Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Awe… thank u for checking up on me :slight_smile: That is really appreciated! It went well actually. I was exhausted tho afterwards. I needed some alone time away from my phone after, which ended up with me having a nap lol she said I spoke very well and had good ideas. It felt really good to talk about it. I cried abit but the crying was more for gratitude for where my life is today. Just beyond grateful :pray:


Emotion work is just as tiring as physical labour. I feel that too! It’s equally important. Sweeping under the couch in the living room is tiring but helpful - and sweeping under the couch of our emotional living room is just as tiring (and just as helpful).

It’s self-care time - you’ve earned it. :innocent:


Day 10 - Evening everyone. I hope you have had a good day / hope you have a good day (depending on your time zone and when you read this!)

I reached double figures today and a little part of me feels like that’s a job well done. It’s been a low key day really, mainly recovering mentally and physically from the weekend. But I feel fresher for the day off and I am pleased that I have stopped to recover for once rather than just barrelling through until I burn out or fall into one of the HALT traps that are always laying in wait.

It is tiring being so present all the time, but I feel better for it.

For what it is worth I sit and read everyone’s check ins each night and it really helps me to focus on my recovery. So thank you all for opening up about your days as it helps me to focus on my recovery.

I wish you all the very best day today. We can do it. Together. One day at a time.


I’m on day 60 alcohol free. This is the longest time I’ve been alcohol free since 2007 when I did 6 months. So it’s been that long of a journey as I’ve been wanting to be sober for a very long time. I’ve had a few days smoking but it’s not something I’m focused on right now. That will disappear into the night as I don’t even enjoy it anymore.
Alcohol is going too, it has to.
So today I wake up sober and I am sober and hopefully I go to bed sober too.

Have a great day…I hope you all stay sober today as well Xxxx


Sounds like how it goes anytime I try to do anything related to home improvement. It turns out like Tim Taylor on that old TV show! A few weeks ago I thought I could fix a leaking toilet. I ended up breaking the rusted tank bolt and water was running out onto the floor. I panicked and went for the shut of valve and it wouldn’t turn off all the way so the water kept running. I was able to plug the bolt hole with a pen then prop up the flush handle with a chopstick so at least I avoided the flood. Ended up having the whole toilet replaced the next day. Fun times.

Take care cc I’ll be looking for your posts the next few days. One day at a time my friend don’t slip up you have come too far to turn back.

Bye for now…


Wow 10 days already. Just checking in


@Lorelai day 7 ending. Thank you so much for your encouragement days ago ,:pray:t4::wink::grinning:


@Butterflymoonwoman Glad the interview went well. You looked so lovely in the pic :purple_heart:

@anon53116147 You will like yourself a whole lot better when you string together a few sober days. Put down the stick you are beating yourself with.


Omg!!! I hope ur okay! That sounds like a bad fall :frowning:


sorry I missed your 2 years my time on here is a bit hit and miss. Its great to see you doing so well, so many people to talk to on here but I’ve got caught up in your journey :slightly_smiling_face: here’s to another day done :+1:



@anon77094126 welcome :hugs: it’s great to have you here. It’s so helpful to be surrounded by everyone here. Reading and checking in has helped me greatly.
@Dansig you are so right, sobriety is a muscle that needs to be trained. It’s getting a tiny bit easier for me to turn down drinking but it took every fibre of my being in the first few weeks. And there will be many more tests ahead. Well done being able to enjoy your sons graduation sober :clap:
@RosaCanDo i hope you feel better soon!
@Noshame hell yeah, great work on 55 days!!
@Its_me_Stella congrats on rocking another day sober, and not giving into the shitty voice. You’re an inspiration, hearing stories like this give me hope. And I feel like it helps me feel more prepared and less surprised when urges come along, even when alot of time has passed.
@Butterflymoonwoman i hope your interview went well, thinking of you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
@Matt I’m happy you took some time to rest. Burning out won’t do you any good, we have to take time to recharge. I’m shocking for this, but getting better at slowing down.
@michaeljlogan74 im so happy you picked up that phone, and didn’t give in. That’s awesome! A slurpee is a great treat instead… My sneak treat when I’m feeling a bit of an urge to go out, is a strawberry shake from McDonald’s and a walk somewhere to clear my head. Don’t judge eheh. Also, ive never heard of Babe Rainbow, how groooovy. I’m going to check them out.


Checking in- 62 days.
My little one is sick, so I’m home with her today. I’m pretty tired from work, so I’m welcoming a day resting.
Going to make a soup and catch up on some house work. I’ve also got a blanket to start the border on. Going to be a chill day, one I’m grateful to do sober.
Big love to you all :heart:


Rest, soup, and blankets? Sounds like a perfect day to me :innocent:

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Checking in day 29 free from weed and alcohol. I feel restless and uncomfortable. I think because the last time I hit 30 days I celebrated with drinks. I dont want that but the long weekend has been tempting. Took two naps today to escape the intrusive thoughts of using. I have a plan tomorrow to go to an in person AA meeting, hoping to get my 30 day chip and a lead on a sponsor. I need more than just willpower on my side.



I completed my first Step yesterday with my sponsor and didn’t even realize I was doing it until I was almost done.

I met with my Sponsor yesterday morning for our first sit down since he became my Sponsor. We spent about 30 minutes with him getting to more about me and about 10 him letting me know a little about him. Since he is in both NA and AA, he asked if I objected to doing the AA Steps. Since I have never done a thorough 1st Step, I said I don’t care. After asking me some pinpointed questions and having me write a bunch of things on paper, we proceeded to talk about what I had written. We were almost done before he said anything about us actually doing the Step. I was expecting the long and tedious grind of the NA Step working guide which has so many things to write about. After our four hour meeting I felt so accomplished.



You worked hard for that 60 days!! Proud of you!

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Its good you posted! And napped Ive been recovering from both too and it is Hard.

As i understand it intrusive thoughts can sabotage people years into recovery so i am accepting it as an ongoing thing that will be easier to deal with if i stay vigilant in my decision to not use.

I hope everything goes as planned for you tomorrow, and congratulations on taking care of yourself. Something to be proud of.


Thank you @Minatasha its nice to be seen and able to relate

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Honestly, I couldn’t ask for a more perfect day :sweat_smile:
Also, McDonald’s do a new coffee called the Australiano which is essentially a dirty chai but with like a slight Australian wattle flavour and it’s AMAZING. It’s like they made the perfect coffee just for me this winter happy dance