Checking in daily to maintain focus #40

Hello all, 8 19/32 M AF
Anxiety is visiting today as my disability insurance is ending in less than 2 months.
And my mental heath feels week (uncertainty) thinking that posts on talking sober are a messege directed to mainly for me.

Not going to drink over this, last thing I would need. I will use compassionate tools as I go for a mindful walk ~ Tonglen and get out of the me, mine and I mentality.
Ty Tao for humility and providing options.
Grateful for love and acceptance and a sober Path! :v::pray:🧘‍♂:heart::hugs::four_leaf_clover:


Guests are all gone. There’s a bit of white wine left in the bottle, but I’m so happy I didn’t have any. I think next time I just won’t allow it in my house. It’s too stressful. I told my husband if it’s there tomorrow i will probably drink it so we need to pour it out. He’s supportive of that (he had a glass, but he prefers beer anyway so he doesn’t really care)
Down the sink… It’s going now. Ok it’s gone
Love you guys❤️ thanks everyone and @Minatasha especially for encouraging me to post about pouring it out. It makes me feel sooooo good to dump it!!!


I love this!!! Thanks for sharing! It’s amazing what happens when we aren’t under the influence if a substance. Things can be hard sometimes… change is hard and sometimes uncomfortable, but it’s amazing what recovery can do for us! Ur pup are cute :slight_smile: im trying to get into tea more. What do u like for tea?

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Super proud to see your day 47
Hugggge congratulations from me, iv not been catching up here lately on this thread but this was a lovely surprise :hugs::kissing_closed_eyes:


Day 2 is almost over and thankful for being here. Spending a Friday night studying and watching random stuff on YouTube instead of getting high.

I almost dabbled with drinking a couple seltzer things but was real with myself after my sister said ‘be careful’, and decided I should probably not replace weed with alcohol as I currently already know myself at least well enough to realize it’s a lie and that would basically be making deals with the devil, so to speak.

Plus I already did the alcoholic quest a decade ago and ran from it so why go back? Remembering my journey tonight. Remembering my promises.

Thanks for having me and hope everyone has a great evening


Thank you :grinning: hugs!!

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Good choice on the seltzers. You’re doing great at 2 days. Hang in there.


Really hope you’re feeling a bit better. Sorry to hear you’re going through all of that. It’s really hard when people are constantly putting us down to feel good about ourselves. I’m sure you probably already tried, but I do find positive affirmations really helpful. I Listen to them on YouTube and for a while I was listening to them every night before bed and they seemed to make a big difference. Actually, thanks for your post because it reminded me that I need to start doing that again.
I’m really glad that you have the girls too and that you’re here sharing your feelings and thoughts with all of us.
It doesn’t only help you when you share, but it helps so many other people too.
Thanks Mike. Thinking of you.

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Gonna call it a nite. Yall have a good one.

@anon53116147 Keep ur head up, bro. Ppl always find ways to hate. Take care of your kiddos, they need you.

@Miranda proud of ya. Not gonna lie, never been a fan of wine :laughing:. Keep it going. You’re back on track!

@Butterflymoonwoman Those views tho :heart:. It’s good to have that communication with your husband. Somethin the wifey and I should’ve done a long time ago.


40 days sober today :slight_smile:
Currently quite unwell with covid and have been in bed for almost 2 days :frowning:
Hope everyone is doing okay!



Worst case scenario happened for my crew - Odessa has been bombed. The safe place some housed their families.
It’s hard, seeing their fear and pain in their eyes.


Oh wow, I am so sorry. I hope they are all safe. That must be heartbreaking for you all.


Coffee and breakfast. Everything pales in comparison to the images coming out of Ukraine this morning. It’s no use comparing and I’m not going to. I will continue to try and live my best life possible. A big part of that is remaining sober and clean and continue on this road of discovery of my true self and my true life. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Love from Amsterdam.


Congratulations on 40 days @Stormy Sorry to hear you have Covid, sounds horrible. Hope you recover quickly.

Well done @Miranda You should be so proud of yourself :star2:

Sorry it is so hard at the moment @anon53116147 What you have had to listen to over the years is awful. That really isn’t on you, but on them. From what I have seen of you on here, you are a much loved and appreciated member…talented, kind, great Dad (your stories about your parenting are always adorable), attractive, hard worker. You have so much going for you, try not to let other people’s issues affect you. For years people told me I thought I was better than them. I genuinely never did and had no idea why they said it. Must have had one of those faces/way of talking :sweat: Ultimately though, that must have been about them as I know I didn’t think that way. Take good care and try to protect yourself.

Love that picture @Butterflymoonwoman and so glad you had a better day.


Most have wife and kids in other countries now, but the other relatives are mainly in Odessa so yes, this affects them all immediately.

On a bright note, I work some extra hours today on top of the usual 12, so one of my collegues can visit his wife who fled to Bremen.

I know this forum shouldn’t be about politics, so apologies. It’s my only space to ventilate myself though.


I can’t even comprehend how horrible that is for them. What a wonderful thing you did though. At times like this there is such a stark contrast between the good people are capable of and the evil.

I think with things like this, my personal take is this is affecting you directly. You aren’t making a political comment, just sharing the very real impact of war. I would encourage you to share as a way of processing it in a healthy way.


Congrats on your 40 days


Thank you so much! I’m trying this “being really honest w/myself” approach this time around w/ my whole journey and it’s been a real nice change of pace so far. Still rough patches for sure but it’s been paying off already which is nice. Also having this forum has been really helpful i think. Just that whole accountability thing I guess? It’s new to me but I like it lol :laughing:


@anon53116147 Im glad you’re talking about how you feel. I care for you. I want you to live and feel good about what you can. Lots of toxicity around you in your life time. It hurts. Wishing you strength to focus on the good around you and let it carry you and give you even more strength. You are cared about. You’re a good person. Keep that thought front and center.


Evening of day 3. Handled mums, grocery and tobacco shop for her (I have to walk passed the bottle shop) and my young one is at his dads.
I had a few “hey I feel good I’ll just get a beer or light wine” but I couldn’t find any happiness or potential enjoyment in drinking at home alone and feeling like shit and bloated in the morning.
Having some dinner, coconut water and watching a little Netflix