Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Haha yeah I know the feels! I don’t get as much time as I’d like to do my hobby stuff, I normally crochet while watching tv at the end of the day if I’m not dead tired, and I take mine to my sons footy training and crochet in the car (so lame hahaha). It’s really relaxing tho.


15 days and 22 minutes now. That’s all.


Wooohooo @Controller


Day 57 was a great day but there’s work to be done. I’m taking it one day at a time again


Day 87 of no self harm

My cousin graduated. I’m happy for him. My whole family was there (outside of my grandpa). Everyone was giving him so many hugs and they all were talking about how proud they were

I just feel awful. I got one hug from my grandpa and I have literally never heard my family say they’re proud of me. I graduated last year. I just don’t understand why I’m the black sheep of the family. I don’t know what happened that I’m so different and left out.

Wanted to self harm but I won’t.

Something positive: I didn’t self harm


I’m proud of you!


Congratulations on graduating! So sorry that ur family doesn’t acknowledge ur achievements. That doesn’t make the achievements any less.


You are doing great and I am proud of you! I hope you will be proud of yourself too! Sometimes families are just strange and do hurtful things… I am sorry xoxo


#Day 1347 :seedling:
Feeling a bit better day by day. This morning was the first since 11 days I could get out of bed without cursing out of pain :hugs: Still having some but is was doable! Progress!! :tada:

I try to walk short distances every day to help my body heal and get back my strenght. My neighbour offered me her companionship and I’m going to accept it. I do not trust my body well enough to walk alone yet.

My youngest went to his first festival of 3 days with a friend. He’s 19 years old. We talked about alcohol and stuff before he went. I will never have a “normal” opinion about alcohol ever again. I rather have my kids sober like me because my own addiction. But I know I cannot demand such a thing. I hope he’s careful and I hope he has loads of fun. We talked and more I cannot do.

I found this picture somewhere and I wanted to share it here, I liked it! :facepunch:
Have a good saturday!


No matter defeat, no matter victory, no matter Champions League final, no matter how nervous I am, I am going to be sober, I am not going to drink alcohol before and after the match like other times.

This is going to be my first Champions League final with sparkling water, and I am very proud of it.

Good morning!


Checking in, 568 days no alcohol. I relapsed on smoking after almost 3 months. Sometimes it’s overwhelming on how many fields should we pay attention not to slip back into old habits, constantly monitoring if it’s an escape or is it within the normal scale. Especially with the normal scale being a lot tighter for us. It’s still difficult for me to focus on building instead of just avoiding destruction.


Checking in at the top of day 42, a little late today, its been a busy day, but good day. Went to work a little this morning while my daughter went horseback riding with a friend of hers. Then I did a little shopping. Picked up my kiddo, and then went and saw the new Bobs Burgers movie! We’ve been waiting on that movie to come out for a couple years now, and was not disappointed. After the movie, we packed my kiddos bag and I dropped her off to spend a month with her dad. It’s always a bummer time of the year when he gets her for such a large chunk of time, but its important that she has that time with her dad so I will learn to get over it. Sober. I plan on taking this month to focus on beginning some kind of exercise routine at the gym, and begin that new habit. I pay for the membership, may as well use the damn thing lol. Plus it will be a good distraction from not having my little broke best friend around haha. Goodnight all!


I’m also proud of you for not doing it. I know the feeling of being the outsider or being the black sheep in the family. It is heavy. But I’ve resigned myself to it. It is mainly the shortcomings of those people, the lack of insight, prejudices, and not wanting to make the effort to hear your story. Now they don’t need to hear that. But in many cases this is not your fault so please try to rise above it. You did a good job!


Good morning, how wonderful of you. I know you can do it. I am also looking forward to the game. Saw some images on the news this morning. The city is turning in the color red


That sounds like a really hurtful experience.
For myself, I’ve been able to mend some of my family relationships as I got older by expressing where I was hurt, what I need from them, setting boundaries, etc. For others in my family though, I’ve had to accept that not having them in my life is best. It hurts, but I’ve also learned that I have the ability to create my own family. I can create a community of friends and choose to surround myself with people who love, appreciate, and are there for me. I remember feeling very hopeless and alone and alienated because of my family relationships. But that has changed. Partly because of healing and growth with some, and mostly by choosing my new family.
Super long-winded way of saying - These things can change. You are worthwhile. You deserve to have people around that love, care for, and support you. Hugs.


Hope Liverpool do it


Two big clubs, two grand traditions, sure is going to be a great match. :grinning::+1:


“Drink excuses cover any base”. Wise and great truth. Good Luck!!!


Late on my coffee. There was a party somewhere in my building block last night so I didn’t get much sleep. I’m still OK and there’s not much I need to do today. Watch some sports. Cook some food. Nap a bit. Stay sober and clean. Just for today that’s enough.

Have as good a Saturday as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Just for today.

Did a long :bike: ride yesterday. Riding around the Veluwe makes me forget I live in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Love.

@EFountains @BrianP Enjoy the footy lads. It could be a good match. For me it’s Giro d’Italia first. Last mountain stage today, in the Dolomites. Best road cycling in the world there.


Checking in at day 269.
Still fever but decided to go for a short visit to my brother-in-law’s birthday. It’s so crazy but I’ve just been on the radio haha. This is the 2nd time I send an text to my favorite radio station. 1st time I requested a song on the day I was 7 months clean so I explained that in the text and the DJ actually responded to my app by playing my song and he told my story that I was clean for 7 months. I thought it was very special. Normally I’m never singled out for these kinds of things. And just now the DJ had a statement because apparently it is Female Hygiene Day and I disagreed with the statement and I texted why. But what I didn’t expect was that the dj called me and asked if I wanted to talk about the subject and my opinion on the radio haha ​​so funny and a bit scary but it went great.
Have a geat and sober day everyone :heart: