Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Big up on the after-ops progress. I really can relate to that and I know how shait it can be but it makes my day and smile to read your on the move again and doing little walks.

Keep up the good work and bless


71 days. Grateful for my sobriety, my job, and my kids. It works if you work it. :pray::pray:


Welcome to the check in thread! Iā€™m glad ur here! This forum has been a huge help for me in getting to 104 days. U can do this! Check in often and reach out before you pick up a drink or drug! We are all rooting for u!


Omg Miranda! I am sooo freaking proud of you!!!


Thanks for the encouragement. It means a lot right now. Honestly, itā€™s weird because I feel a mix of depression and determination. Iā€™m so tired of beating myself up. I just canā€™t do it anymore.


I hear uā€¦ I truly do. I remember my last use and I felt that way. Sooo beat up and discouraged and fearful that Iā€™ll ever be able to get this recovery thing. But focus on the current 24 hours. Uv made the change already to quit. Thats huge! Now just take it one day at a time :slight_smile: even 5 min at a time. Just stay clean and sober for the day. Then do the same tmrw :slight_smile:


Day 250 checking in :pray:t2:


Just hopping on and wanted to say Iā€™m proud of all you and @dalex77_2


Iā€™ve been reading some posts before saying anything myself.

Iā€™m really glad I have found this place to support me through my journey in beating the one thing that has repeatedly kicked my ass. Alcohol.

You are all inspiring!


Oh noā€¦ā€¦just a terrible thing. I am so sorry. Prayers for you and your family.



I feel my willpower growing with each passing hour. I feel graditude and spirituality throughout my days. Stopped by the farmers market again this week because I had so much fun last week. This woman had an old typewriter offering poems for a donation. My prompt to her was joy and sobriety. Here it goes:

A new life is near
My sobriety is near
Finding new joy and love
Finding peace from above
This is the start
Of something brand new
A life just for me
One in truth

What a good day to have a good day. Peace & love fam.


Iā€™ve been on this app for less than 12 hours but the energy coming from here is inspiring.

Substance free 82 days
No soda for 82 days

Iā€™m 41, I look and feel the best I have since I was 21. 20 years of repeating the cycle is OVER. The pros of being sober outweigh the negatives of using. I will stay the course. Itā€™s great to be a part of this.


Amazing achievement!! Congratulations, truly inspiring!!!


Congratulations to your 60 days milestone!:tada:


Sorry for the delay, we were off to London for a Christening. Lovely but 2 hour journey from South London to Herts was not fun! All through Central London, and when we crossed the river I couldnā€™t see it as the bridge was too high. Seeing the river is always the best bit!

Well, since you ask I will admit that I am on Day 2. Have been trying to work out what went wrong last week and still donā€™t know. I had a couple of glasses of wine and donā€™t even feel that bad about it so clearly not in a great place! I was going to come on and talk about it once I had processed a bit better, but right now I donā€™t know how I feel.

I hope you had a better day today!


Checking in at 1 month and 5 days!
Thought this long memorial weekend might be tough on the sober mindset but itā€™s actually been pretty tame! Went to my first ever concert sober last night and it was nothing short of badass! Have complete memory of whole show drove up and back home the hour and a half drive one way! This morning woke up good to go went to the gym helped my fiances parents with boat dock and about to get lunch!

Have a great rest of all your memorial weekends! Keep motivated and one day at a time!


Congratulations to your first month!:confetti_ball:

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Aaaah, I love that memory! Foghorns arenā€™t something most people hear regularly. A dentist drill makes me reminisce as my family lived opposite a dentist :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the understanding, I will work it out. I have sort of detached a bit, but trying to stick around to not do it completely. And you should he proud of your days, and your whole attitude which has been great.

Glad Penny is eating :blush:

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Yay, congratulations!! :soccer:


Congrats Seb! 23 Years of waiting is over!