Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

That’s awesome Mike! :raised_hands: Happy for you :innocent:

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Thanks @Mno it was less hassle than I expected. It took a while, but I think I have everything reinstalled. I’m still transfering files from the cloud to my laptop and today I’m tired because I stayed up so late doing it.


Quick check in- 65 days :heart:
It’s Friday finally, long weekend here. Very much looking forward to it!
Have a great day everyone x


Checking in sober.

Artical about TV shows sans booze.


Day 92 of no self harm

I don’t know why I try to lie to myself and say I’m doing ok. I’m not. I haven’t been. Even my good days are awful. I’ve done everything I know of to get better but nothing is working or even helping. It’s this endless cycle of thinking things will be okay and then getting smacked in the face by reality. I don’t know what to believe other than I can’t improve. Been trying to for years and somehow I always end up at a further rock bottom. It’s useless. I’m not going to self harm but I think I’m done trying to force myself to eat and take showers and all of that. It’s so much energy that’s wasted. If I want to rot away it’s my right

My 20ty birthday is June 21st. I never imagined I’d make it to 14, let alone 20. But I really thought that if I somehow made it I’d have my shit together by then. I kept pushing for nothing


Day 673
Feeling hopeful about recovery. Grateful that so far I’m not in much pain. Im able to get around fairly easy and don’t completely need to rely on crutches. Staying in a hotel for the night and once I get home tomorrow I get to watch the video they gave me of the surgery with my doctor talking through exactly what was going on from the inside view and what he did. So I’m weirdly excited for that! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Now to try and get some sleep,


Coffee. In the future I think I’ll skip this step, drinking coffee at home before heading out to my commute to work :steam_locomotive: :railway_car: :railway_car: :railway_car: . Could get out of bed 20 minutes later. Anyway, I slept OK albeit a bit short. I’m sober and clean. Ready for my second day at my new job. Let’s go!

Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it clean and sober. It’s the only way for all of us. Love from my little ride yesterday.


My shit was nowhere near together at twenty, and it was even worse at thirty.
I really don’t want you to ‘rot away’, I know it is hard, but I really believe you can find your place ,:purple_heart:


Day 229 AF

Another chill day at work. Can’t complain. It’s my son’s last day of school tomorrow. He’s all done with 3rd grade. Time is flyin. Gonna take him out to his favorite pizza spot.

Posted a pic from a year ago. Didn’t realize it had booze in the background. Damn. My bad to whoever caught that.

Have a great evening everyone!


All good, there’s a lot going on for you right now. I would imagine you are emotionally, mentally, and physically drained. Sorry your stomach is feeling upset ontop of it.
AMAZING NEWS about the bed, I am so happy for you.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


I’ve had similar concerns about NEVER drinking again.
I’m wondering what life would be like sober without alcohol.

Maybe you’re curious too? I’m only 2 months in but hopeful this time around. X


#Day 1353 :seedling:
Quick check in.
Going for a walk at 8 o’clock in the morning.
So cuddle the cat, drink my coffee and of I go!

Picture from my garden where a Vlaamse gaai/ Jay is eating all the peanuts :laughing:
I have to hurry, bye!


Day 89
My shit isnt together. Nothing feels stable in my life now. But i am sober and grateful for it. I can only decide how i act and interact with others moving forward, not change the past.

Stayed up late watching a fun murder mystery (only murders in the building) but now i must go to bed. Recovering from ankle sprain sucks. Thank you for the place to check in. Goodnight.


Yepp! Thats me! Here I am!


It’s not 5 months but I’m pleased to be here :grinning:


Morning all, checking in on Day 7. Something has clicked again and I am over the moderation thinking. Keep imagining myself as the frog who doesn’t know he’s boiling and that is what taking the path I was on was doing. The actual wine I had didn’t result in bad things, but it started a journey of little compromises which was going to see me back where I was.

It is such a huge relief to realise this. I am so much happier now. I do think I need to do some kind of work to stay on track though.

I hope everyone has a lovely day. Family party for me, super excited to see everyone. This would have been a “great excuse” to drink before but now I am looking forward to all the food I will really taste and enjoy.


Day 62
Missed a day but still doing the thing. I had to take time for relaxing and figure out where I was getting my value from.
Rethinking a friendship. Rethinking where self esteem issues affect my ability to recognize others who are in healthier spots also wanting to be in my life friendship-wise.
Putting distance on the trauma- based friendship is also a big part of accepting that although there have been friends that have helped me through things in the past there are also certain times where the check has been paid up and now I have to decide what’s best for my future


Congratulations on your new job, I hope that everything goes well!

Other than that, good morning everyone, I hope that you are all well. As for me, things are okay, though I am stuck in something of a bureaucratic catch-22 in terms of getting my papers to move back to Switzerland. One department wants document A, which I need in order to get document B, but you can’t get document B without already having document A !! Bloody bureaucracy.
It will get worked out, I’m sure, but it certainly is annoying.
Other than that, things are alright… I am on day 18, and pretty pleased about that. It doesn’t stack up very much against some of the people with hundreds and even thousands of days here, but I’m still pretty chuffed.
In any event, I suppose that I should get to work.
Have a good and sober day everyone… I’m glad that we all have this forum.


Hooray! Congratulations and enjoy your special coffee. Beautiful weather here for sober Jubilee celebrations. Have a great day :uk: :uk: :uk:


Good morning/afternoon/evening.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Another sober day checked off yesterday, I’m loving reading some of the inspiring posts on this thread each day and being able to receive and offer support.

It’s another day that I am thankful to be sober. Street party going on today for the Jubilee. Kids are already outside playing together and there is a spirit of togetherness and community that is generally lost.

I have plenty of things to be getting on with, but the biggest thing I’m looking forward to is making trifles and flapjacks with my daughter.

Have a good day everyone, stay strong and I’m here for you!