Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Happy valentines day!
44 days w/o weighing self
6 days w/o purging
So ready for a new day and new week and happy to be in my normal routine. Yesterday ended up being really triggering. Ugh! Weekends are hard!


Oh no I think I may have been mis understood, I know ppl care and all that im just saying thatā€™s what my mind says, bc itā€™s all I talk about lol. I know some ppl are going to care and some are not. Iā€™m fine with that. Itā€™s just like when we takes selfies and post in the sober selfies, of course we want some love on it we were feeling are selves for a little bit.


That makes sense. :slight_smile:


Congrats on your :three: :zero: :zero: days :star_struck: :partying_face: :muscle: and thanks for the encouragement :pray: :blue_heart:

@Laraellelarissa Congratulations on your :one: YEAR of sobriety! what a great achievement! :partying_face: :pray: :muscle:

@Deep Congrats on your :three: weeks. Keep up the good work :muscle: :partying_face: :pray:

@anon42928441 Congratulations! :one: week sober! Amazing milestone! :star_struck: :partying_face:


Day 1198 AF and 2 days without sweeteners. I am so tired. I will see.
And I am worried more and more about a possible war in Europe.
I am grateful to be sober and grateful that I am no politician.


Thank you @ShadowFax!!

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Thank you @Chiron !!

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Morning check in!
Today I woke up feeling pretty crappy. But I am determined to change my outlook! I am going full force into my spirituality from here on out. I truly truly CAN NOT live my life without thd guidance of something Greater than myself. I am so done living my life on self will and trying to run the show. My best thinking gets me in the worst case scenerios. So today I was invited to join in on a zoom mtg (every Monday) with women who are believers of God but have been through very similar thingsā€¦ drug addiction and prostitution. It was wonderful to also be around other women on a similar path. I know some of them and some I donā€™t. But it was just so nice to join in and to praise God and to learn new tools. I prayed to Godā€¦ literally getting down on my knees and praying. I find getting down on my knees very vulnerable and something I dont really like feeling, but knowing that I am safe and surrendering to my addiction and to absolutely everything in my life is such a good feeling. The trouble I have is keeping that momentumā€¦ just like with my clean time, I am willing to do anything when I slip, but when Iā€™m feeling better I start to slide on what has gotten me that far. I am so grateful to be clean today and Iā€™m grateful for God in my life :butterfly:


So awesome you have found a group of ladies you can really relate to!!! Love it Dana.



Checking in 46 days sober, and for once in a looooong looong time I actually feel good, much better then I have since, I cant remeber. I dont know about tomorrow or for how Long, but today is a good day. I hope all of you have a good day to, and if not I hope for you a better day :two_hearts:


D 501
Just another Monday and yet not. My country calls this day Friendsā€™ Day, which means we celebrate all friendships :purple_heart: So with that in mind, have a great Valentineā€™s Day.

With special note for @Laraellelarissa on your AMAZING milestone!!! I share my roses that I got for today :heart:


Day 39 alcohol free and day 1.5 vape free! Not going to lie severely struggling with the nicotine withdrawals right now!


Happy Monday! Letā€™s just call tomorrow Valentines day (it has nothing to do with everything being 50% off lol). Hope you all have an awesome day!!


Back up to 44 daysā€¦ My sponsor has asked me ā€˜thatā€™ questionā€¦ The one you shouldnā€™t really say no to, to move forward in your recovery, to do a chairā€¦:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::woozy_face:ā€¦
Donā€™t wanna think about it too muchā€¦ havenā€™t done a chair since my rehap days in my early 20ā€™sā€¦


Amazing!! Firstly massive congratulations on the milestone, but also brilliant work capturing that sequence :heart_eyes:

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:rofl: I didnā€™t like to ask if you had, but know I would. I have refused to leave the car before until the clock says 12:34 :woman_facepalming:

I enjoyed seeing it so thank you for sharing.

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Only managed just over five hours sleep last night on first restart sober sleep, but woke feeling much brighter and hopeful today. Full day at work with a much better outlook despite tiredness. Cooked OH a nice meal too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Good catch! I set a personal milestone on the app at 1098 days and then an alarm so I could get 1098.76. No regrets :laughing:


As the day goes on the worse its getting. Not the way I wanted valentines day to go. Edit Iā€™m still strong on my goals!!


Haha I love the 50% chocolate sales after valentines day!