Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Thank you :purple_heart::purple_heart:

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Thank you. Yeah it hurts a lot and I am stressed but my recovery is number one


Wow congratulations :confetti_ball:

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Day 59
Today has been a really great day all around. I’m coming up on day 60 tomorrow. I’m pretty excited and proud of myself for how far I’ve distanced myself from where I was 2 months ago and learning a lot for the present moments
Thanks everyone again and have a great day


Are you from Nottingham then?

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Sending strength :purple_heart:


checking in - it’s been 28 days and the mind is itching today for a scratch. I find this community helpful in my battle. thank you for sharing.


Yeah, it is always ok. Until it is not ok. Sometimes a not too bad relapse is harder than an almighty fuck up. At least with a massive fuck up ur motivation to get back in the sober wagon is high. A not too bad relapse and you wonder if you can maintain a not too bad level. At least, that is how I experienced it.


No, I live far away in Australia. I have loved following football all my life and Forest and West Ham are my 2 UK teams.


@JennyH @Mno No idea how we got away with that one really.


:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 104
The day has been a bit stressful honestly. But have some time to unwind now. Just going over my thoughts that I wrote down for the Child Sexual Exploitation research interview that I have tmrw mrng. Starting to feel nervous. It begins at 10am so at least I will have a chance to prepare myself and get in the right state of mind for it. I don’t know how I am going to feel during this or how I will feel afterwards. I’m not going to use drugs or alochol I know that. Emotions may be overwhelming but they may not either. Hard to say. I have never really spoken about my experiences as a child. Everything I have ever spoken about was related to my adulthood and the trade. So we will see. I might come out if it even more empowered actually. Just going to relax awhile and do some self care before bed. Hope everyone is having a great day!


Just checking in. I feel so blessed lately. Almost 3yrs clean.


Hey @potential we have the same sober date. Happy four weeks! Im proud of you!


Second Sunday not hungover. Took a long walk, did some art. Day 13.


Checking in day 2 clean :innocent:

Had a spat with my wife today at dinner. As I was cleaning the dishes, I caught myself thinking “why am I in this marriage” and I struggled with that.

Then I thought, what is it that makes this worth putting in the effort? There must be a reason why making marriage work, matters. (Assuming two people in a safe relationship who have good intentions and care about each other, obviously. There are of course times when separation is necessary but this is not one of them.)

I asked myself, why am I imagining what life would be like not in this marriage?

Then I asked the question that really changed my mindset: what if I removed this idle imagination of “I could be _____”? If I removed that imagination from my thinking, would my commitment to work on this, return?

And yes it does. And it did.

My wife and I had a good conversation after dinner and we have another one planned tomorrow after dinner. We will figure this out, one day at a time. One day at a time :innocent:


I would feel nervous too.
The best part is that you won’t be there alone, we will all be there with you. Reach out anytime.


Checking in:

I think they would have been proud of me. I could never do it for them. But I’m doing it today. And I’ll probably do it again tomorrow.

Keep up the good fight everyone.
You’re so worth.
I must remember that it is impossible for me to drink normally. I must remember that one drink will lead to others and I will eventually be drunk. I must remember what happened to me in the past as a result of my drinking.


Another day done, done with strenght! Your strenght! You won! :facepunch:


Nice profile name :grin:
Welcome here🙋‍♀️

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Good morning, after 2 relapses last week I am on my second day sober again. Will actively practice mindfulness now in order to stay focus.

I wanted to share a nice affirmation picture I found on Pinterest - I hope I can post this here :slight_smile: