’t understand what I’m going through a lot of the times because he doesn’t drink . We often talk it out and I try to explain my self better because sometimes my words don’t always come out in the best way LOL he always apologizes and makes sure he isn’t part of my down days but sometimes his behaviour is . I totally understand where he is coming from though because like I said sometimes I don’t give him what I should.

I have been trying to work through all these issues with him by my side , but at times , I feel like maybe being alone during this journey would benefit better because I’m not having to worry about anyone else except myself and my children which in reality is all I should be focusing on now.

It’s a god damn whirl wind of emotions I tell yah :sob::joy::heart:


Thanks Stella for your support too! Sorry for your loss. Sending a virtual hug your way :hugs:


Hello guys.
Checking in day 30. Happy to made it to 1 month.
Have a great day guys.


I know I’m late but so happy for you! You did it!

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Day 28. Am I supposed to feel better at some point? How long until you had a “good” day?