Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

30 Days: Feeling like I’m settled back in to my old sober life, much happier and more productive without the alcohol! Excited for the summer. Spent the last couple of weeks getting my yard all cleaned up, flowers planted and potted (my backyard is my serenity), and making summer plans with my kids. Wouldn’t have completed a fraction of that if I hadn’t stopped drinking.

I like the sober me.

Much Love!


10 days is a massive deal! For me personally, it took a ridiculous amount of relapses to get to where I am today. I struggled for a long time to go further than 3 or 5 days and began to wonder if it would ever “click”. 10 days is awesome and it’s DOUBLE digits - so, seriously, well done :partying_face::partying_face:


Well done and keep going. :+1::muscle:

Just starting day 22 and just realised I haven’t had any ruminating negative thoughts for at least a week.
My normal morning shower was just that a normal morning shower! No negative feelings of “I’m not good enough, I can’t cope etc etc”. Pretty awesome feeling when it suddenly clicked just now :blush:.
I Wonder what other benefits of sobriety I haven’t noticed :thinking:


Day 247 not feeling great today also my daughter is sick with a cough and temperature just got to push threw the bad days to get to the good days :pray:t2:


Days can be really tough when kids are poorly and you’re not feeling great yourself. Just go easy and do the stuff that needs to be done, everything else will wait! Sending good vibes your way.

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One week is a huge achievement! Well done @Milo1 you got this!

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Day 3 with a very foggy and numb mind state. But I keep coming


@Dmcg1987 I hope she recovers soon. Praying for that

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That’s great news Claudia. I’m glad you’re in less pain. It was a good thing that you had that treatment done. Enjoy your day as much as possible :gift_heart:

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You’re right. Exactly what you say I also thought around the time you are sober now and I still think regularly. I’ve been clean and sober for almost 9 months and I sometimes catch myself feeling like everything is normal and I’m not addicted. It’s good that I realized myself the first time and I was able to improve myself the next time. Because the addiction is there. At some point everything goes well so that the memories fade a bit, but then we have to stay alert :facepunch:

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Day 653

So much loss of life, in different places, but the same senselessness. I feel guilty in my normal problems. Glad for my family today.


Checking in at day 266.
Strange but true, I have come to a new insight. It goes on and on and that’s a good thing.
During my time of using and before that I was always in a relationship. Not with the same partner, but when it broke up I soon had a new relationship. I used to feel dependent and insecure and clung to my ex partner. Eventually I got bad relationships which of course also had to do with my use but I also had bad partners. Even in clinics I tried to get attention. Apparently I’ve changed so much because when I look back on it I don’t look like that dependent, attention-seeking, insecure person anymore. But I had recently installed an app, a kind of tinder. Didn’t really think about it at all. So guys started to chat with me and I hardly said anything back. And I just changed my mind, I don’t need that app at all that’s old behavior. In fact I don’t need a relationship but I knew and felt that for a long time. So weird that I compulsively install that app anyway. I understand that the right partner can help you with your recovery. But in my case, I just don’t see it and I’m not missing anything. I know I’m worth it and I’m good enough but I just don’t have to and that’s such a relief. That your life is already beautiful enough this way. That should also be the basis for starting a relationship so that it can be a complement rather than a filler. But everything in its time and certainly not right now.

Have a beautiful and sober day everyone


I’ve been feeling similar. Recent and current world tragedies have me reassessing my ‘problems’ and putting some perspective onto them…
But try not to feel guilty in your ‘normal problems’, if they are directly impacting on you, then they are not trivial or invalid. They are worthy of being recognised also x


Great job getting back into it! :blush:


LOVE everything you’ve said but especially this

I completely relate to everything in your post. It’s taken me a looooong time to feel this way also but I’m absolutely loving my life, with me!
Feeling free on multiple levels is an amazing feeling hey :hibiscus:



Thank you and I am so glad you are experiencing the same. That’s really what freedom feels like from my point of view. It also took me a lot of time but apparently I have really grown a lot. And for that I am very grateful :heart:

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So proud of you, good job!! Keep at it! Always glad to read your check ins. Congratulations :partying_face::tada::tada:

That’s a nice number, impressive and inspiring. :dizzy: