Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Checking in, I had some scary dreams last night… I was really scared and woke up not feeling right. I am back talking with that guy and we aren’t putting a label on it… just friends rn. Anyway I feel good when I talk to him and I really care about him. I am working thru my Step One. I’m thinking a lot but I just want to get thru this day of work and get back home. I have a surgery consultation tomorrow so if they think they can do it tomorrow they will. It’s very minor but yeah I would appreciate prayers… anyway :heart::heart:


Day 12 checking in.

Had a really great weekend! Sobriety rules, it’s crazy how much more fun shit you can get up to if you’re not lit up or coming down. Took my sweet betrothed on a nice date to a Saskatoon berry farm. We snuck into the section that was not available to the public and got some nice facetime with a cool group of cows. It was really fun.

Here’s to another work week filled with progress. I’m grateful to not feel stagnant and I’m very much grateful for all of you.

Thanks guys, happy Monday!


Checking in on day 387. Had my oldest son’s highschool graduation party yesterday. My wife asked me ahead of time if I was OK if family had some drinks during the party. I said it was fine. This was the first time there was alot of alcohol around me since I got sober over a year ago. It was not easy, but sobriety is a muscle that must be trained daily so it is there when you need it most. I didn’t drink. I won’t be drinking today and don’t plan to tomorrow. Stay disciplined today so the challenge is easier to navigate tomorrow. Have a great day everyone. It’s a great day to be above ground and sober.


Hi everyone,

Just Spent the morning shopping with my wife and our daughter. Went for lunch and had a really enjoyable morning, lunch in a cafe-bar surrounded by drinkers and all I felt was sorry that they felt they needed or wanted alcohol.

Felt a little jealous of the fact that they could control the monster that I couldn’t but I didn’t envy them at all. Enjoyed my orange cordial but more importantly I enjoyed my company, I don’t spend enough time at home with work, football and keeping fit taking up a lot of my time, so I do what I can to savour the moments and make memories. Thankfully now the memories are positive and not of me being drunk, or on the way to being drunk!

Got home and worked out, football season finished a couple of weeks ago for me and my team but I need to start getting ready for next season. You either Use it or lose it.

Grateful to have you guys here for support!

Have a good day everyone!


Checking in, quite sick with a flu bug (but second COVID test was negative). Really put a damper on our friend’s visit as I was laid up in bed much of the time but we did have some good conversations and got to catch up. My husband was a good host so I had to just focus on getting well. I feel slightly better this morning, but it’s been coming in waves of fever and chills, aches and exhaustion so we’ll see how the day goes. I’m trying not to be too bummed out. This will pass.


Hi @RosaCanDo,

Get well soon!


Always good to have a plan and support!


Day 55 no substances

I’m exosted because I worked till midnight then I have work today 1pm to 9pm
My next day off is Wednesday

I will stay sober no matter what
And I love this life sober
I also will not give up work

Today I’m riding my bike in at 12pm and I’ll be there at12:30pm

Aha easy does it


Reading everyones success stories gives me hope for my own some day. Relapsed over the weekend but hope and pray I can get my shit together.


Day 717 clean and sober today. Happy Memorial Day everyone, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Happy memorial day everyone :slight_smile:

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You can and you will @Keeponkeepingon !!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Dude I freaking hate those!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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Oh no!! Glad you’re ok, Charlie. Can’t wait to see the bathroom when it’s completed though. Hope the rest of your day goes better. No matter what, don’t pick up!!


Longest streak I’ve managed since 2019


Good morning family, checking in…
883 days drug and alcohol free
18.5 days sugar free
402 days Self injury free

Like Claudia said… yesterday I won and like Eric said I hate my fucking addict too.

I won yesterday by shining a spot light on my disease. By being honest, open-minded and willing. But I know that the fight is not over yet, I still have something I need to follow through with today. I have the intention of doing that but I am fully aware that without action intention means nothing. So here I am once again being open, and honest, keeping that light nice and bright on that corner of my mind so that piece of shit addict stays shrunk in the corner until I can get done what needs to be done.

When I got home last night from my step group I sat down and opened up my Basic Text (NA). I started reading the chapter on Recovery and Relapse. Some of the things that popped out to me were…

“We are never forced into relapse. We are given a choice. Relapse is never an accident. Relapse is a sign that we have a reservation in our program. We begin to slight our program and leave loopholes in our daily lives. Unaware of the pitfalls ahead we stumble blindly in the belief that we can make it on our own.”

“In our daily lives we are subject to emotional and spiritual lapses causing us to become defenseless against the physical relapse of drug use.”

“We revert back to our sickest behavior patterns without even having to use drugs.”

" A symptom of our disease is alienation and honest sharing will free us forever."

“In our disease we are dealing with a destructive, violent power greater than ourselves…”

Thank you for the part you play in my recovery.

:heart: :seedling: :ringer_planet:


They absolutely would be proud! You’re an incredible human being and are doing so well in ur sobriety! Without a doubt… I know that they would be :slight_smile:


:high_brightness: Morning Check In :high_brightness:
Day 105
15 min away from my research interview. I prayed and connected to God to give me the strength to speak from the heart and to be of help to others. I feel ready but at the same time I can’t wait to get this done lol I got this! :grin:

Will check in later tho once I get myself together after the interview.
Hope everyone is having an addiction free day! Hugs TS fam!


Morning sober fam, checking in on day 3.

The last 24 hours has been a pretty significant time for dealing with HALT things. I’ve directly handled Anger and Loneliness (which in this case are related: I am feeling angry about some ongoing behaviours in our marriage, and that is making me feel lonely; talking through those will help deal with both), and I’ve handled Tired.

I gave myself a half day today and slept in until 10:30. I’ve been pushing myself over the last two weeks preparing for training and being in training, and as I drove home yesterday, I was exhausted. I made the right choice giving myself this morning off; the rest is exactly what I needed.

Third day in a row checking in here. I like this new habit. :innocent: Happy sober day fam!

@Butterflymoonwoman Your eyes are radiating the light and clarity that comes from digging deep in the soul. There’s power there, and it is your power, always available for you, and no one can take it from you.

@Its_me_Stella - “being honest, open-minded and willing. But I know that the fight is not over yet, I still have something I need to follow through with today” - if that doesn’t capture what being human is all about I don’t know what does. Wishing you strength :slightly_smiling_face:

@ArtMama 2 weeks is awesome! 14 times 1-day-at-a-time. It’s a nice feeling isn’t it? Wishing you a good 24 hours today :innocent:

@Noshame good for you friend, take it easy and be gentle and committed with yourself, you can do it :innocent:

@RosaCanDo sorry to hear you’re sick - it sucks :confused: - I had a friend once who told me when I was sick to “enjoy the fever - it’s a clear, unmistakable sign and permission to stop everything and just rest - so that’s what you do, real simple” - enjoy the fever Rosa :innocent:

Take care all and have a safe day :slightly_smiling_face:


Checking in - 3 weeks!
I continue to be going strong. Yesterday was a gorgeous day and I thought of drinking. So, I got up the gumption (lifted up the 10,000 pound phone) and called my sponsor. It was so nice to talk with him! We laughed and I was smiling ear to ear….So nice you know? Yes, sunny days are triggers for me, but I responded in a positive manner. Instead of drinking I went to the local
7-11 market and bought a “Slurpee”! Yum!

On the turntable…
Hailing from New South Wales, Australia @Alycia

Babe Rainbow
Style: Psychedelic, Groove, Surf
20th Century Records