Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

:first_quarter_moon_with_face: Evening Check in :first_quarter_moon_with_face:
Day 99
Honestly i was irritable for most of the day. I think it was just our of those days when thongs were going right. Some good things happened and some things were resolved. But I was just bitchy for the majority of the dayā€¦ good thing I stayed in haha Anyway, tmrw will be an awesome day! Getting 2 rings out of pawn, paying myself new pants, a gift for someone, and paying a bill. Life is effin good! Even if Iā€™m crabby lol
Hope u all had a great day!
Hugs TS fam! :heartpulse:


Hugs and nines to you awesome lady.

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Congrats on your 70 Days Emi.
That is so cool.
They look really styling.


I was on the phone with my vr friend. He asked me why I was quiet and I told him I was just feeling really bad tonight for no reason. He offered to stay on the phone with me until I was better. Then someone who added him on discord (a total stranger) called. And he went to answer and then he ditched me because he said she was going through some stuff.

Heā€™s been a great friend and Iā€™ve had no red flags so far and we talk 5 hours most days. But that was the last thing I needed and I am once again alone with my thoughts. I know this isnā€™t a huge deal it just happened to be what sent me over the edge from managing to being a mess

I just want to be done.

Update: made it to day 84 of no self harm. Still feeling really alone but I calmed down and am headed to bed.

Since Iā€™m feeling better Iā€™ll add my something positive: I was feeling lazy and was going to skip my medication because I was feeling self destructive, but I forced myself to take my meds. Iā€™m on lots of meds for physical and mental reasons so skipping them never does me any good. Glad I made myself take them


Hey Miranda.
Iā€™m glad you posted. Catching up can be really hard to do around here. Itā€™s definitely ok. Depressed. I got a lot of that my first year. Somedays I just couldnā€™t do a thing. But I didnā€™t drink so that was a win. Iā€™d just sit around and kind of mope for a few days. I still kept my walks. That was the best part of my day. But I remember those days, especially those afternoons. It felt awful. I would go in my exercise room and think. Just pick up a weight and press it once or twice and see what happens. Nothing. But I tried. Couldnā€™t even do a 12 pound curl. I got through it. I just knew it had to pass sooner or later. It wasnā€™t anything like chronic depression. I donā€™t know how people live with chronic depression. It gave me a whole new respect for depression. And Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have to deal with depression on a regular basis. Keep reading on here. Snuggle with Lola and Charlie. Check out the memes. Your doing so good.
You know where here for ya.
:pray:t2::heart: Big hug.




Thought I checked in today, but it was last night lol. Damn, I am losing it. Not whole lot going on. Went to the dentist this AM, Work, and chillin with the kiddos. Gonna go out for a long walk in a bit.

Stay safe and take everyone!


@Cjp thank you, you responded to my lonely post in #42. I had a lot of likes, but you reached out. @Miranda I saw your post today about being depressed. I feel the same, I know youā€™re loved on this forum, I hope youā€™re feeling better.


Checking in. 10:30pm cdt is my Sober time. So I am usually up about now to count it for myself. Anyway Day 12. Getting close to the 2 week milestone. Not going to miss that. It feels great that I have been able to go longer than 3 days. Anyway I feel good, Iā€™m starting to sleep better and waking up is nice. I was never one to have hangovers often so I figured I was ā€œokā€ with the amount I was drinking. I realize now that it wasnā€™t and I feel so much better. Iā€™m taking it slow with myself and allowing to eat what I want when I crave it. Iā€™m not very overweight or anything but when I was drinking even just 12 days ago I was very self conscious about my weight (mostly cause Iā€™m short already) at 5ā€™5 I am 145lbs so not big but while drinking I would eat the worst crap then not let myself enjoy a meal I would skip meals always thinking that I would get fat. Well I counted that without drinking I am saving over 8,000 calories a week so having a bowl of cereal in hindsight now was not the unhealthy thing. The drinking was and is. Iā€™ll stay sober. Have a good night be back tomorrow.


Checking in day 28. Feeling a bit anxious about my sisterā€™s wedding in a few weeks. I know itā€™s going to be a shit show. I know I need to not worry and just focus on my day at a time but it keeps popping into my thoughts. Anyways havenā€™t picked up and donā€™t plan on it. Thanks for being here everyone!


Iā€™m feeling the same way about a vacation coming up in 2 weeks. I donā€™t want to drink and I will take it one day and one small event or board game with my kids to make sure I donā€™t. I am still concerned because I know myself but my wife is my support now. Fortunately my drinking didnā€™t get to a point to ruin our relationship.


#Day 1344 :seedling:
Day 11 no sugar
Wow, what a day it was yesterday. I was really sick yesterday, could not walk anymore. Went to the hospital in a wheelchair and they discovered a post operative inflamation. They had to cut it open without anesthesia. I did it, I had no choice. Glad I did because I feel so much better now!
2 weeks no working: docters order.

I feel Iā€™m more myself now. So happy with that!
I missed me! :hugs: Felt like an old sick lady for a whole week. That may not seem much, but that week felt like ages to me :woozy_face:

Hereā€™s a flower wich itā€™s called Herderstasje (Shepherdā€™s purse) in Dutch.
I like the little seedboxes because they look like a heart :heart:
This picture is a old one I found on my phone.
I miss my walks so much!
But I will get there again :facepunch:


I feel ya dude! Iā€™m lucky my wife didnā€™t leave me with all the shit I have put her through. Iā€™m going to try to focus on just being there for her around my other family. I live in Cali and my family is back in Michigan so all of out past trips have been shit shows. This will be my first time around all my old friends and family sober. Iā€™m gonna chalk it up to excitement rather than anxiousness. I know it will all be good as long as I donā€™t get passive in my sobriety. We got this bro. Do it for the kiddos, and for ourselves and our relationships!

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When I went to my brothers wedding I was worried about the same thing and very anxious but my sponsor at the time suggested having an exit strategy and someone there that could get me out of there if I was having stupid thoughts or if it was too muchā€¦ And youā€™re still able to go and be there for your sister or whatever but thatā€™s just a suggestion But actually What ended up happening was I made it through the whole thing by communicating with my network and just being grateful

Thanks man! Iā€™ve already kinda planned an exit strategy for sometime around 11-12 before everyone starts getting real hammered. Iā€™ve got a 4 year old so Iā€™ll be able to say I have to go get him. Appreciate ya!


Youā€™ve said a lot of things I, and others Iā€™m sure, have found very useful - youā€™ve made a difference! I hope you feel better.

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I feel you :hugs: Itā€™s hard but nessesary as well. Itā€™s processing things. I know thatā€™s difficult and filled with emotions. But you are in the beginning of your recovery and this is part of it. Your mind is getting clearer and so will be your sight on your life. Hope I can explain myself ok, English is not my native language. Talking helps, so good that you express yourself here. Recovery is healing and growing and you are doing ā€œjustā€ that :seedling:
Big hugg :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Congrats to your sis. And good luck at the wedding, bro. Take it easy. You got this!

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Thank you Maxine. I had a big cry and the tears helped a little.

You wrote beautifully. I understand what you are saying. I am still filled with sadness, but your post helped me feel a little ray of light. I think itā€™s sad to let go. I feel I am letting go of a lot of things. I am scared of the changes in my life that may occur because I am choosing sobriety and because I am realizing I was missing parts of myself for long.