Checking in daily to maintain focus #39

428 days

Not posted for a few days, as been down and upset, got a work situation which is not pleasant and been trying to work out how to deal with it. On a positive not lost my cool and walked out. Being planning how I can approach things with a favourable outcome for me, been some underhand behaviour in the team which impacts me. Yes dreading work today but calm. I consider that progress. Realised not posting or acknowledging on here that it’s a difficult time for me is not helpful

Interview last week went well, but job is not for me. Its more of a mediator role between warring tenants, no thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

@Rockstar24777 you are amazing really. Corey would be so proud of you. What you been through is unimaginable but your strength is inspiring… wishing you comfort :yellow_heart:

Have a strong 24 hrs all :green_heart:


Day 160 checking in pushing towards 6months odaat :pray:t2: Done a morning meditation today feeling good


My heart goes out to you and I’m at loss for words. A big hug.

  1. Coffee. Ended my time in bed with a drinking dream. Might have to do with my upcoming milestone. Not feeling the most stable but I’m OK. Staying sober and clean. A late shift up ahead with some meeting before. Off tomorrow. Let’s keep moving forward all. Clean and sober. Love from Amsterdam.
    The statue in the pic commemorates the February Strike which took place here February 25 1941, a brave protest against the deportation of the Dutch Jews. Feels very timely to remember :blue_heart: :yellow_heart:


Day 566

Got cracking on some little things that I have been meaning to do for ages ,“when I had time”. Well, I have time, and so I started them. Hoping against hope the situation in Ukraine is resolved as soon as possible. Feel a lot guilty about being in my own head when all that is going on.


Day 85 check in been a minute but sober life has been great last weekend started a new warehouse job on a sanitation/clean up crew which was only supposed to be Saturday/Sunday but this Sunday I was asked to stay on full time I said yes this job is not the easiest but I need to work where I’m always moving it makes the work days fly by especially if you have a cool crew around you which I do other than that I can’t complain in 85 days I’ve had a few bad days but I got through them there’s no going back to the old ways of making excuses to drink just have to fight through them and trust the next day will be the best. Hope everyone has a great day and try to stay Positive and don’t let nothing get you down because we are winning. Peace and Take Care


Day 262 check in. Having coffee and preparing mentally for the day. Wishing you all strength today.


Happy Monday all.

Ready for a new week. March 1st tomorrow…:sunflower:
Getting a little ahead of myself as

I’m reading Journey to the Heart for my daily am meditations and right now the focus is looking at the world as a wonderland…love it…do that’s what I’m doing.

strong and serene 24 all.


Day 103

Morning/ afternoon/ evening TS fam. Just checking in. Hope you all have a great day!


Good morning friends, day 471! Don’t feel like being at work, but that’s life. :rofl:
Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Good morning TS brothers and sisters.
Day 105 here.
@anon42928441 first bump on one week
@Rockstar24777 what a tribute to your son and the testimony bring built up in you Rob! You have this beast in check and honoring your son’s going home with this fact. You’ve got so much love surrounding you through these TS users alone.
@Tito23 milestone coming around the corner. Woot woot!
@Dazercat thanks! You’re worth it too. Filing me with hope. Need this. :rose::two_hearts::pray:
@SadMemeQueen I’m in awe over your courage and strength to accomplish what you have and be present with an unaccepting family and in front of your abuser. There is such a warrior spirit within you and I’m in awe. In the midst of all that too you have the ability to hold compassion for your grandpa. I love your heart and spirit girl. I sense you doing mighty things for others and their healing. :heart::fire::pray:
@Kacialyn Lifting you up in prayer and sending guidance, peace, direction and add’l super powers your way. 4 plus 2 is a lot for anyone sweetheart. You’re doing it though. I’m asking God to cover you this week and send good moms and playdates and extra desire for the children to help, finish homework without too much nagging and clean up after themselves. I’m also going to pray that a miraculous massage it spa day comes your way. :facepunch::fire::pray:
@StarK31 one week! Way to go! :facepunch:

Feels good to celebrate others.
I was going to start this check-in with complaining about my dramatic and fight filled evening with my bff which still has me horribly confused and kinda upset to the point of I think an entire 7 days apart mY not be long enough. (Lol) But instead… Going through some of your posts and acknowledging each one of your courage , honesty and accomplishments got me off my vomit pile and swung me over into the pomsquad isle and I think I’ll fit best over here. GOOOOO TEAM ! :mega::clap::grin:
@Butterflymoonwoman Sis I love love your transparency and courage to tell it like it was and is. I know you’re going to do great. Continue feeding your spirit because our flesh is weak but your spirit is strong and can and will win this battle. :pray: Ephesians 6:13 and 2 Timothy 1:7

My bottom hurts from penicillin shot. My throat still hurts too. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: My bff drove me crazy to the point I wanted to choke him out. (I don’t do those things any more )
I missed a good meeting last night bc I was too busy doing extra BS with my bff. I.e. arguing…
Got home to my recovery home and both of my safes were placed on my bed, my keys are missing and I have no answers as to why. My phone feels like it’s being hacked or messed with. Reading this post makes me feel as if I’m using and crazy .
Deep breath in, 2, 3 hoooooo
Deep breath out , 2 , 3 ahhhhhhhhh

Smile on my face, clappy hands from my heart, and humility in my spirit.
I know these few things FOR SURE…
That I only have control over me and that is also iffy.
Attitude is a choice. Every second I get to make new choices. It’s NEVER too late to start over. I was blessed with four children (3 boys and 1 girl) 18, 10, 8, 7. God is good. Scary and still good. Jesus is whom I ought to follow. Jesus is my ride or die. (For REAL!)
AND all you on this TS forum keep me going. No lie.
So thank you thank you thank you.
Bravo :clap:


Day 137. Being grateful and saying much love. Tattoo went great, super proud. Ordered my new machine last night and now my treadmill says delivery for tomorrow :rofl:. Going to be a work out just getting the thing inside says it weighs 350 pounds. Really felt bad for my mom and step dad bc they went to pick up a new camper for this summer, it was 4.5 hours away and literally just as they were about to pull up the ppl said they sold it. I told them I know it sucks but it was a sign in some sort of way and happened for a reason, everything does. Hope you all have good days.


Happy Monday! Another sober 24 hours in the book congratulations to us all. This morning my mind is like 100 tvs all playing something different. To to give the remote to God and stay focused. Have an awesome day my friends!


Good morning everyone. Working on day 7 and I am going to make it through. I hope everyone has a great day.


Hey all, checking in on day 624. I hope everybody has a good start to their week!


Day 1212, feeling blah. Sun is shining.

Take care!


70 days alcohol free :grin:


Day 626 clean and sober today. Thank you so so much for all of the love and support you guys it truly helped so much!!! I love this forum so much, you’ve helped me walk through some horrifying shit and I’m so grateful for you all. Yesterday was tough to say the least but I made it through. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, love you guys! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day one again. Let’s get this done. I am feeling very committed towards this.


For my grandson Michael I had to establish a weekend visit routine that stayed constant. It takes some reinforcing with rewards and verbal cues. I also established a quiet zone for him to retreat to when it gets too much. Michael’s quiet zone is the top bunk of the bunkbeds, lights off but twinkle lights on and his Pop the Pig game if he doesn’t throw a tantrum.