Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Mornin’! It’s been a lovely weekend so far, and more to come today. I was up with the birds again after an early night last night, such a beautiful time of day. It’s strange being a night person most of the time to visit the dawn now and then. Who knows, maybe I’ll convert! I’m looking forward to some work in the garden, a BBQ with a friend visiting and a walk in the arboretum gardens later today. It looks like a beautiful day for it. The perfect time to be present and enjoy the moments as they come. Let’s do another day sober, amigos! :heartpulse:


Top of the morning to ya crew! I didnt sleep much but awoke to an amazing dream of my psyche trying to ponder sobriety. I’ll spare you the details but ultimately these 8 symbolic characters in my dream decided to take action and venture down the sober path although the next steps werent clear or laid out. Im an analytical being and dont do well without a plan or the unknown but this sober journey is different this time. Im joyful and hopeful and trusting what HP there is, as i know it. I wish everyone a happy sober 24

edit: oh i made it 21 days, thats three weeks, thats three long, triggering weekends! Stayed up to capture this


Nice! Congrats and well done to you, amiga!!!

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Congrats Fran ! :slight_smile:

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I had a very vivid dream of being in Northern California Professionally. Strange thing I have never been to nor have had a desire to ever go to California. I took it as a sign that it’s ok for me to look for my next promotion but I’m think more towards Dallas. Currently I’m in Arkansas and love it here but am limiting my earning potential. I’m going to take it slow and plan for the next 3 yrs to look for the promotion.


Love everything about this post!! I mean not that u had to experience that…but what u got from it is remarkable! I can relate to this well. When I struggled with getting clean, a huge part of that was fighting the urges. I fought so hard to stay clean but by focusing on not using, I was still thinking about drugs and the urge. Now I look at my urges as a learning opportunity. I ask myself questions like u did. Trying to understand it. It’s only an urge and there is no need to act on it. It is important to rememeber that they do pass! Having urges is a sign that something is going on my life that isnt sitting well with me, which is creating that urge. And by looking at it from a whole new approach, I found it easier to work thru it. This is huge progress ur doing! So exciting to see bcuz what ur doing now has really helped me also ☆


Hell yes!!! Congratulations :star_struck:

Awesome job @Lorelai!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 709 clean and sober today. Today’s my Friday and I’m looking forward to being off for my weekend. Hope everyone has an amazing day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


It’s been a while since I interacted on this app but I’ve been doing great and going strong, I’m at 60 days! Down 9.2 pounds and so happy with life!!


Way to go @Sami413 thats an awesome accomplishment. I hope you feel a sense of pride bc we are proud of you

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Hello all Kat checking in at day 291. Looking forward to 300, I can do this!

At work for my 7th shift in a row, looking forward to a day off tomorrow. My eldest has asked to stay an extra day too which I am happy about. I love my kids so much, when you’re clean you can’t imagine that you once thought drugs were more important than them. Now staying clean to show them the way to go is.

Mood is getting better every day, which is good, my depression eases and goes away on its own without me using. Well I am using prescription antidepressants, full disclosure.

Ok enough chatter love my family on here so much and everyone have a great Sober Sunday!



I thought yesterday was 18, but turned out out was 19. So today is day 20…. Camping was pretty good, it was hard anytime I’ve gone camping I’ve always got drunk, turned out I ended up knowing ppl over at the next camp site, they had kids and girls wanted to play. They were partying hard and it was so triggering I said sorry to my girls but were not staying over here so of course I was the worse dad. Went for some bike rides, got rained on tried teaching them how to fish. Definitely had a hard time staying present in the moment, then I was riding a wheelie on my bike and flipped back…caught my self but really messed my knee up. My step dad had to turn the generator on right below my room all night for his CPAp machine, made it hard to sleep and could smell the fumes all night. But tried to just stay grateful. Glad my girls had fun, got home early cleaned my bike up good so my chain doesn’t rust from the rain and cleaned all my bearings and crank. But much love everyone


Good job, Mike. Those hard moments really do make you stronger.


Ha ha love Stranger things, so I have seen all of it. Also seen Lock and Key :grin:
I like series like Fargo as well. Just found out Videoland has season 4 wich I haven’t seen yet.
I do not like action movies :see_no_evil: Comedy is also not my thing. But horror I like and also trillers ore who done it kind of stuff :sweat_smile:

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Nice catch with the clock!! Congratulations on 21 days! :purple_heart:

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@maxwell thanks maxine!!

Holy shit its only 930am here and i just got a warning that ive almost maxxed out my hearts for the day lol


64 days and counting.
One day at a time !


I didn’t know that happens??? I got excited the other day on the TV show thread and was stopped saying no more than 3 consecutive posts at a time🤣