Checking in daily to maintain focus #43

Hey all, checking in on day 720. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 722 clean and sober today. Have an awesome day, love you guys!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Good morning friends, day 567! Busy day ahead. Linda comes home today!
Have an awesome day! I am going to do mine sober!


Hey Brian-
What is Stilton? It sounds interesting and delicious!


@kat261 @Jesile

Thanks for ur honesty. I know u will both get back on that sober horse. :purple_heart: Sending strength and wisdom.

Day 662

Rode almost 20km with my son this afternoon. The weather was beautiful, but the last 5 or so km I was a little sore! He was out like a light tonight. Went to a local meeting as I have been forcibly volunteered to be a committee member. In hilarious Japanese style, everyone had to introduce themselves (and my the heads whipped round when they heard a foreign voice) and then the material was read word for word :sweat_smile: :laughing:


Checking in. I am waiting at Starbucks before going into work. I was only working 4 days but now Iā€™m up to 5. Iā€™m feeling kind of tired and I donā€™t really wanna go in but I want to get this $$$ and itā€™s good exercise ! I hope today is a good day. It usually gets very busy there and kind of stressful. Anyway I am still on my step one. Itā€™s been over a week and Iā€™m taking my time but I need to set some time aside today to do some more. Have a good day you guys :slight_smile:


That sounds like a beautiful day. Enjoy :tulip:

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Day 22 for me just finished work with my dad we put 2 windows and 1 door in suns out glorious day here in Scotland


Answering without being asked, Stilton is the proof that -contrary to popular belief- the British actually can make some stuff that is tasty. I prefer the blue one, like this fine example. Iā€™m tempted now to go to my local deli and get myself some (along with some French and Italian and Spanish and Dutch cheeses) and gorge myself on it. Good on you @BrianP , both the cheese and the Stones! And Echo & The Bunnymen too of course.


Thanks for being straight back here Jenny. And good on you. Onward and upwards. One day at a time for all of us.


Day 2! Feeling not bad.

Thanks guys!


Love it! Thanks @Mno!

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This looks delicious! Thanks @BrianP!

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Good morning itā€™s day 4. Heading out with the girls, tired and exhausted but gonna do what they want and try to just have as much fun as we can, Iā€™m not sure if this naltrexone is helping with cravings or not. But much love have a good day


Day 19, which for me is mind blowing. Have been fighting through work and health issues, but feeling good today. Happy Saturday everyone. Sitting with my cat and a cup of coffee while the house is still quiet. 3rd hangover free weekend.


Hi allā€¦ so Iā€™m off to Switzerland tomorrow, as I have some bureaucracy-related appointments this week.
The ā€œcatch-22ā€ is not yet resolved, but things seem to be going in the right directionā€¦ I hope.
Other than thatā€¦ all is well enough.
Day 19 is progressingā€¦ Iā€™m happy about that.
Work isnā€™t too busy, but thatā€™s okay, it gives me time to work on my Japanese and Turkish.
Fun stuffā€¦
I hope that you are all well.


Hi, we seem to be on the same dayā€¦ !
Iā€™ll hit 20 days at about 11 PM CET.
How about you ?


Day 188

First month of my shred diet and exercise plan complete. One recovery week for my muscles and then month 2 starts.

90 days seemed a long time when I started this and now Iā€™m 1/3rd of the way there the end doesnā€™t seem far away.

Loving reading some of your updates.

Keep on keeping on!

Have a good day wherever you are in the world!


Checking in on day 358. I had a dream last night that I drank two beers and was trying to convince myself it wasnā€™t enough to reset my timer and that I shouldnā€™t tell anyone! Glad to wake up from that to 358 continuous days of not a single sip! Also, funny how the ever-present addict voice is alive and well in the world of dreams.

Finally summer seems to have come to Minnesota and I am about to have a coffee in the sunshine with my lovely partner. Wishing everyone a happy and sober weekend.


Your AF days may reset but you still have your 7 months behind you. The tools you built up are with you. Itā€™s a step back on the same path, sometimes you need that to see the new path that has opened up for you to reach your goal!