Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Checking in day 2. I am rebuilding my boundaries. That voice of “escape” is present, lying to me; I will resist for today; today is all I have. I have a to-do list today, which includes exercise and checkins. Will stay in touch here.


That sounds like an amazing first day, already making a difference! My first days have involved getting the photocopier code and knowing where the stationery cupboard is :grin:

Hope it continues to go well.


Aahhh thank you so much how kind of you. Yes for sure one day at a time. I keep going :pray:



Made it through the first phone interview for the loan processor job . Second interview Friday . This would be a huge step out of my comfort zone and almost double the pay. The best thing was being honest in the interview and naturally I feel comfortable on the phone… I also have interviews at UPS , zaxbys and a dry cleaner. Those three are my temporary back up plan. If the loan processor job doesn’t work out I’m still going to apply again in two weeks. And I’ll keep applying to customer service jobs. I actually want this loan processor job to work out because it wouldn’t be telemarketing and it’s entry level and laid-back environment there’s only 10 people in the fernandina office. The only issue could be a background check but it’s minor misdemeanors. One step at a time. I also will have a typing test at the end of the interview but I told Them I started re-learning and she said they’re more concerned with being comfortable on the phone and how I interact with the office on Friday . I definitely have put in enough work today.

Probably will spend the rest of my day taking it easy but also getting done some minor chores. Might go do something for myself later go chill in the woods or skateboard or something…

Hope everybody has a good day and stay strong :grinning:


Day 12 - I have to say this has come round really quickly. But I am just taking things day by day. No goals, no number of days I am aiming for. Just focusing on the moment.

I very much felt the effects of HALT today. I didn’t eat enough. I was stressed out about the intricacies of buying somewhere to live and whilst I got to see the kids it was only for an hour or so. But I took the time to unpack things. Identify some of what I was feeling and took care of the issues I could in the moment. I made a vegetarian chili con carne for dinner which went down really well and I have myself permission to recharge tonight by doing some quiet reading on my own. It’s been nice. I have some days off now and I’m going to take them as they come. I have a long walk planned for tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how far I can get!

I hope you all have a great day.


Congrats Donna on your two years!!! :tada::tada:

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Thank you!

Day 1 again after almost 2 months alcohol free…feeling a little nauseous and just drinking water. I haven’t been on this site for a long time but I will try & come on here more often.


Congratulations @DLS , it has been great to watch you overcome and succeed! So very proud of you! ODAAT you are doing it!

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Checking in-
I’m doing well these days except for the morning blues. Geez….I just have a difficult time getting out of bed. Aww! I told my wife that I would walk the dog each morning at 6:30 AM in order to get my butt up and start to be productive. Well, it doesn’t seem to happen each morning. I hear our pup bark and I just ignore him. Then, my sweetheart gets up and takes him out for a walk. I need to step up! Come on man!

I can’t get into this habit of sleeping my blues away. I MUST face the day and move forward!! You know, I will get a job one of these days and I’ll need to have the discipline to get up early, clean up and go to work on time. This time without employment will hopefully not last long. Cross your fingers…Final interviews next week, yes!

I also learned through others on this platform about the power of a positive morning routine. I have been NOT doing a positive morning routine. Huh? I better get on the bus ASAP! I have not been doing my devotions nor prayers. These are powerful concepts and they work when performed daily.

I’m going to make a promise to get up on time tomorrow. As of right now, my wife asked me to join her for some volunteering at a church. I don’t know what we are doing, but it is time with my sweetheart…that is what matters.

On the turntable….
“Drum Fever”
Polydor Records
Style: Latin Jazz, Funk, Groove


Hey everyone. Checking in on day 64.
Had a relapse dream last night and felt real sorry for myself, haha.
Sobriety is super important to me, now more than ever. My health goals are starting to show again, because staying sober helps be keep my eyes on my goals and stay focused.
I also haven’t been completely blinded by suicidal thoughts since I’ve stopped drinking.
Just taking some time this morning to be grateful for where I am and how far I’ve come already.

@Cjp well done on 31 days. Massive! You’ve taken your life back, that’s so great :tada:

@Charlie_C baking cookies sounds like an awesome plan. I have all the faith that you will be strong and focused even unsupervised :blush: you’ve come way too far to throw it all away. Cookies are way better anyway hehe.

@Dansig this made me chuckle- ‘teens who nod and say bruh’ :sweat_smile:

@Barbtarbox @bloop two weeks- hell yeah!! Great work guys :clap: the first few weeks can be tough!

@Bistro612 hey Tom. You’re doing great, my first few days were super tough. It’s not easy but you are on the right path. Check in as much as you need to, I find this forum super helpful. You aren’t alone!

@michaeljlogan74 hey don’t beat yourself up. Morning routines are HARD to get going. I’ve been waking up real early for over a year now and it’s still hard to drag myself out of bed.
Something that might help- I set my alarm on my phone outside of my bedroom. It forces me to get up and go turn it off. Then I’m at the kettle and the hard part is done :sweat_smile: also, you can have a day or two a week when you don’t have to wake up real early. Keep at it, you will get through these blues. And the walks will help. Forcing myself to move helps me every time. Maybe not straight away but it will get easier I promise :two_hearts:


Day 355. My grandfather died a year ago today. I also relapsed a year ago today, which was a choice that I made. Nothing caused the relapse but me. You see, I thought it would attenuate the raw pain and help me deal with the disequilibrium in my family. It did, at first. Then it inevitably got out of control, and I ended up hurting people close to me, and becoming a miserable wreck. All in the span of 10 days. It’s like relapsing contracts all the time and everything falls apart ten times as fast as it did before. I bet if I relapse again, it will fall apart even faster. It’s a progressive condition, this alcoholism.

Today has been rough. I have been tired and irritable, and I don’t know why. The weather is absolutely beautiful. I’m trying to breath and let it pass. Wishing everyone peace and strength. Life is too short to squander our clarity.


Checking in
Day 107
Today has actually been a great day! Really productive ans things going smoothly. Just got in from an appt and all went well. Making tacos for supper for me and hubby once he gets home and spent time playing a word game with my mom. Happy with how today has turned out. I have experienced some very mild urges to use today. I just do my best to not feed into the thinking and I instantly remind myself of what I could lose if I use. Hope everyone is doing well today!


Checking in, trying hard to flip my attitude. I started feeling better physically yesterday though was left with a migraine and exhaustion to round out my sicky time. Today I’m better but stuck in a bit of a self pity party, STILL! Self pity, low mood, struggles to get things done. Trying to be kind to myself and get done what I can before we head to Milwaukee tomorrow for the Primus tribute show to Rush, then a day checking out some museums and food before visiting friends. I’m just not feeling it today. I’m hoping going through the motions helps me shift this attitude. I’m trying my best. It never fails to amaze me how much physical and mental health are intertwined.

Edit to say changing the sheets on my bed always helps, and I’ve sweated through them enough times with this flu-type stuff the fresh summer sheets will feel good tonight (yay no more flannel!).


Amazing work, @DLS Donna! You’ve been such a wonderful friend and support here. Huge congrats on your 2 years.

Sending you some love today @icebear Drew. You’re honoring your grandfather by learning from your past and doing your best now.

Congrats to others who have had milestones and love and sober strength to those who have struggled. You’re not alone. :heartpulse:


Congratulations :purple_heart::muscle::purple_heart:! Thank you for your presence on here.

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You have been trying to do this alone and with the tools you have for a while now. Time to go up a gear. Trying something new for your recovery is a good thing. I understand it feels scary and doubts are coming. But I, and I am sure many in here, are so stinking proud of you for it, :muscle::purple_heart::muscle:


That takes a lot of courage M, I am happy you were met with compassion and support.

:heart: :seedling: :dizzy:

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Welcome, I am glad you are here.

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Woooooo Hooooooo
Congrats on your 2nd year of sobriety!!!

R (1)