Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Finally taking care of a torn meniscus that’s been causing problems since January 2021.

Thanks for the well wishes friends! :purple_heart::purple_heart:
@M-be-free49 @SoberWalker @Rockstar24777 @icebear
Gonna be slowing down a lot the next few months but looking forward to next year and being able to get back to my sport at full capacity!


Rehab is only temporary Mike and I’m so happy to hear you’re taking this step. Because otherwise If you continue on the way you’ve been your addiction could take you away from your girls in a much more permanent way! You gotta take care of yourself in order to take care of them. Sending you love dude this is gonna be good!!


You were one of the first people who welcomed me on this site, some 2+ years ago.
You are an example. Of resilience, integrity, and deep kindness.
You are a beacon of hope and sobriety for me.
Your sobriety, to me, is something and somewhere I want to reach.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being you.


@Lorelai thank you!!

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Wow, that is massive. How are you doing? Well done for doing the right thing. How old are your other children?

I understand your guilt but it isn’t a betrayal. This won’t change your love for them and if you remain consistent with them they will know that.

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Em, thank you for that. I got a little choked up reading it…:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I absolutely love having you here. :hugs:


Checking in Day 5. Had the best day, playing proper tourists in York. We managed to fit in 3 museum/castles. Vikings, Medieval, right up to the present. Saw a replica of the kitchen I grew up in too…made me feel old :rofl: Yesterday we went to an old POW camp. So much history, in complete nerd heaven (especially as the kids are so engaged!)

Loving the Jubilee bunting everywhere too. Feel like we are living through our own historic event.

@Mno hope today went well. Feels like the new job has come around really quickly!


Plz go Mike! I’m not trying take ur decision for u as this is something only u can decide. But Mike, if u don’t get the help u need, this addiction will cause more damage to u and ur families future :frowning: all addiction wants is to take everything away from us. That’s its purpose. As much as u guys will miss each other, u are not only getting urself back by going to this appt and to rehab, but ur daughters get a healthy dad whose truly there and present for when they are around. They need u to do this too. I can’t speak for them obviously but I know how much they love u and u love them. This rehab won’t be forever and when u get out… ull be stronger and ull have time under ur belt! This will jist give u some foundation to ur recovery and maybe u will learn new things that will help! Honestly… every treatment centee I’ve been in, I’ve learned something new that I have just kept adding on to. And all the combined info adds up and becomes like a recovery toolbox lol I really think u owe it urself to at least give it a try and see what its about :slight_smile: I just hope that little addictive voice, that is telling u to not go and to be mad that u can’t do it on ur own, backs off so that u can stay focused on what’s important. Hugs!


OMG! Huge Congratulations on 2 years! :tada:
I’ll be celebrating you from afar. Love ya like a sis!


Good afternoon everyone. Checking in on day 285. Getting back into the full swing of things after the miscarriage. Back to school everyday, interview with the state dept this week and day to day errands. Hope everyone stays safe and take care.


Thank you, Lisa; you’re a huge reason for me still doing it, love you so much! :kissing_heart:

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Huge congrats dear Donna. Love you. Kindest most considerate lady and the biggest heart here. No joke. Thanks so much for being here.


Checking in. Still sober. Feeling weird… I am at the bank rn and I have a bunch of cash in 322 dollars mostly in ones and it reminds
Of using I was paranoid walking to the bank with it and having all these anxiety induced thoughts and it’s tempting me. I have a weird relationship with money where I don’t want it to have a hold on me and to be very carefully how I view and use it. I just have some strange thoughts going thru my head like “pride” because I am happy I have so much and I want to
Show it off like I think that’s my addict voice and I am sorry if this is weird but I hate it. I want it to stop. I really feel uncomfortable having money and yeah but if anyone feels this way let me know .


Look at you GO!! Huge congratulations, Donna!

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I know. I’m definitely still going just it’s what my mind says. Did my intake. And waiting on them to accept me and figure out my stay. So it looks like next week I’ll be heading over


Hope your first day on the new job was a great one!


@M-be-free49 … oh no!!! Sorry about your Mom. We have declining Moms in common, as you know. I’m glad you decided to reframe your thoughts and not drink! Being present is the best thing you can do right now. And be clearheaded! Drinking will do no good at all. Sending positive wishes your way.


@Mbwoman @JennyH My first day in my new role was good. I could have been a bit more proactive and more outgoing I guess. But it’s my first first day on the job in nine years so I guess I did OK. My new colleagues seem like a nice bunch, rather mixed in age and background. I like that.

Best experience of the day was this short talk I had with a newly admitted guy, who expressed defeat and failure for coming to the detox. Which I turned around, in strength and victory over addiction for picking up the courage to actually make it here and try to change the course of his life. I saw some hope flicker in his eyes after that. Gave me joy. I remember doing this work ten years ago. I’ve grown. Good feeling.


We’re not meant to do it all on our own Mike. We’re social animals. We’re meant to do stuff together. I only really learned that lesson battling addiction. But it goes for everything in life. We’re not supposed to try to do it all on our own. Doing it alone isn’t strong. Doing it together is. Accepting help is strength. It’s realizing we do it together. We build better lives for ourselves together. We build a better world together. You build a better world for yourself and your girls by doing it together. One day at a time. I’m proud of you for going Mike.


That’s what is called full term sobriety girl! Big congrats friend. Keep recovering. One day at a time. Doing fantastic.