Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

That’s a big deal. I’m super proud of you amiga. :heartpulse:


That’s wonderful! I’m headed to bed and was really just scrolling a bit but very pleased to see this. Congrats to you on your 60 days!!!

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Congrats on 60 consecutive days!!!


Good morning all, I hope that you are all well today. Things over here in N.Italy are all right, the weather seems decent enough (kind of cool right now, but it’s not even 7 AM yet), but pretty nice on the whole.
I’m a bit stressed that I don’t have any work to do so far today, but the end of the month is often somewhat slow… I’m hoping that some of my customers will send me some new jobs today. I suppose that I’ll spend a good part of the day studying Japanese and Turkish, that should keep me busy !
Still waiting on some administrative stuff too… the joys of bureaucracy !
I passed the fortnight mark last night, so I’m pretty happy about that… and I’m already noticing some physical improvement. I suppose that my liver likes the fact that I’m being nice to it !!
Anyway, I hope that everyone has a good and sober day today.


My kiddo, and 2 bonus kids all do the same thing. I have since turned my front patio into a garden area with a hammock and pretty lights, I call it my momscape, and then recently turned my backyard into a bit of an oasis, as well. That’s where I sit every night to check in here. I have found that they come out when the food is ready, then go back into hiding when they are done eating. So I have found peace in that peace and quiet. I’ll sit in my yard and listen to music, I’ll have a little spa night in my room, long hot shower, face mask, fresh shaved legs and clean sheets, OR call a friend I haven’t talked to in awhile and catch up. It definitely gives me something to look forward to on some of those nights. Then just plan something once a week to do with the kiddos, it works out for everyone to have a little me time. :green_heart: :green_heart:

edit to add: my boyfriend and I also work opposite shifts so it feels like im a single parent a lot of the time. We have like 2 evenings together a week.


Checking in at the end of day 44. I’m actually surprised that I have made it as far as I have without a whole lot of struggle. I have my moments but I’ve learned how to recognize my triggers and avoid them. OR stand up for me during those moments. And sparkling water… sooooo much sparkling water. I’ve never been this hydrated in my life!
Today was a good easy day. I had the day off for the holiday, very rare to get a day off that bf also has off, so we took advantage and slept in, then went out to lunch. Did some cleaning when we got home. Made dinner. Now I’m checking in here, sober, happy, hydrated, and at peace with my choice to abstain from the boozes. GN TS FAM!!! I wouldn’t have made it this far this well without this group. You are all life savers in your own unique ways. :green_heart:


Congratulations on your 60 days Marianna.
I hope you wake up very proud of yourself.
I’m glad your here.

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What can you add to your recovery program to make it stick this time Mike?
I do not want to sound too harsh. What did you do when you had a long strike of clean days, what helped back then?
I wish you a different life, for you and your beautiful girls.
It would be so nice for you if you will be in calm waters again.


Congratulations Marianna :tada::tada:


Day 252 checking in :pray:t2:


@mamador yeahhhh girl :tada::tada::tada::tada:
Well done, I’m super proud of you :blush:

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#Day 1350 :seedling:
Going to work for a coffee and catch up.
Not much to say, besides I’m good :grin:
My energy is growing and the wound is healing. Slowly, but progress is progress no matter what.

What a colours! :green_heart::white_heart::purple_heart::yellow_heart:
Candy for the eye and soul!!
If you can: go outside and explore nature!! It’s so healing! Try!!
You only can say from experience it’s nothing for you! And that’s for everything in recovery
Try something new each day. Keep what you like and trow away those who you don’t. It will leave you with a box filled with good stuff!! :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Day 658

I have been messaging the guy who relapsed the in the AA group. We seem to have a few things in common, background wise and drinking habits wise, and it is reminding me a bit too much of what it was like then. It is not triggering exactly, but just feels a bit raw. Really vivid memories of drinking are popping up.


Coffee. Last day of my holidays. Starting new job tomorrow. Exciting! I had no plans or ideas for today but thanks to Claudia @SoberWalker and the sun I see shining through my windows I’ll go out and have a little walk in nature. Just a little one and the nature will be urban in flavour but still. Gotta keep moving. Standstill is decline. One day at a time.

Have as good a day as you can all friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. I will. Love from my balcony. Love my little piece of nature right in front of my nose as well.

@Misokatsu Is there anybody you can call/speak to Flo? Feels to me you could do with a little support in giving support. Take care.


Hope your ‘really vivid memories of drinking’ are met with distaste and repulsion. Concentrate on all you love about you and your sober self and life. Embrace it.


Good morning from Yorkshire, waking up in nature today. Having my coffee outside our pod, slightly wet but don’t mind.

Day 4 so feeling pleased with that. I still have a lot of work to do to work out why I seem to be thinking about moderation. Right now it is odaat.

Listening to the sounds of the farm animals, birds and other families relaxing. I can feel myself healing here. Also so many shades of green in the trees, plants, grass, so beautiful :green_heart:


Almost Day 5.
I was very, very thirsty today (well, yesterday - at this wee hour of the early morning).

Found out last night my Mom has covid. Then they found her on the floor of her room this morning (mobility is also an issue) - thankfully nothing was broken. She really can’t be alone at the best of times (Alzheimers), and needs to isolate for 10 days regardless of her symptoms. The covid is less concerning than her mental health (with isolation) and her falls. I am one of the few who is allowed to visit her - so in the afternoon I left work, packed, and drove the ~850km.

My mind worked hard on me. I really planned, at one point on the drive, that I should drink tonight - not much, but some, to help with all I feel:

  • Fear that she won’t make it through this and I am not ready to let her go.
  • Fear that she will make it through but live in a state of even worse decline.
  • Inadequacy and failure that I can’t keep up with my workload at work - especially while focusing on mom, dealing with my actions of the last months, and working on my recovery.
  • Anxiety that I can’t have a drink to help with this. Anxiety that I will drink, and won’t stop for another 6 months or longer.
  • Shame that I can’t deal with change healthily and make the best decisions for my life.

Thankfully, the drive was long. You know, I get to re-write these cravings…

  • I crave being present.
  • I crave clarity of mind, the mental edge sobriety gives me.
  • I don’t yet crave feeling all my feelings. I crave real joy and happiness - and can’t get these from a buzz. Nor can I selectively feel. There is night and day, shadow and sun, and some things are sad and hard.
  • I crave not reacting to all my feelings. I crave reflection before action/reaction.
  • I crave feeling good about myself.

This seems like a good enough list for tonight. I’ve had a shitty instant coffee instead of a reset. And I feel good about that.
G’night all. Onward we go. :orange_heart:

Congrats on 60 days @mamador and two weeks (plus a day by now prob!) @Daishippai!


So sorry to hear about your Mum. I hope she is OK. I just wanted to share that exactly the same thing happened to my Dad with mobility issues. He had a fall and couldn’t get up on Day 2 of covid. It was pretty scary and none of us could visit as we had covid too. He got the best care and recovered quicker than us in the end. He didn’t have the added complication of alzheimers so that must be an additional worry.

I really hope she is OK, and that you are able to find some peace in all this.


Day 145 AF
First day back at my old workplace. After 5 years it was so nice to be welcomed back by all my old colleagues. A few new faces and the person who is doing my old role is worried I’m back to take the position. Looking forward to what the future brings.


Hope your Mum is ok.
I share your cravings.