Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

I can’t imagine your feelings :purple_heart: Your parents are no longer there, right?


This is horrible @Axsis I am sooo sorry :disappointed:


I love it- what are you playing on your guitar?


Yes, now they are save.


I am glad, though I am sure they would rather be at home, and secure of their future. So devastating.


Checking in at day 270.
Went to my regular meeting this morning. Among other things, I told in my share that since I go to meetings and spend a while every day working on my recovery through the program and the fact that I am also on this forum in addition to the meetings, I have really started to recover. In fact, I am now at the start of my recovery after 17 years of being in addiction care. In these 17 years I have heard very often during periods of sobriety for example, this is your 1st week of your recovery or your 2nd month you name it. But actually I didn’t do anything at all except being clean and now I can clearly see the difference between being clean and recovering. Just being clean without further effort has sometimes given me several periods of sobriety, but I also always relapse. So I am so grateful that after so many years I finally see and experience the difference. Apparently I was always taught a very superficial way in the care sector and when you recognize that you are powerless against the disease addiction, another door opens to recovery and you no longer have to fight / survive because you can’t control the addiction . It is therefore a disease. Perhaps this is already clear to many of you and I had heard about it before but hearing about it or feeling it and living it is a big difference. And I’m grateful to be a part of this forum, to learn from your stories, to heal by sharing, to feel at home again and to finally open the door to recovery after all these years. That gives me confidence for the future, but for now I’m looking at my recovery one day at a time.
There is work to be done for my recovery. Never believed I would actually like it. But apparently I like to do the things that are good for me now. Greadfull :pray:
And I’m proud of you all. May we always rely on each other and grow through each other.
Have a nice, sober day everyone :heart:


Good morning/evening fam!
Checking in @:


Congrats on the milestone! @Chosen2001 keep doing it one day at a time


checking in before work. 16.5 days. Good morning got the trash cleared out of my garage. Paid a coworker to swing by with his truck and trailer to remove the stuff. Kids were sleepy today after a long day yesterday but they just cuddled on the couch watching Sonic. Nice weather this morning little breeze going to be in the 90s today later. Have a great sober day. Oh and Sunday I’m Arkansas can’t buy alcohol anyway.


Checking in day 11!

Had a nice day yesterday and hung out with my friends who don’t drink as well.

Starting to go jogging for my routine next week. Excited to see how much better I can get at it, and also what kind of crazy shit my lungs have been storing due to a voracious nicotine habit lmao. Gonna work on that after the booze is a sealed deal.

Thanks guys! Hope you’re all keeping fantastic and have a lovely Sunday.


Oh wow Flannery… that must have been hard :frowning: but I am so proud of you! You listened to that inner voice, your HP, and u knew what u had to do for YOU! How EMPOWERING IS THIS!!! I think in our pasts, we often don’t speak up about the things we need or whats best for us. Jump back into the recovery basics full force. Like u said ur mtgs and keep connected with TS and your HP. Ur doing all the right things! Stay close to the things that have helped u in the past and things will sort out :slight_smile:


I’m glad to hear your back home, and have the support of your family. It’s been really tough for you and I think you have done so well just pushing through. Your strength and will to get through has got you to where you are today. I’m so glad it’s with family.


Hell yes!!! Congratulations on 1 whole month!! :clap:


Thank you so much for your words. It’s really crazy when I think about the last couple weeks for sure . Something kept telling me it was going to be OK and to just keep up basic routines. Just going to keep my head down and keep pushing forward with my goals but also have a back up plan. Definitely good to be with family. I hope that you are doing good as well and have a good day :grinning:


I love your post!! With ur new outlook on recovery I honestly feel like so many doors will open for you. Just with having a whole new sense of recovery and what it means to feel recovery! Really excited for you!!


First day checking in. First day sober. I feel like I need this because it is not easy and everyone I know drinks. I’ve tried quit before but it is hard to do alone. Im glad I found this app. I can’t live like this anymore. Crossing fingers that this time I can get thru it.


Welcome to the sober crew @skywise engage as much as you want, read around, and share your struggles and successes. I hope you find this tool as useful as I have to my recovery.


Thanks so much @Lorelai and @Cjp


Yes I did watch and I was really bummed that Madrid stole the cup. Liverpool deserved to win definitely, as did Feijenoord against Roma… The Romans actually had like two chances and after the un-deserved 1-0 you know how a José Mourinho team/tactic will work out.
They had been better of playing against the Berlin wall in the 80’s then the weak defending, counter luring lazy roma players. But it was a good year for Dutch soccer I guess. Last couple of years the teams hete in Holland proved that with maybe 10% of the budget that the other bigger teams have they could make a difference.
Ajax in the League final three years ago against man.U , then the game for the champions League against Tottenham which they unbelievably lost after upfront 0-2 for the final en also this year Ajax and also psv gone a long way in the cups with ridiculous budget differences.

But it is what it is… :unamused:

Checking out also for the weekend,
Yesterday I had a very sad and emotional evening due to be confronted with how some people still behave or react at certain things I need from them in order of my safety and the guy really hurted me without even seeing it.
But he… It also tells me that I’m in a better place and aware of what’s going on around me…

Have a good one peopz and stay safe


Day 225 AF

Busy with work yesterday, and went out to a family party. I forgot to check in.

There were a lot of people drinking last night. Honestly, I didn’t crave it. I’m glad I got to enjoy the party without starting drama, or embarrassing myself.

Gonna go out to breakfast with the wifey in a bit.

Have a great day everyone. I will catch with your posts in a bit. Much love.