Checking in daily to maintain focus #40

Day 194 checking in odaat :pray:t2:


Day 27

:peace_symbol: & :heart:


Day 119 Check in wishing everyone the best on this Sunday. Peace to All, Take Care and Stay Safe. One!


Day 169.

4am ish.

I woke up with bad upper back pain. Not sure if slept wrong or what. Tried a few stretches, massaging it, pills, ice. Nothing is helping. If yall know of any good upper back stretch vids, shoot em my way. Thanks.

Happy Sunday!


Hey all, checking in on day 658. I hope everybody has a good one!


Yay!!! The stress of hosting and cooking knowing everyone else is drinking would have sent me too. So proud of you for checking in, and resisting the urge!! :raised_hands::star_struck:

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Youā€™re here being open, giving support to others, doing your best in sobriety- that doesnā€™t sound worthless to me. You matter. You. Matter. :blue_heart:


Amazing to wake up and read this. I like that you wrote about it as it was actually going down the drain. Well done!!

You stayed sober and showed up for yourself in a seriously triggering situation. Its definitely your right to set boundaries around alcohol in your homeā€¦ especially if youre cooking a whole meal! :thinking:

Hope todays another strong day, we can do it sober!



@anon53116147 Sorry to hear u are having such a hard time. Sounds like ur mum is overreacting over some household stuff, which happens to us all, donā€™t take it to heart. And ur ex said awful things, but partners can say bad things, especially in the heat of the moment or at the end of a relationship. Focus on the good things, the improvements.

@Fargesia How terrible and heartbreaking. I donā€™t know what to say :purple_heart:

Day 600

Very long lunch and coffee with friends, came home in time to eat the dinner my husband made, then jumped on aa meeting, that was longer than usual too. Husband definitely did his bit with the kids today.


Aww Mike, you are way too hard on yourself. I know how it is though when itā€™s hitting you. Did you say youā€™re seeing a therapist? Or a counselorā€¦ Life is so hard these days and especially if we werenā€™t on solid ground prior to the shit show the last few years.
If I get overwhelmed I have to say, ā€œput out the biggest fire firstā€; which is what definitely needs to be addressed first to start the getting out of your funk place.
I know you were going to meetings before but maybe try again? You need good people surrounding you rn and sometimes our family is not on the same page so you need to get out of their orbit more.
Clean the rooms, read, go for a walkā€¦ maybe think of someday getting your own placeā€¦ youā€™re not a loser, stupid or any of those things. Iā€™ve known you here for a few years and I feel like I know you a bitā€¦ you do need to build self confidence and not the outside world dictate how youā€™re gonna feel any given moment. This being said from someone with years on you so Iā€™ve learned the hard way too!
Hugs sweetie


Day 92. I run everyday now and exercise is key to me being in a good place. Iā€™d recommend exercising to anyone in recovery, mentally it gives me rewards for the achievements i make, and that builds self confidence. Away from the obvious physical benefits, exercise takes away the urge for bad food and alcohol also for meā€¦ keep going guys and girls :muscle:


Hey man donā€™t let peoples hate, take a toll on you, haters gonna hate thatā€™s what they do.

Being in the music industry for most of my life with hiatuses I dealt with it as well, do a show or album and you have the ones who are like wow I dig it, others will find a way to nit pick everything, not everything is for everyone and thatā€™s ok, itā€™s practicing acceptance. Played many shows where the only people who showed up where a handful of friends. The rest where there cause well itā€™s their Friday night watering hole.

In general, Look at your own progress look at your first tatts, and your more recent ones. You can see how far you come and how much farther you can go, worse case you build a portfolio and get a apprenticeship, boom. Winning.

Look at your famous tattoo artists, Kate Von D, Oliver Peck, Chris Nunez, do you think they picked up a gun and were just perfect, hell no, they took years to practice their craft, develop their style and master their craft, as time goes on your just mastering your craft. And no tattoo is perfect, thereā€™s always that blowout here and there. Missed line, line thatā€™s a little thicker than the rest. As you grow you learn to get your settings dialed in, your technique will come with time.

As far as family, meh I still struggle with things as well, I started making do it my fucking self lists to get shit done. And check it off, it keeps me accountable everyday and reminds me when I go off the reservations that I got shit to do, and it pulls me back.

Your kids mom sounds a lot how mine was, she looked for every reason to pick at me for something a mere instigating of sorts, as well as a way to try and control me, when it stopped working she lost interest in it.


Checking in weekly here. Back to school after the break was fine. I got in for swimming four days in the past week. Those endorphins are the best, just wish I had more time during the day for that. But that thing called work keeps getting in the way. Hehehe

Teachers in the last quarter of school have so much to do! State testing, scheduling for summer school, scheduling for next year. I feel myself winding up with tension and I must remember to calm the f*ck down. Good grief. Itā€™s that high tension that I was medicating with the wine, only to make my mornings miserable.

My mornings are great, but dang, Iā€™d like to reduce that tension. Almost all of that is self-induced as I have the resources to do the job.

Repeated snow and dreary days this week have not helped either. Iā€™m any event, spring and summer are on the way and I will be fine.

I wish you all peace!


So beautiful. Totally agree with you @Mno. Itā€™s devastating :ukraine:. Iā€™d go nuts if Iā€™d let myself but instead try to be grateful and live my sober life the best way I can. Have a great day there pal :hugs:


Hey everyone! Day 5 here. Avoided getting anything last night. It was a good idea to distract myself. Thanks everyone.

@Miranda Iā€™m glad you were able to stay strong. I always love seeing your posts. Last night it helped me to keep going. I appreciate it. Stay strong!


Good morning friends, day 505! Another busy morning and again I find myself way behind on reading posts. Iā€™ll catch up later. Had some work stuff to do first thing this morning and now getting ready to go to Mass. Weā€™ll meet Emily and Michael and the kids. Nice to be able to wake up early with a clear head and no worries or regrets about yesterday!

Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Checking in day 14
Fight with my husband, gaslighting me. Told me I was mean when I was drinking and even meaner now that Iā€™m not. Heā€™s literally just trying to tear me down, cause thatā€™s what he does if I make any valid points and catch him in his lies. Heā€™s the least supportive person and feels threatened when Iā€™m doing well with something, whether it be my job, friendships or sobriety.
Butā€¦ā€¦ breathing through it. I know Iā€™ve accomplished something amazing with 2 weeks! So although I have some very choice words for him at the moment, Iā€™m going to be grateful for me and for TS.


Iā€™m so sorry ur going thru this. My ex was like this. He felt very threatened when I started to take a stand and do good things for myself. People like that love control. Keep taking ur power back and using ur voice. Itā€™s hard girlā€¦ I feel for u and I know how shitty it feels when u donā€™t feel loved or supported. We love u and support u :heartbeat: Just donā€™t give him that satisfaction of you relapsing. Thats exactly what he wants to see. Use this as motivation to better ur life. Put on that armor and keep living a sober life hugs


My fiancĆ© and I are currently remodeling/gutting an entire house built in 1843!! Heā€™s lucky I love restoring old houses and see all the possibilities they withhold :rofl:. Iā€™m 66 days AF so this is a blessing in disguise to help keep my mind occupied. Good luck with the ceiling fanā€¦ they can definitely be a pain in the butt!! And I agree, no hangovers and no drinking absolutely helps the process go a bit smoother lol!


Your tribe is standing with you, Ally! Like Dana says, donā€™t give him the satisfaction of going backwards.