Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

@Lorelai @michaeljlogan74 @Mno @Planipennia @Controller @icebear @Misokatsu @Dazercat @jambo
I also wanted to thank you all for the kind words and posts… for some reason TS won’t let me post more than 10 people in a post at one time haha


Congratulations on your triple digits, Dana! You should be so proud of yourself! :partying_face::tada::muscle:t2::clap:t2:


Thank you very much


Hey Katie- I know how you feel. I stopped working in hospitality and it really took me stepping away from that kind of work, and getting into a routine to feel better and get sober.
Weekends were a huge trigger for me too.
Have you got some hobbies you can focus on, some good books? Do you like being in nature or swimming?


Amazing work- 100 days, you should be so proud!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada:


Checking in- 57 days.
I feel like I’m in limbo a little bit lately. Stuck in between my old life, of partying and working late etc, and my new life. I haven’t really set down the foundations of my new life properly, so it’s a bit of a strange place to be. The in between.
Anyway- thanks for listening. Great to see everyone’s progress, you guys are awesome! :two_hearts:


Football Manager will definitely keep you distracted, I think I clocked over 200hrs on the latest one. A very worthwhile purchase for recovery time!

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Day 5: I feel lighter today. It was a long day at work but worthwhile. I played game of thrones risk with my flatmates this evening. All in all a good and positive day for me personally.

The world can sometimes feel like such a dark place but I am grateful for you all being here.

If I can send a bit of strength everyone’s way today I will as I feel like I have a bit to spare today.


@Butterflymoonwoman So many congratulations on 100 days. The hard work has paid off. I’m so pleased for you :blush:


Day 12 for me and off to bed been a hard day but battled through goodnight everyone


Hey all checking in on day 1. So I decided to throw away my first ever 3 months sober, by drinking like a normal person, which turned out to be a 2 1/2 month bender that I’m trying to dig myself out of. Oh well on to day 2. :v:


Day 55
Things are alright, just trying for success one day at a time anymore. I understand why that’s supposed to be our thing now
Chose to step outside my reactions today when I noticed them taking over
Another med boost tmw. Lamictal
My last one is in 2 weeks, trying to pour slowly instead of empty my cup for every obstacle


Thanks Stella hope you doing well :blush:


Thanks Buddy I think I’ll have some friends round for a BBQ when the weather gets nice :slightly_smiling_face:

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Day 140 AF
Having resigned from work last week and not starting my new (old) job until next week, I have been busy out hiking/photographing alot these past few days. Today my intention is to stay home, read a book and make a nice healthy lunch and dinner.
Massive congrats Dana @Butterflymoonwoman on 100 days.

Very wise words Bec @Becsta you always help me see sobriety in so many different lights and the positive things that brings.

Peace and strength to all ODAAT



Hey sober fam,

Congrats to all who are beating and stacking numbers. If you have relapsed, don’t give up, learn what you can from it and keep checking in.

This week seems to be going so slow…first three days of my new job and im loving it. Im in a dynamic role for a nonprofit. Im surprised by how welcoming and open the culture is here. Much different from my for profit days. I have lots to learn and i look forward to it.

Day 24.5 free from alcohol and weed. My mind is clear and my thinking ability is strong. Im practicing mindfulness too. Ive attended a few zoom AA meetings. I kinda want to find an in person meeting to get a 30 day coin :slight_smile: i want to start a collection.

Im rambling, happy to check in here and be of service


Welcome back Joe. Good to see you again.


Hey!! Checking in on Day 94!! I know I haven’t been checking in as often as I should, I actually haven’t at all and I’ll take full accountability of that but I need to stay connected. I’ve been working a lot keeping myself busy and staying sober. I went to a music festival where other people were drunk and i felt no desire to drink i felt happy that i could attend such event and not feel tempted. I celebrated my 90th day on May 21st. I hope you all are doing well :heart:


100 days - away past the 25 that USED to cause you anxiety!!! I am so happy and so proud of you for showing up and just believing and trusting the process. Keep shining your light, you literally have a support system from around the world cheering you on :clap::clap::clap: 100 days :tada::confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball::star2: