Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Thank you Joost. I think it’s nothing compaires to your operations and stuff. But so happy myself with the progress I’m making. Today I cooked a meal for the first time in 2 weeks :sweat_smile:


Checking In
Day 104
Day is going well. I seem to have my energy back abit. Cutting back on caffeine has helped. My mind wants me to have more but I’m not allowing it haha :upside_down_face: Anyway, work is okay. My clients family took her out for a walk in the neighborhood. The parents usually go alone with her since there are 2 people with her. Anyway, I get a call on the phone asking for help as she is being aggressive towards the parents. We show up and calm her down. She sits down on the grass and then gets up and goes home. Thankful that it wasn’t any worse. She was probably exhausted. The outing ended on a good note tho. I cant wait to go home tho. Ready to start another fresh week and to get back on track with things :slight_smile: Hope everyone is having a good day!


It’s all pretty depressing, that’s for sure.
I’ve been to quite a few of those parts of Ukraine when the war is (or has been) raging. Kharkiv, Odessa, Kyiv… a few other places too.
Bloody madness.


Hey guys. Checking in day 2. Spent a nice evening with the whole family with my parents, aunts and cousin. Felt really good in quite some time.

@Dolse71 Hey, you are right. I am trying to see where can I improve and always trying to implement some habits little by little. I noticed that I am not always committed. So I will try to stay committed. Thank for the advice.

@Staringupfromthewell Hey, thanks for your kind words and support. Will always try my best and be accountable to you guys.

@Minatasha Thanks for your support. Means a lot and always motivates me to give my best. I would have given up long time ago if not for you guys.

@Twizzlers Hey thanks for your support. I relapsed the last I saw your reply. But now I am back to day 2. I am realizing the importance of doing it 1 day at a time. It makes it less scary and makes it much easier.

Have a awesome mothers day and fathers day guys.

Much love. Peace.


Checking in, just completed 2 days. I had to reset after a couple of glasses of wine.

Had a lovely time at a Christening today, avoided the prosecco and just had fun with the kids. Was able to drive home which meant my husband could watch the F1 live. Little things like that make me proud of myself as I can do nice things for him.

Not sure how I feel about everything really. 2 glasses didn’t send me off the deep end, but I don’t want to go back to struggling. We are on holiday tomorrow for 3 nights so not great timing as will he hard to resist.

Sorry as this post is like a stream of my unprocessed thoughts. @Deep looks like we are on the same dates now. Good luck!


Thank you LMC @Lorelai
I can feel the +++ vibes radiating here and I signed up only 24 hours ago. This is def an important tool for accountability plus the sense of loneliness that comes with the shame and guilt of our disease is lessened greatly. We all get what we give! Have a great day, I’m about to go biking.


Checking in with 2 years and 5 months drug and booze free. Also closing in on day 18 of no sugar. My addict is alive today…

8 hours later:

Hitting the pillow with my days all intact.


Thinking of you today… hugs my friend. Thankfully these thoughts and feelings won’t last forever. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for being an inspiration in recovery to me :heartpulse:


In fact you’re doing all the right things friend. Thanks for being here and thanks for sharing. True strength. Hugs.


4 months, stuns me how fast time’s going.
Especially after getting a job. Been running alot this week, hope to run a marathon some day. Now on my bucket list. Alongside getting my drivers license, a house and finding a study that suits me. Most important though is my social circle. But none of those goals will be possible without being sober. ODAAT. I still get cravings and I probably always will. Today when I got a craving I just went outside for a couple minutes and it was gone. Gn everyone :slightly_smiling_face:


Sending you so much love and strength.



Taking it one day at a time has worked for me. I am glad you’re here.


What a sad sight Mykola. Glad they are safe and you too. Hope your country will be too. asap.


Hey moderators can i get my heart like :yellow_heart: threshold increased for the holiday weekend? Lol so many great shares that need all my likes!


@Its_me_Stella im sorry to hear the urges are strong for you at the moment. It’s crazy how no matter how much time passes, we still need to have all our tools at hand, to fight for our sobriety. It’s really helpful to see you speak up about it and I hope you are giving urself a pat on the back for not giving in, and for reaching out for support. So great to see :two_hearts:


Well done, this is awesome! :clap::clap::clap:

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Checking in- day 61. Sleep was pretty crap last night but I’m dragging my butt out for a walk before walk. Come on serotonin :sweat_smile:
Have a great day everyone. Awesome to see everyone, especially the new faces :heart:


Day 9 - Objectively it’s been a great day and a great weekend. I have seen friends, reconnected with people, been to a fantastic gig and I went to a convention. Most importantly I got to spend a day with my son which means the absolute world to me.

But on the inside I have been a great big bag of turmoil, anxiety and pain. Turmoil that I am feeling like a bit of a passenger in my life right now and I want to take back some control. Yet there is nothing to control or cling on to. Anxiety about the future and how I am going to take the massive leap and buy a place (though I realise I am very lucky to be in this position). Pain because I had to take my son home at the end of the day. It was like someone had torn out a piece of my soul. I hope it doesn’t feel like that every time.

All of these feelings and I’ve had nothing to numb them. And ultimately not wanted to numb them. I know where that leads.

I have passed Day 9 many times before but I’ve never really done it like this. Other times it’s been like diving under water and holding my breath as long as I can. This feels different. Like I am truly experiencing life and feelings for the first time in a long time.

I am grateful for it.


Checking in sober just for today.


Thank you !!

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