Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

Thank you Eric!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Thank you Menno and @TigerMatriarch!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Way to go @Laraellelarissa fantastic job my friend!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :confetti_ball::balloon::confetti_ball::tada::heart::sunglasses::metal:t2:


@anon53116147 Those are pretty cute design. Be hard enough on yourself that it pushes you to improve, but not so hard that you give up. The people who are at the top of their field were also once novices. Itā€™s easy to think that when you post about something here, no one actually cares what you have to say, but I can tell you that isnā€™t true. Sure, some people donā€™t care, but then also some do. Mike, your tattoos are important to you and your thoughts and feelings on them matter. While ome might think it has nothing to do with sobriety, I think that is incorrect. Our emotional states have a big role to play in our sobriety. If we are successfully finding things to fill our lives with, it helps keep us on the right path. If someone doesnā€™t want to read about your tattoos, they have the option to scroll past. You and your goals are just as important as anyone elses. Even if no one comments on your post, that doesnā€™t make it unimportant.
@apes2020 300! :tada: Iā€™m so excited for you! Congratulations! This is your year! The 2s are with you. :laughing: :wink:
@JennyH You are not responsible for anyone elseā€™s moods but your own. You asked your husband about how he feels, and he chose not to share. Itā€™s okay to let it go and allow him to have his emotions. If he wants to open up to you, you have given him that oppotunity. Now it is up to him to shoulder the responsibility of choosing to open up. I donā€™t know your situation, when you choose to make a major change in your life, this can cause some emotional upheaval for those closest to you, even if it is a good change. Great job getting through your first weekend. :+1:
@Laraellelarissa Congratulations on your 1 year! :slight_smile:
@anon42928441 Great work on your 1 week! Keep it up!
@liv_m I love that grumpy cat valentine. :laughing:
@Esme710 Great job getting to double digits!


Happy valentines day!
44 days w/o weighing self
6 days w/o purging
So ready for a new day and new week and happy to be in my normal routine. Yesterday ended up being really triggering. Ugh! Weekends are hard!


Oh no I think I may have been mis understood, I know ppl care and all that im just saying thatā€™s what my mind says, bc itā€™s all I talk about lol. I know some ppl are going to care and some are not. Iā€™m fine with that. Itā€™s just like when we takes selfies and post in the sober selfies, of course we want some love on it we were feeling are selves for a little bit.


That makes sense. :slight_smile:


Congrats on your :three: :zero: :zero: days :star_struck: :partying_face: :muscle: and thanks for the encouragement :pray: :blue_heart:

@Laraellelarissa Congratulations on your :one: YEAR of sobriety! what a great achievement! :partying_face: :pray: :muscle:

@Deep Congrats on your :three: weeks. Keep up the good work :muscle: :partying_face: :pray:

@anon42928441 Congratulations! :one: week sober! Amazing milestone! :star_struck: :partying_face:


Day 1198 AF and 2 days without sweeteners. I am so tired. I will see.
And I am worried more and more about a possible war in Europe.
I am grateful to be sober and grateful that I am no politician.


Thank you @ShadowFax!!

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Thank you @Chiron !!

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Morning check in!
Today I woke up feeling pretty crappy. But I am determined to change my outlook! I am going full force into my spirituality from here on out. I truly truly CAN NOT live my life without thd guidance of something Greater than myself. I am so done living my life on self will and trying to run the show. My best thinking gets me in the worst case scenerios. So today I was invited to join in on a zoom mtg (every Monday) with women who are believers of God but have been through very similar thingsā€¦ drug addiction and prostitution. It was wonderful to also be around other women on a similar path. I know some of them and some I donā€™t. But it was just so nice to join in and to praise God and to learn new tools. I prayed to Godā€¦ literally getting down on my knees and praying. I find getting down on my knees very vulnerable and something I dont really like feeling, but knowing that I am safe and surrendering to my addiction and to absolutely everything in my life is such a good feeling. The trouble I have is keeping that momentumā€¦ just like with my clean time, I am willing to do anything when I slip, but when Iā€™m feeling better I start to slide on what has gotten me that far. I am so grateful to be clean today and Iā€™m grateful for God in my life :butterfly:


So awesome you have found a group of ladies you can really relate to!!! Love it Dana.



Checking in 46 days sober, and for once in a looooong looong time I actually feel good, much better then I have since, I cant remeber. I dont know about tomorrow or for how Long, but today is a good day. I hope all of you have a good day to, and if not I hope for you a better day :two_hearts:


D 501
Just another Monday and yet not. My country calls this day Friendsā€™ Day, which means we celebrate all friendships :purple_heart: So with that in mind, have a great Valentineā€™s Day.

With special note for @Laraellelarissa on your AMAZING milestone!!! I share my roses that I got for today :heart:


Day 39 alcohol free and day 1.5 vape free! Not going to lie severely struggling with the nicotine withdrawals right now!


Happy Monday! Letā€™s just call tomorrow Valentines day (it has nothing to do with everything being 50% off lol). Hope you all have an awesome day!!


Back up to 44 daysā€¦ My sponsor has asked me ā€˜thatā€™ questionā€¦ The one you shouldnā€™t really say no to, to move forward in your recovery, to do a chairā€¦:grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::woozy_face:ā€¦
Donā€™t wanna think about it too muchā€¦ havenā€™t done a chair since my rehap days in my early 20ā€™sā€¦



Amazing!! Firstly massive congratulations on the milestone, but also brilliant work capturing that sequence :heart_eyes:

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