Checking in daily to maintain focus #42

Thank you Menno! I will tread myself but with healthy stuff this time. On day 4 of my sugar challenge. Thought my operation was a good start to try again :hugs: Iā€™m too much in love with chocolat.


Thank you Ilona, I hope so too :sweat_smile:

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Day 239 checking in :pray:t2:


Hello amigos! Have been mostly sleepless and contemplating my state of mind. What I realized about the romanticizing of drinking I mentioned yesterday is that Iā€™m actually romanticizing numbing the emotions Iā€™ve been experiencing. What helps is my healthy fear of falling into a deeper depression because I know that drinking will be a zip line down into the pit and would keep me there for some time. I have too many good things going on for me right now to risk it, and so I continue using tools and looking for more skills to regulate my emotions.

I got an email last week, a mass send out to people on insurance through my husbandā€™s employer with the title, ā€œHowā€™s it going? No really.ā€ They were promoting the host of mental health and substance use services available and what is covered. Iā€™ve been considering in-person counseling for ages. No time like the present - going to start that ball rolling. Go well today, amigos. :heartpulse:


Good on you amiga! A big step and a good one. Wishing you all success with that as with all. Hugs.

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Thank you! Now to follow through and do the thing! Hugs back.


Hello Claudia @SoberWalker,

Let them have your bladder and get well soon! :+1:


Following up to yesterdayā€™s persistent thoughts of using: I started today with a run, and I feel much better now. I thinks thatā€™s what was out of balance. I havenā€™t been getting enough exercise (specifically, cardio, the magic endorphin generator - at least for me).

Todayā€™s task: sit down and plan a simple, doable cardio plan. Something that will let me get the exercise in, without pulling any muscles. Hereā€™s how novice I am: can you run every day and not pull something? Or do you have to take rest days? I do not know. @Runningfree, care to guide me to the light?


Good morning friends, day 550. Tired and grumpy. Iā€™ll be fine.
Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Hey all, checking in on day 703. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in on day 19.
My daughter picked up the head cold I was struggling with last week, and she has stayed home from school all week so far. She made up her own recipe for chicken soup with orzo a few weeks back. I had assumed sheā€™d found a recipe online but sheā€™s been watching me cook and helping me from time to time in the kitchen. Sheā€™s only ten so chopping vegetables is a bit challenging but sheā€™s very willing. We had the soup for lunch and it was very nice.
My son has had a much better week at school so far. He wasnā€™t feeling up to it much on Monday but he stayed with it and heā€™s much happier lately.
As for myself, Iā€™m quite well. I prefer a bit of time alone each day but thatā€™s not really happening lately, but I have been meditating, listening to podcasts and I used my rowing machine this morning. Iā€™m also enjoying doing word puzzles at the moment and I always do a unit or two on Duolingo each day. I think itā€™s good for my mental health to keep these practices up.

Hope everyone has a good and sober day!


Iā€™m really sorry about your kids too. It is sad that they wonā€™t visit.
Iā€™m glad youā€™re sober.

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Yes I think you are right, will take it steady and do what I can when I can and try to remember that staying sober is the most important thing in these early weeks

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I canā€™t believe how much I need my alone time everyday day too!! Just to sit and be with myself. I used to use alcohol because I thought it was helping me to decompress. Nope. I just need that quiet time. I can watch a show, or read a book, or even read and post here but I just donā€™t want to talk to anybody or have anybody talk to me. It hurts my brain how much my daughter talks sometimes :rofl:ā€¦ )But I am so thankful she likes to talk to meā€‹:heart:)


Thank you @LaDyLooNtje :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Day 705 clean and sober today. Didnā€™t make it out to do anything productive yesterday but napped, watched movies and ate a lot. Apparently it was much needed. Have an amazing day today everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congrats on 2 weeks!!! I was sooo exhausted for the first little bit of my recovery. I think the mental work in trying to be clean and sober (especially in the beginning) causes us to be exhausted physically. It really does take work to be addiction free. Even now I go thru phases of being energetic and ready to go!.. and exhaustion which is frustrating. I applaud u for changing ur eating and exercise habits! Thatā€™s awesome :slight_smile: try to listen to ur body tho. Itā€™s hard to find that balance but ur body is going thru alot right now


Generally speaking I run 3-4 days a week. 1 long run and the rest are short 2-5miles. I have read that it isnā€™t great for your joints to run everyday but everyoneā€™s body is different. Thatā€™s why I do the weight training a few times a week to still get my endorphins but give my joints a break from the impact of running. (Remember I ainā€™t no specialist lol this is just what works for me) :blush:


Sooo proud of you! U can do this! Just 24 hours at a time! Congratulations on 5 days :smiley:

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:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 93
Woke up pretty tired today but pushed myself a bit to get out of bed and workout. Bcuz I woke up late I only did back and biceps and some cardio in between my sets.
My hair looks good! Hubby dyed it for me last night. Itā€™s dark but Iā€™m sure will lighten up slightly overtime. Will take a sober selfie later :slight_smile:
Feeling good! Realizing how important it is to not make a permanent life changing decision based on temporary emotions. In other words (as it relates to addiction), itā€™s important to remember that emotions change, thinking changes, and itā€™s best to just ride the feelings out instead of using drugs and alcohol which causes drastic and sometimes permanent life altering events to happen. Last night I was super fearful about having long term recovery and fearful that I wouldnā€™t be able to get it. Today I am feeling good about things and that fear has decreased alot. Things change constantly in my head haha
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!
Hugs TS fam!!!