Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

I’m always looking for the smallest sliver of positivity these days, it’s too easy to become consumed by negative thoughts and energy and its just not where I want to be anymore!

Great to hear you’ve got some “me” time between your old and new work roles. The timing for it sounds like it’s been spot on and much needed :ok_hand:




2 years, 3 months and 4 days :slightly_smiling_face: I am very grateful. I am also 5 months free of caffeine, 4 months into weight loss and 20 lbs down, and started no social media today and same with masturbation. I feel free from these other addictions I have/toxic coping mechanisms and I am just going to keep living my life as best as I can. If something doesn’t serve me and my recovery I am cutting it out of my life. Well, thanks for being here.


Congratulations Dana you’re such an inspiration!!! Hell yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 665
Idk where my head is…feeling pretty shaken up and out of it. Just doing what I need to get through the day.


Wow 3 months!!! Congratulations :slight_smile:

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Thank u so much for ur support on my journey! Means alot :slight_smile:

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Wow… u remembered!! It’s been crazy. It’s like once I got past that 25 that I had relapsed on before, the numbers just kept going up. Kind of scares me abit lol but thank u sooo much for the support!! I really appreciate it :pray:


9.55 days // Today was not an easy one…sad about current events, sick child at home who is frustrated about missing the last week of school. Weird to ride and observe emotions rather than numb them. Could definitely have had a drink, but I didn’t.


13 days 10 minutes ago. Almost to the next milestone. Son won his tball game today again and daughter had her piano lesson. Wednesday are usually very busy and I’m home from work so easy sober day now. It used to be I’d try to grab a couple shooters around lunch and sleep it off until game time. Today I ran errands for some house stuff. Never thought about drinking once. Have a great night.


#Day 1345 :seedling:
Day 12 no sugar
Feeling a bit better today. Woke up early at 5 again, but not from out of pain this time.

Nice looking numbers today. But oh boy how proud I was with my first weeks!!
It starts to feel like normal, like I’m a non drinker.
I think that’s good!


Congrats on your 8 months!



Day 17. Up at four, puppy is still waking early.

Two days left in my current role, then a week off and then i start my new job.

I’m not having any cravings as i’m distracted by the needs of work and my pup! Who i think feels he is the centre of the universe

A few family events this weekend where i can be the designated driver… actually probably makes them less stressful :rofl:


And that’s all we can do sometimes. Proud of you @anon9289869 :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Brownie points for not bullshitting yourself and not wallowing in self pity. Do what you gotta do Mike. You’re better than this.


Good morning, everyone, I hope that you are all well today.
Considering some of the amazingly high numbers I have been looking at today on this page, my little “10 days” isn’t much of a big deal, but I’m still pretty pleased about it.
In other news, yesterday I received the electric scooter that I had ordered (one of those things that you stand up on), and I must say that I’m quite pleased with it. It’s quite fun to zip around on.
Other than that, just the usual work, but plenty of it. I can’t complain, I have good customers.
In any event, I hope that you are all well today and having a good day… Good and sober.


Coffee. I literally took a hike yesterday. I’m glad I could and I did. Got me out of my personal rut, I hope, I think and I feel. It was a sort of running away from things, but not like I used to do with booze and drugs. This cleared my mind, while using my body (not abusing it), giving me time to think and to feel and process. Clean and sober.

I’m still angry and sad. That’s life. Good times and bad ones. I’m not going to use over it. That’s never the solution for any of us. I’ll try to turn it into something productive instead. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Sober and clean. Love from the North Sea beach.


Checking in day 7 , one week ffs !!! Woohoo .
Had a huge fight yesterday , left me bitter.


Hope the sweetness of your milestone takes away the bitterness of the fight Milo. Big congrats on reaching a full week!

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Thank you Mno , it kinda does .

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