Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Sorry to hear you’re feeling blah lately Dana. It’s a hard feeling to have.

You’re right that it needs to be daily. Push through this and force yourself to do the daily recovery work. It is like exercising. You do some exercise every day and you can alternate groups or prayers or meditations for variety, but you have to do it every day to stay safe.

You belong Dana. You are a worth person, a good person, and you matter.


Nothing wrong with a little reward !!


In some ways, I would love to move back to Canada, I’ve been away for a long time. That being said, work keeps me in Europe ! That’s not to say that living in Europe doesn’t have its upsides, it does, but still, I miss the GWN from time to time… though I would have trouble getting used to the fact that lots of people in Canada still use the Imperial system for things ! I was looking at apartment rentals, and for every one of them, I had to get out a metric calculator to figure out the metric equivalent to the square feet !! Good grief, we converted in 1972… Anyway, in which part of the country do you live ? I grew up in S.Ontario, but then went to university in Ottawa and Edmonton.

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Good morning everyone, I hope that you are all well today.
After yesterday’s crazy lightning (mostly) and rain storm, the temperature is noticeably cooler today… and I’m not complaining !
So tonight I will be on fourteen days, I’m really looking forward to hitting a fortnight tomorrow night. I have to say that I’m pretty happy with how things are going, and whenever I even start thinking about buying some wine or something, I remind myself of some of the things in Allan Carr’s book, and that gets me through it.
Other than that, just the usual work, today included… though I don’t exactly have mountains to do today.
I’m still working on my plans to move back to Switzerland… I’m REALLY hoping that that comes to fruition soon. Waiting is frustrating.
In any event, I wish you all a good and sober day.


Day 58
I had a great day. Just meditated, working out in a minute then journaling for the finale.
Enjoying my life is very nice for a change. I’m thrilled to have Saturday night personal hermit recharge time. Have a great night all


Checking in, had a nice day organizing a bit around the house and took some old electronics to e-cycling. Feels good to have such a normal day and not be living in fear of what I said on social media or texted or emailed the night before while I was drinking. There were some real doozies I’m sure. I’m going to be the secretary in my home meeting starting tomorrow which means I need to get there early. Hopefully I can manage it!


#Day 1348 :seedling:
Feeling better day by day but it’s going slow.
Tomorrow is my 3th week being home from work because of operation and complication.
June 5th is the start of my one week holiday.
Hope we can leave the house for a few days.
Last night was for the first time in 2 weeks I could sleep on my stomache. That was deffinitely a win!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Walking again! Short distances, but more then just in my street. So happy with that! Missed nature!

So here’s a picture of yesterday, a Klaproos/ Poppy.
My plans for today? Walk, listen to a podcast someone suggested to me, try to do some light daily chores.
Wish you all a good day and let’s be nice to yourself ànd the people around you. We can make the world just a little bit better by doing that.


Good evening, checking in at the end of day 42. Had an ok day. Been dealing with a plumbing issue in the kids bathroom that was supposed to have been resolved today, so I spent the better part of the day with no running water, the part they need they can’t get until stores open back up again Tuesday. So we are all sharing 1 bathroom. Which isn’t too bad, considering only 1 out of 3 kids is home this week, Hoping it really gets fixed Tuesday tho. Fingers crossed.
Also had my sister, her dude and their kids over today, Normally that stresses me out bc they are just a LOT to deal with. It’s like hanging out with a tornado that never shuts up, is very opinionated and loves conspiracy theories. My relationship with my sister isn’t that great. She wants to be close but I don’t really trust her so I keep her at a distance. She is 2 years younger than me and ran away from home when she was 12, I didn’t see her again til she was 18, but only then started really talking to her when my niece was born, she was 21 by then, now 35. But being around her makes me want to drink MOST of the time. However this time, I had no plumbing in the house when they showed up, I had the food ready to go, I figured everything that was in my control has been taken care of, the rest is what it is, and no matter what, time will continue to move forward and I will get to the other side of this experience and be ok. And I did. And it wasn’t even that awful, I’d say maybe 25% awful.
And now I’m here, sitting in my backyard, having a cup of coffee and checkin in on my sober peeps. I feel good. I feel peaceful. I hope it stays this way, I’m worried this is some kind of honeymoon period and the worst days are ahead of me… But I also feel like I got the hang of this and Ill be alright.
Have a goodnight everyone! Catch up again tomorrow!


Ps @RosaCanDo I have watched season 1 of “Outer Range” and I liked it very much! So thanks again for the tip Rosa!! :+1:


Sorry they lost Brian, between that and the drama before the kickoff you have done really well. You definitely didn’t deserve to lose (unlike Spurs in our CL final :rofl:)


Going to have one more coffee. I need to get moving after that as I’m having guests over for dinner and my house is a mess. Not feeling too fantastic. All I can do is to keep moving forward. Even when it’s ten steps forward nine back at times. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it.

So. Have as good a Sunday as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It’s the only way for us all. Love from Amsterdam and my Friday bike ride. The road is long and all we can do is keep going. One day at a time.


People underestimate the joy and how comfortable it is to sleep on your stomach haha. I missed it soo much during my pregnancies, it’s how I fall asleep every night!
Hooray for you - small healing steps in the right direction :heartpulse:


What’s that about, and on what service, please ?

It’s on Prime video. It’s a bit weird darkminded serie if I describe it well :sweat_smile: If you like a serie out of the ordinary I would watch it if I where you.

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Day 143 AF
Sunday night sober.
Waiting for 1.30am kick off
UP THE TRICKY TREE’S :deciduous_tree:



Up early camping. Has not been a great trip. We are with Ms. Monkey’s sister and her boyfriend. While they are the type to give you the shirt off their back, they are also hard to take. Finding patience and kindness hard to maintain. I will be re-reading the following gem a few times.

from “The Pocket Pema Chodron” by Pema Chödrön -

“EVERY day we could think about the aggression in the world, in New York, Los Angeles, Darfur, Iraq, everywhere. All over the world, everybody always strikes out at the enemy, and the pain escalates forever. Every day we could reflect on this and ask ourselves, “Am I going to add to the aggression in the world?” Every day, at the moment when things get edgy, we can just ask ourselves, “Am I going to practice peace, or am I going to war?””


Not good day’s. ( On photo house of my parents )


Hey all, checking in on day 714. I hope everybody has a good one!


I’m a tummy sleeper, too. It’s why I can’t sleep on planes.

Day 656

Today was pretty frustrating. I just don’t see eye to eye on some things regarding the children and way of life with my husband, especially at the weekend. Some of it is linked to just how miserable I was when I was drinking. Life was so empty and sad. I want a full, joyful life now. Especially with all that is going on with the world. I want to appreciate and enjoy being alive. But for him, my idea of full and joyful is annoying and stressful. He wants more stillness and quiet. And so he acts irritated and put upon. And I react to his reaction. I said some pretty mean things to him today. I would feel guilty if I thought he actually listens to what I say. But I know damn well he just brushes it off. Sometimes that is useful, but he brushes off the things that I mean and are important to me too.


Checking in on day 200 sober from alcohol and nicotine. I haven’t been on here much lately, I’ve been going through a period of depression which I think I’m finally seeing the other side of. I’m trying to not be so hard on myself anymore, and focus on my single accomplishments rather than striving for perfection. Last weekend I went to my brother in law’s wedding out of town, which was at the brewery him and his wife work at and it was pretty much beer and liquor in my face all weekend. But I passed the test, and rather enjoyed going back to the hotel room early to get some rest while everyone else stayed up. Today I’m going to a Scottish Festival in Alma MI, tomorrow it’s backyard bbq with my parents. Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend.