Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 104
Had a really good rest last night. Woke up for work. My plan today is to get back on track with my recovery stuff, my daily connection to my HP, my readings, more involved on TS again. Today will be busy bcuz I am at work. But I am determined to get back to how I was feeling when I was doing those things. Today will be a good day! :smiley:
Hope everyone has an addiction free day!
Hugs TS fam


Hello @SoberWalker Claudia,

I’m glad that you’re feeling better.:+1:


That sums it up beautifully!! You made the right choice.


Checking in, I broke up with my boyfriend last night… that was really hard for me but I had to put myself and my recovery first. I’m going to stay strong because this disease is out to get me
But yeah. I haven’t been sleeping well lately and I have been working more so I had horrible cravings last night. I had to write a letter to my higher power and I was really scared. I just want this shit to end. I am scared I am getting closer to relapse but I know I just need to work my program and talk to
Other addicts and keep
Doing what I’m doing …
Not getting stuck in my head. I need to
Meetings but yeah. Just feeling worried but I’m just going to
Have faith in my HP. I have so
Many emotions going on rn it’s crazy and I don’t want to deal with this darkness… I hate this disease.


Hello one and all,

Checking in day 91. I’ve finally finished my first 3 months.

I wish everybody a nice time!


Had another teary day yesterday. Perhaps it has something to do with the anticipation of this milestone???..60 days today. I’m so proud of myself, but I feel I am also grieving the loss of the life I had and the person I was were for so many years. Even though the way things were before were so disfunctional and unhealthy, it’s still hard to let go. Change is scary. It’s even more scary to look back and realize just how bad things were when I was trying to convince myself everything was ok with each sip of alcool I took. Digging down deep and discovering a new life is emotionally draining, uncomfortable and a whole lot of work. But it’s worth it.


Congratulations! Proud of you too :purple_heart:


I am so sorry :disappointed: I wish you and your family strength.
I wish peace to be established as soon as possible. my heart is with you :blue_heart::yellow_heart:

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@moonchild7994 … I’m sorry you are hurting about BF… but you must have done it for the right reason. Your posts show you are doubting yourself and are concerned about relapse. I find that when I’m concerned about relapse it is VERY SMART to listen to my inner voice. Please work your program! You have great sober time built up! I’m rooting for you!


Sievierodonetsk, war with russia


Almost 8 months sober 7 months and 29 days

Thinking of the friends we gain but the ones we sadly lose along the way.

Have a blessed day everyone.

My friend I am thinking of you, and can only pray your okay

Thank you all for being here it means alot to have somewhere where people understand and dont judge.


Hello everyone, Day 652 :four_leaf_clover:

Happy sunday to everyone :revolving_hearts:


I’m sorry you have to deal with those feelings, but I am incredibly proud of you for taking those steps, no matter how difficult. It shows huge progress that you were able to do that. Things will be okay just have to keep going


I hope its over soon, I cant imagine how you feel.
I have everyone in my prayers including your family.


Welcome back lil sis YAY!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 716 clean and sober today. Today is the last night shift I’ll have to work for awhile and my Friday so double win. I hope everyone has a wonderful day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Me too! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:
Thank you so much!
And congratulations with your 3 months milestone!! :tada::tada::tada:


Awesome job Flannery, this is exactly what it takes. I’m sorry you’re hurting but so proud of you for making yourself the priority, well done! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


That is so sad :disappointed_relieved: I hope your parents are safe somewhere :pray:


Congratulations on 60 days and I can absolutely relate! Even though our pasts were horrible they were familiar and for me I found comfort in that yuckyness. I still miss the chaos from time to time but it passes. Super proud of you!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2: