Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Sorry about your Mom, glad you are there and have thought through your feelings and thoughts. I expect you’re still doing your yoga, might be a good time to hold some of the poses longer and also to consider checking in on the meditation thread. There might be something helpful there for you. Just ideas of things you can immerse yourself in that will help with the anxiety. Naps and walks, too. Be proud of yourself for wanting a sober life and to go through your challenges, ( and your joys), in your present, sober. You can do it.
PS. Better coffee too and your comfort teas. Lavender to smell.


I get those ‘hangover’ feelings when I’m drained (not enough sleep) + too much coffee + not enough water. Reminds me how much I don’t miss the actual hangovers! Hope the feeling passes soon for you.

@Seb great to hear the first day back went well

@SoberWalker those are beautiful wild flowers, so pretty!!


@BrianP I went to a gig on Friday, drank nothing but soft drinks and woke up with cotton mouth, a thumping headache and feeling groggy (which was at least 75% of how I felt with a hangover!)

It was a surreal experience but it just reminded me how sucky being hungover feels and how I never want to go back to that.

Lots of water and fresh fruit and vegetables will help.


Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, wherever you are in the world.

It’s a miserable wet and windy day here but that will not dampen my spirits. There is light and I have many things to be thankful for.

I have secretly booked a spa evening for the wife and I tonight, sorted the child care and booked us a table at my wife’s favourite restaurant.

Can’t wait to see her face when I tell her, she deserves a break for putting up with me and all my sh@t!

Have a great day ladies and gents.


It is so hard when parents are weak and ill. Sending strength and wisdom.


Day 312

Been a long time since I checked in. I know that I need to connect with people more and continue progressing in recovery. Cant believe its already over 10 months.

I recently completed my 8th step and will be working my 9th step. I would say im not nervous at all but just wait until each of the amends are being made. Its going to be worth it.

Much love everyone!


I hope your mom will feel better soon. Hope it’s not that bad and you can be there for her.


@Mno There are plenty of other guys willing to give him time and support, so maybe I will take a step back a bit. Thanks for caring

@Alisa It was weird, almost romantising how messed up it was, like it was interesting or cool somehow. Such rubbish.


So proud the way you handled your day, the weather also is a trigger for me, I also live where tourists come to london so there are establishments to do with drinking in every corner, and it’s hard walking by when the suns out. So I get how you feel.
But its huge you took a big step and dealt with it, and it in such a positive way.


Hey all, checking in on day 716. I hope everybody has a good one!


Hi @Alycia, thank you for the welcome, seen on your profile it says you’re in Perth, is that Perth WA? If so that’s awesome, I lived in Dalkeith from being 8 months old until just before I turned 14!

Miss it over there, mainly the weather, but the pace of life was so much less hectic than here, then again as a child life doesn’t have its responsibilities so I’d probably need to experience it as an adult before I made a proper judgement.


Checking in.
I have a surgery consultation @ 9. They told
When I scheduled it if they could do it they would be doing it today depending on how bad things are looking. It’s minor surgery but I have never had it before and I’m
Scared about being put under and saying a bunch of crazy stuff when I get out or whatever. I’m telling them straight off the bat no pain meds but yeah please pray for me!! I am
Nervous but I just wanna get it done… I am freaked out about the gas bc I don’t want to
Be out of control
Of myself… anyway :purple_heart::purple_heart:


Good morning! I’m on day 53 no fentanyl…no needle…nothing! I am in awe of my higher power this morning. I am grateful for another day. I don’t gotta do this I GET TO DO THIS! I get to live today! Really live. No more isolation…no more prostitution…no more surviving. Thank you everybody for sharing your stories they help tremendously! Have a wonderful and productive day!!!


Hopefully checking in to a rehab today. Much love


Sending love and strength :purple_heart: I am really proud of you for trying something different to try and beat this.

Good luck for the hospital :purple_heart:


Been on my sobrierty journey for about 8 years now made it 8 months and since havemade it a few months here and there, but I’m not giving up! Had a tough day today, its day 5 and had some strong craving…I will make it…I know some days ill struggle but just need to hang in there.


Congrats on your 5 days!!

Join us in the daily check in thread :slightly_smiling_face:

Checking in daily to maintain focus #43


You are worth it. You matter. You can do this. Proud of you Mike.


Day 13 checking in!

Feeling good today. Not too much to write about. Thanks guys c u all tomorrow!