Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Love it!!!

Oh my, itā€™s a thing of beauty! Iā€™m envious!!! Good work.


Checking in 1989 days. Iā€™m enjoying reading about all of the milestones reached. @Charlie_C the projects look great!! @Mno beautiful beach photo! Today is a normal day for me. Hoping for good productivity with work. Iā€™ll have more interruptions than normal since Thursday is early dismissal day from school, and then I have to drive my daughter to speech therapy and pick son up from Dungeons and Dragons later. Lots of driving around being a taxi cab driver, lol.


Day 6 (I think?) - Today has been another tough one. For many reasons. Iā€™ve had a busy week this week and the extra travelling since my seperation from my partner is starting to bite. Work has been busy and Iā€™ve not slept well. The tiredness meant that the urges returned, though I didnā€™t act on them.

So much of my recovery so far has been based on mindfulness, bringing myself back into the moment. Breathing and being open to what I am feeling. I have found this hard today. I have come over to my ex partners house to look after the kids (which I love as I get to see them more) but the house reminds me of the seperation. I spent 2 years working from this place through the pandemic and being back here puts me on edge. All the disagreements and arguements, the differences and the divisions. It is hard to be present with all that going on.

But I move forward. One step at a time.


I was having a good day, out of office is on after a productive week at work, and then one tiny comment really upset me.

My daughter wasnā€™t smiley enough when we were queuing in the chemist apparently. An older man then watched us and concluded that the reason was because ā€œMummy cares too much, thatā€™s why you donā€™t smileā€. Because I was chatting to my daughter and asking about her plans for tomorrow :sleepy: He seemed to think I have ruined her and am over the top. If I was in her face with over loud parenting I would maybe understand but this was just normal Mummy/daughter stuff. I know I should just ignore it but it has really upset me. She is a shy girl and comments like that are so unhelpful. He is lucky she has outgrown the crying when people dared to look at her baby phase :rofl:

Why do people comment on others though? So unhelpful.


Some amazing milestones here, well done everyone. @Butterflymoonwoman have loved watching your numbers add up to triple digits.

@anon53116147 I am so sorry about your Grandad. I hope today goes well and he has a good send off.

@Rockstar24777 I canā€™t even imagine how hard today and all those anniversaries are. I hope you have a peaceful day (and it is OK to not be OK and have a rant at the utter unfairness of it all).


Day 68. Grateful to God and my program!!
Prayers to all of you :pray::pray:


Hey guys. Checking in day 2.
Feeling really tired today. Dont know why. Going to bed early.

@LaDyLooNtje Hey thanks for you support and advice. I will give my best everyday. Thanks again.

@Butterflymoonwoman Hey dana, congrats on reaching a 100 days. You making it look easy now. Great work and have a great day.

Bye guys and good night.


Hi Kat here checking in Day 294

Mood is still better had a long talk with my sponsor about things yesterday. See a therapist today which I am looking forward to.

Only shitty thing is, Covid is running rampant at the nursing home I work at so itā€™ll be N95 masks and gowns for a couple weeks at least. All the old folks have had 3 shots, so symptoms are mostly mild which is good. I have not had it yet, have been lucky so far.

I am grateful to be clean and grateful for my NA program too!



Thank you @JennyH I appreciate that. I ended up taking today off because itā€™s getting to be a lot more than I had imagined. My boss is amazing though. Self care day for sureā€¦


Definitely a good idea, better to deal with these things at the time. Big hugs :blue_heart:

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Thank you Jenny :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Checking in. Doing ok. Sober. But Iā€™m frustrated, with small things and I have to work in a couple hours and I really wish I didnā€™t. Iā€™m still going to go to work and do my best and itā€™s not like Iā€™d do anything productive if I did skip today. I havenā€™t missed or been late to this job yet, which is a new thing for me and Iā€™m glad of that. Iā€™m just not feeling very motivated or optimistic today. But Iā€™ll be alright, not considering drinking at all, so at least at the end of the day I wonā€™t be any worse off.


Hope your day gets better soon. I was feeling really low about work recently, and struggling to motivate myself. I ended up treating it the same way I did in early sobriety, one hour at a time. Amazing how many work days I got through that way. And this week something just clicked and I have enjoyed it (in spite of a consultation period and redundancy announcements this weekā€¦)

Good luck!


Congratulations on your 2 days :slightly_smiling_face: your doing it, you got this!


Congratulations on 2 days :slight_smile: odaat my friend!


Checking in
Day 101
Iā€™ve been slacking todayā€¦ Iā€™ll be honest. My body is so tired :tired_face: didnā€™t go to the gym (actually I havenā€™t gone in 3 days). I honesty think itā€™s a caffeine issue. Anyway, I only drank 1 cup of coffee in the morning today to try and reset my body onto having its own natural energy. Havenā€™t touched it since that cup. Going to do this for a week or so and see how I feel. Recovery wise I am good. Need to spend time with my HP today tho. Didnā€™t do that yesterday and today I didnā€™t do it in the morning either. Last time relapsed I became complacent. So with this knowledge in mind, I need and want to get back on track before I end up slipping so will do that after I switch the laundry over. Iā€™m good overall. Hope everyone is having an addiction free day :tulip:


Long time. Too long.
I picked up a drink about 6 months and a few weeks ago ā€“ around 200 days ago, I guess. I had 500 days of sobriety before that. Thereā€™s no question which life is the better life.

Sure, there were times in the last 200 days where my drinking was under control (ish), but then it would get out of hand. I would tone it down, string together some sober days and even a few weeks here and there, and then I would drink again ā€“ wanting to be able to, and not wanting to face the truth.

But, thereā€™s nothing left but the truth now, and the truth is that I cannot drink. The truth is that alcohol will destroy me. I canā€™t believe it hasnā€™t already ā€“ that I still have a job, relationships, my health.

I draw a lot of strength from the examples of those of you who went back out for a stretch of months or years and then came back to sobriety: @JasonFisher, @Mbwoman, and @SoberWalker come to mind.
From those of you who never stopped trying (wait, thatā€™s what weā€™re all doing today, right?)
From this whole community, even though I stepped away.

It feels good to speak the truth. Thank you for listening. :orange_heart:


Welcome back @M-be-free49 . It must have taken a lot of courage to open up like that and admit that you have fallen down. But you are getting back up again, trying again.

One day at a time. Things will get better.


Welcome back, amiga. Glad youā€™re finding your way. Missed you!