Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

There’s no way that I feel competent to make any comments / suggestions, so I’ll limit myself to good wishes that you’ll be able to stay sober, find yourself a stable living situtation, and get custody of your child back.


Checking in end of day 671
Haven’t been reading check ins this past week while I was working. Off now but busy getting things together before surgery Thursday. I hope to get caught up more with yall postop while I’m recovering. Sending lots of love. :heart:


Glad I popped in to catch your 90 days @SadMemeQueen. I sure as all heck am proud of you! I hope you will take care of yourself and are able to bring yourself to eat more. I know how hard it can be sometimes but you are worth it. Small steps, you’ll get there!


Coffee on the train. On my way to my first workday on my new job. First commute to another town to work in 30 years or so. First new job sober and clean ever. Feeling a bit anxious but that’s logical right. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober or nothing will come of it. Love.


Yeah my parents were drug addicts too, and like I said this is a temporary thing until I can afford my own place, obviously if I had other options I would go that route first


Yeah I understand how it goes, rock meets hard place. I definitely do really hope your situation improves and wish you the best; nice work with those numbers also


There you go Menno!! You are doing it! And you can, we all know that! I hope you will be filled with energy when you come home today at the end of the day!
Lot’s of new stuff to proceed today, but you are ready for it!! :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


#Day 1351🌱
Been to work yesterday to show up for the first time after operation 2 weeks ago.
It was nice to be back. I live nearby work so it was easy to visit. Wound is healing fast now, so my vacation can get on. Sunday we leave for 5 days Germany. The intention was to walk loads and that will be a bit less but that’s fine too.
Youngest son is having an interview for a job with education. He quit school due to motivation problems in Covid time. If they will have him they offer him 4 days work and 1 day school, a job and a diploma. I have a good feeling about this, but fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:
Today I go for a walk with a neighbour, still try to improve my body condition and stimulate it to heal faster :blush:

Picture made during a walk in the evening, it made the grass look purple. It was even more purple in real time.
Bye for now! :raising_hand_woman:


Well done!!! Keep going!!

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Good morning. Checking in today as yesterday I was feeling poorly- I got an abscess on my tooth and have been prescribed antibiotics. On the upside: under no circumstances I am allowed to have alcohol with them, at least for a whole week. I know this sound a bit strange for some, but “rules” like this help me so much along the way. So in a way I feel protected from relapsing :slight_smile:


Well done!! Hope you are recovering quickly from your surgery.


Can’t tell you how much your sobriety meant (means) to mine. Go get it!


Thanks @Lorelai that’s a good idea. I do have a number of very geeky hobbies I share with my kids (e.g. painting miniature figures) but all the stuff to do it with them is back at the family home. I am staying in a friends spare room so when I get to see them it tends to be out somewhere.

The way I have looked at it is that it gives us a chance to do something different together and create new memories.

There are a couple of things I can do though with the stuff I have and I will definitely get on with that. I think Day 11 for me was a really low one and I need to make sure I focus on some short term projects and goals to keep me motivated.

Thanks again for the support. It’s really lovely to be able to open up on this forum and practice talking about my feelings. It doesn’t come naturally to me but I am working on it.


Day 5
Sounds kooky, but I’m proud.
Some days suck. Sometimes, life sucks.
But then…
…leaves bud.
…geese honk.
…you go for a meal out and everything is perfect.
…you curl up to talk to a friend and he/she gets you.

"Hey, I’ve got sumthin’ to tell you…"
I came out today. As an addict.
One of my dearest friends looked bewildered, and then faltered, but only initially because of the news. More deeply, she felt concern, and sadness that I had kept such a big part of my story hidden.

“Hey, I still love you.”
Big affirming words from a dear old friend.
I’m on the right path. :orange_heart:


Yes, today the day has really come. Once again good luck you can do it and of course enjoy


19 days today also just found out a drunken one night stand has resulted in a pregnancy I have every intention doing the right thing but also feel I have betrayed my other 2 kids


Hi everyone.

Feeling happy this morning, the sun is out, the birds are singing, had a nice relaxing evening at a spa last night and I slept like a baby.

A day of making memories planned ahead, baking with my daughter first thing, we’re making a death by chocolate cake or it must be given the amount of chocolate she has bought to go in and on it, afterwards I have promised to let her give me a makeover, (what have I agreed to here :weary::rofl:), after I’ve been made to look beautiful I’m taking my son to the local sports zone so we can play football together. (He loves helping me with pre-season training, although it’s more about being allowed to bully daddy and play with the cones etc.) 10 pin Bowling this afternoon. Cinema afterwards and then on a more selfish note I have a PT session booked for this evening.

Steak is already cooking in the slow cooker for dinner, veg prepped and ready to go.

Another positive day, and another day I’m thankful to be here….and be sober!

Have a great one!


Day 253 checking in


It sound silly, but I’m so happy for you Mike! It’s a chance, a big one!
Glad you took this step!


Proud of you for taking this step. I know what position you’re in right now but you can do it. Go for it :tulip:

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