Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Hello @Charlie_C Charlie,

I hope your lab work was OK and that your bruise has healed by now.

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I wish, that your surgery goes well and that there was no reason for your worries!

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Nice to see you checking in Ray! Love those numbers, ODAAT always👌


Yeah I get it and I’m not trying to make you feel like shit. I also worked my ass off to get clean from meth and stay dope free for a year and a half. I was also followed by Dr’s and Mike I was still sick as fuck. I was a walking emotional relapse because I just hadn’t grapsed onto recovery yet. I am not trying to offend you, the more you tell yourself things like ," I have done this before without rehab." (When clearly you have not.) The easier it will be for your addict to convince you to leave … again. That’s all I am saying.

Just real talk Mike, you know I love you and you know I want you to win this war. You also know I see you fighting your ass off and that I will always fight with you.



Yes I think that it happens to many of us, including myself, before we come to realize the strength of addiction. I am glad you survived your relapse.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


I can relate to you.


Morning all, checking in day 3. Woke up this morning feeling pinned down, trapped; stuck. It’s a weird feeling.

Prayed about it and sat with it. I think partly it’s fear. My wife and I are writing a song for an upcoming event and I’m feeling behind on that. I’m feeling like I’m not accomplishing “enough” or “quickly enough” for my new business. I’m feeling like I’m not exercising “enough”. I’m feeling like I’m not waking up early “enough”.

Enough. That’s the key word. Enough.

Where do we find enough? Where do we feel enough? Why do I feel not enough? Why do I hide from that?

Even if I did know where or why, what would I do with it?

Do I have enough time?

There it is: time. I am only ever here. It’s when I get stuck “out there” in the past or the future, in how I think things should be, in not living in the real, present world, that I get in trouble. All I have is what is. And that is my day today. One step at a time.


Wow that number!!! Thats Incredible! Truly inspiring to me :slight_smile:


Yeah that’s good I am not alone bc I felt like I was going crazy. Money is a HUGE temptation for me.


4 solid days done. I know I have a very long and hard road ahead of me to reach my recovery and sobriety, but today I feel more confident and stronger than I have in a very long time. Taking this good feeling and pushing forward through the day!


Happy seven months! :tada: :boom: :+1:t3:

I try to use the idea that If my money isn’t going to somewhere that betters myself or supports my actual needs I won’t spend it


Hi @anon9289869 Jess,

I hope your surgery goes well and that you have a quick recovery! :wink:


You know, as long as your not sleeping more due to depression, and its just low nood remember its ok to take time out for yourself, dont beat yourself up its great you have your partners support and i understand how easy it is to convince myself im a fauilure and get into a mental rut.
Your right about trying to just push through it and be strict with yourself but also love yourself along the way, dont be too hard on your self.
Everytime i have quit, slowly things feel worse then slowly they just seem to fall into place.

I do beleive doing the small things at a pace that is right for you definitely is a way forward and remember the small things are what make the big things happen.

You got this, your strength shows and your doing really well try to remind yourself of the good your doing, lifes a b*tch sometimes but our mistakes and setbacks dont make us who we are just what we have experienced.
Sorry i havent been around much the past week, i had some therapy about my daughter that causes me severe anxiety and rebrings the trauma back like reliving it.
But i know when we stay sober things do get better, we cant always see the reason why, or what made it happen but it usually brings us to better things and new opportunities.
Glad your here you are a great part of this community thank you.


Huge congratulations on your huge sober time!!
I hadnt seen your sober time before but i knew it was Huge. Yayyy woohoo :grin:

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Aww. Thank you Twizzle. Appreciate it.

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Our fearless leader. :pray:t2:


Hello guys. Checking in day 6…
Had a good workout today. As I told you guys, I am journaling everyday and learning about nofap everday.

Have a nice day guys.


Day 17, found out the company I work for has been sold. Between that and health issues I’m freaking the heck out. Taking this a day at a time. Good luck everyone!


20 days free today feels good reaching that still very much concentrating on upholding the days new job is also going well and booked in for hypnotherapy next week has anyone tried it?