Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Aha, thank you for learning me the right word! In the Netherlands such a community garden is never for free. There are even long waiting lists to get your hand on one!
And yes, I am also so happy to feel me again instead of an old lady :tada: Health is so important!!
Just got back from the first grocery shopping in almost 3 weeks! Never thought I would be so proud and happy for it! :blush:


Day 254 checking in :pray:t2:


62 days soberā€¦going to bed sober. Itā€™s been an easy week apart from the sugar cravings, theyā€™re new. :sweat_smile:


Hey all, checking in on day 718. I hope everybody has a good one!


Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way here; you guys are literally the only reason why Iā€™ve made it this far! For all the newcomers, I know youā€™ve heard it before but honestly if I can do it you can too. I have it in my mind that I just donā€™t do that anymore, itā€™s not an option! Life is so much better; not necessarily easier but better.
Love my friends here that Iā€™ve made since the start. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



Good on you Donna. Time flies, doesnā€™t it? :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 2, yesterday when I was down doing my intake I also had a appointment with the mental health doctor, and they put me on vivitrol or naltrexone which Iā€™m not sure why Iā€™ve never done opiates or like them, and they told me if the stuff I used Monday and Tuesday had any opiates in it could possibly put me into withdrawals. But I took the medicine yesterday and sure enough idk what the heck happened but I got sick as fuck and was puking, skin felt like it was crawling off and started sweating like crazy. So Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s a good sign the meth I did wqs probably loaded with fentanyl which made me realize how lucky I was to even wake upā€¦ I also talked to the doctor about plz giving me something for my adhd and he refused to give me anything bc of my cocaine and meth addiction. He said it would be smarter to do a cbt therapyā€¦ will see, Iā€™m sure will figure this out more once I go to inpatient much love


Day 660 - countdown to the devilā€™s number!

Met the guy from AA. Talking to him really reminded me how grim it was in the end, especially marriage wise. To be blunt, I hated my husband, and his keeping my money, his endless checking and watching me. And I hated how guilty I felt and how sorry I had to be all the damn time. I know he was sick and tired of me too. Then I think to what it has been like recently. Honestly, he has been pissing me off quite a bit. But about what? Some household stuff, and communication difficulties. Compared to what it was before, right now is heaven. I could go and meet the AA guy and buy a coffee without having to ask my husband for money. I could be late and my husband didnā€™t call me 15 times. Thank goodness for sobriety and thank goodness for whatever gets you sober.

@anon53116147 That is scary, so glad you are still with us and fighting.


Twenty nine months!!! Just fantastic. What you described is a total change in lifestyle. Youā€™re my hero.


Checking inā€¦ I had 54 days but then chose to drink 9 white claws in 5 hours. Iā€™m finally feeling better except for a little anxiety. Seem to always get to either 1 month or 6 weeks or maybe even 2 months but then I compulsively break my streak! I feel like NEVER drinking again is OVERWHELMING. I either have to be at peace with this or somehow NEVER drink again and be at peace with THAT! Thanks for reading this and have a lovely day.:purple_heart:


I so know what youā€™re saying; I used to say that too, ā€œI canā€™t quit FOREVERā€ā€¦then Iā€™d drink, cuz I believed I couldnā€™t. But, I am 2 years as of yesterday. And for me, after a while, I didnā€™t even want to drink anymore. It just seemed so detrimental and wasted so many days, money, etc.
Once you get in a rhythm of your new, better life going forward, youā€™ll see that itā€™s not missed as much as you think it would be.


Happy 2 years sober beautiful lady!!!


Thank you, little mama! Best of luck with the delivery! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Day 720 clean and sober today. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 15 checking in!

Slept in this morning which is always bittersweet! Hope everyone is keeping fantastic.

Thanks guys!


:laughing: Same here! :ok_hand:t3:


Congratulations Donna heck yeah!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Everyone doing great this old guy 13,044. its only for today


Hey @M-be-free49 Emm, I hope your mom get well soon and that your long journey wasnā€™t a problem.

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