Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Hey Matt :wave: I hope you are resting up!
I hear you on the friends in smaller groups. Coffees, hikes, swimming, I love all of those kinds of catch ups.
I think after leaving hospitality, Iā€™ve lost my social connections. The people I met in that line are my partying friends mainly. My other friends want to catch up for wines and brunches. Im outgrowing all of my normal catch ups. And having such a social job in the past meant I had a lot of friends.
Now I work a 9-5, I barely have time to manage the basics of running my family activities, household, exercise etc. so finding a way to make friends is proving to be really difficult.
Iā€™d love a board game/fun type of activity. Maybe I need to seek something like this and just try and reach out and go along to one. Anyway thanks for the advice :blush:


Surgery? Take good care! :orange_heart:


Hope itā€™s a minor surgery tomorrow and all goes well! :crossed_fingers: Good luck Jess!


Checking in day 31 free from weed and alcohol. This, and every day after, is the longest stretch ive been sober for 20 years. Since i started my drinking career. Approaching my 30 day milestone was tough for whatever reason. I think it was tough because I was worried about failure. But i got through it, thankfully. So here is to a sober day filled with gratitude and humbleness.


Day 659

Had a lazy day today. My daughterā€™s sports day in the morning (she smashed her race :muscle:), and some Netflixing this afternoon


Oh Iā€™m sorry I missed your 60 days!!! Congratulations! Youā€™ve worked so hardā™„ļø


Hey all, checking in on day 717. I hope everybody has a good one!


I hope your feeling better. Really amazing to make it through a week like that. I also understand feeling like bad dog mom when my anxiety has affected my little guy. Heā€™s super sensitive to anything, so I feel awful itā€™s ever my reaction that gets him worried. They do get over it pretty fast though. Then lots of licks and cuddle. The best buddies you can have.


Checking in on day 389 free from the insanity of active alcoholism. Today will be the last full day of having my brother and his family staying at our home. In years past I hated having family over for a week or so because I had to grit through not drinking or hiding it. I couldnā€™t wait for them to leave. This time is different. Iā€™ll miss having them here and the sound of toddlers in the house instead of my super cool preteens who just nod and say bruh. Lol.

Hitting the gym right now and have my last statistics test this afternoon before the final exam later this week. Iā€™m ready to finish the course strong. Have a great day everyone. Itā€™s a great day to be above ground and sober.


This is a really beautiful painting! :ok_hand:t3:

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Have a great day Menno you got this!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 719 clean and sober today. Turns out my new shift doesnā€™t start till next week but itā€™s ok! The plumbing in my apartment is down for repairs so Iā€™m off to the gym to workout and shower before work. Have an amazing day everyone I love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


I hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery Jess!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Two WEEKS! Iā€™m so proud of myself.

Got to play some deck building board games with my gfā€™s sister last night which is always a great time. Been having great sleeps. My right asscheek is sore from starting to jog every day, (which is a great way to not think about booze in the morning imo) but Iā€™ll take a sore asscheek over a hangover any gosh darn day of the week.

Thanks guys! Thinking of yā€™all and thanks for everything.


Happy 60th day! :ok_hand:t3: :tada:


Shoot Iā€™m sorry I missed this yesterday CONGRATULATIONS!!! :balloon::champagne::tada::confetti_ball::sunglasses::metal:t2:


Got to two weeks today! I donā€™t think Iā€™ve gone this long without drinking in at least 10 years. I know I havenā€™t in the last 5 years. Trying to be patient and not expect everything to be perfect immediately. Expanding my toolkit every day and generally feeling really good about the future and being on this journey.

Wishing you all well :slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah I made it! It has been a long time since I reached this milestone. But the previous times of sobriety werenā€™t the same either. For the first time I am really recovering by working on my recovery. Just as you decide to get clean and sober, you can also decide to recover. Apparently I hadnā€™t made that decision before. Thatā€™s why this milestone feels more beautiful, exciting and special to me. Although every milestone is something to be proud of, even every day we have accomplished.
Grateful :pray:
On to the next :gift_heart:


I totally hear u and feel that I wouldā€™ve felt off also. Like many others have said tho, u did not abuse the medication. U took it for a specific reason with Drā€™s orders and took the prescribed amount. Iā€™m wondering if the feelings u experienced had to do with a trigger of some sort. The feeling of being ā€œhighā€ from the medication brought back bad memories from ur past when u would use. Itā€™s very different in the sense that u were following Drā€™s orders. I hope ur feeling abit better now. I see that u posted this 21 hours ago. How r u doing?


Yes lady!!! So freaking proud of u! This is incredible :clap: lots of hard work happened to get here!